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Cluster for Scientific Computing

Welcome to the CSC!

This page is kept for documentation purposes!
The following pages will give you an overview over our cluster of several groups in theoretical chemistry and physics as well as in mathematical modelling. The Cluster for Scientific Computing uses mainly a jointly operated Linux-based Opteron beowulf cluster called GOLEM I. It began operation in December 2004 and has been significantly upgraded at the end of 2006 and October 2007. In 2011, Golem has been replaced by a new and of course much more powerful cluster so that it awaits its end of life.
Currently, there are researches from three institutes within Faculty V (Mathematics and Sciences) using the cluster who also have contributed substantially to its purchase. Below are listed their names and affiliations. For further informations, please click on the link leading to their official web pages.

ICBM: Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment
IfP: Institute of Physics
IfC: Institute of Chemistry University press release (3.12.2007)  The name GOLEM is an acronym for "Großrechner OLdenburg für Explizit Multidisziplinäre Forschung" (supercomputer Oldenburg for explicit multidisciplinary research) in its first stage,  hence GOLEM I. It is also a reference to a science fiction novel written by Stanisław Lem about a supercomputer called GOLEM XIV which obtains consciousness and starts to increase its own intelligence too far and eventually looses any ability for intellectual contact with humans. Another reference to jewish mythology is intended where Golem is an animated being created entirely from inanimate matter, just like scientific computing in Oldenburg.

System Overview

This page gives you an idea of what the CSC cluster looked like.  BildBild Pictures of GOLEM 1 taken during the 2007 upgrade in its new location

CSC (02/2009)

Linux cluster GOLEM 1 with currently 374 AMD Opteron CPUs (cores)

Average frequency: 2.2 GHz (x 374 CPUs)
Peak performance: 1.6 TFLOPS (estimated)
Main memory : 872 GB
Disc space: 30.2 TB

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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