
Dr. Matthias Kalverkamp





  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Kalverkamp, "Education of students on Information and communication technologies supporting the green logistics concept" in Proc. Pre-conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Logistics & Sustainable Transport 2013, Celje, Slovenia, 13-15 June 2013, Celje, 2013.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Kalverkamp, "Creating an IoT-Game-Token for a Serious Game in Logistics" in Proc. Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association and the 17th IFIP WG 5.7, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management (ISAGA 2013), 2013.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Kalverkamp, "The Use of Living Labs for Developing IoT Services for the Logistics in Food Supply Chains" in Proc. Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on logistics (ISL 2013), Nottingham, 2013.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Baalsrud Hauge, M. Kalverkamp, F. Bellotti, R. Berta, A. de Gloria, and G. Barabino, "Requirements on learning analytics for facilitated and non facilitated games" in Proc. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014, Piscataway, NJ, 2014.
    doi: 10.1109/EDUCON.2014.6826251
  • [incollection] bibtex
    J. Baalsrud Hauge, M. Kalverkamp, M. Forcolin, H. Westerheim, M. Franke, and K. Thoben, Collaborative Serious Games for Awareness on Shared Resources in Supply Chain ManagementBerlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-44736-9_60
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    C. Durugbo and M. Kalverkamp, "Uncovering requirements using serious games" in Proc. 2012 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), Munich, Germany, 2012.
    doi: 10.1109/ICE.2012.6297674
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    M. Kalverkamp, "Supply For Remanufacturing:~Contradictions Between Theory and Practice" in Proc. The Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2015), 2015.
  • M. Kalverkamp, "A~Game-Based Learning Course for Education on Remanufacturing Supply Chains" JADLeT~Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology, vol. 3, iss. 7.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Increasing the Link between Co-Creation and Exploration Phase in the Living Lab Process by Using Games" in Proc. Workshop-publication / The IFIP WG 5.7 16th Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management, [Borsdorf a.d. Parthe], 2012.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp, J. Baalsrud Hauge, and K. Thoben, "Logistics IoT services development with a sensor toolkit in an experiential training environment" in Proc. Proceedings of the ICE & IEEE-ITMC 2013, 2013.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp and C. Gorldt, "IoT service development via adaptive interfaces: Improving utilization of cyber-physical systems by competence based user interfaces" in Proc. 2014 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2014.
    doi: 10.1109/ICE.2014.6871591
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp and A. Pehlken, "Support for Improved Scrap Tire Re-use and Recycling Decisions" in Proc. 2015 Proceedings of the 7th Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering International Conference, 2015.
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    A. Pehlken and M. Kalverkamp, Kaskadennutzung im Automobil - Realität oder Zukunftsmusik?Neuruppin: TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kosmiensky and TK.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S. Wellsandt, M. Kalverkamp, J. Eschenbacher, and K. Thoben, "Living lab approach to create an Internet of Things service" in Proc. 2012 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), Munich, Germany, 2012.
    doi: 10.1109/ICE.2012.6297634
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp and S. B. Young, "CSR and Digital Copyright: Why Life Cycle Management Should Embrace Stakeholders at the EOL: Poster Presentation" in Proc. CYCLE 2016---the 5th edition of the International Forum on the Life Cycle Management of Products and Services, 2016.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Kalverkamp and S. B. Young, "Why LCM should consider Open-Loop Supply Chains for better resource conservation: Presentation: The Case of Cambio Volante in Chile" in Proc. CYCLE 2016---the 5th edition of the International Forum on the Life Cycle Management of Products and Services, 2016.
  • [incollection] bibtex | Go to document
    M. Kalverkamp, Supplier Relationship Management in a Circular Economy: Core Brokers in Automotive remanufacturingNottingham: Nottingham University Business School.
  • M. Kalverkamp, A. Pehlken, and T. Wuest, "Cascade Use and the Management of Product Lifecycles" Sustainability, vol. 9, iss. 9, p. 1540.
    doi: 10.3390/su9091540
  • M. Kalverkamp and T. Raabe, "Automotive Remanufacturing in the Circular Economy in Europe: Marketing System Challenges" Journal of Macromarketing.
    doi: 10.1177/0276146717739066


Kalverkamp, M. (2015); Marketing the Cycle: Improving Reverse Flows in Open-Loop Supply Chains for Independent Remanufacturing, 1. Summer School "How efficient is electro mobility?", Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, 1-5 June. (Poster available here)

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