
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät III - Sprachenzentrum
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Coordination English courses

Tim Dittmann

General English Courses

The lower level courses offer general support and instruction in the four skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking underpinned by a strong emphasis on grammatical and lexical structures. The higher level courses build upon this foundation and introduce more advanced academic skills necessary for university work and beyond. Complementing these courses is a series of upper level business English classes.

For individual consultation please contact the English Coordinator who can advise you on which course is most appropriate.

Basic Module 1+2 (pb101 + pb102)

This general pre intermediate language course employs stimulating topics to engage interest and provide motivation for learning. It uses a broadly communicative methodology and a text and task-based approach including comprehensive work on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and integrated skills, where strong emphasis is placed on reading, writing and study skills as well as speaking and listening.

The winter course will include:

  • Grammar practice – review of basic tenses, relative pronouns, comparative 6 superlative, predictions
  • Vocabulary associated with natural world, people, media, health, society and family.
  • Study & writing skills – paragraph, description, summary, critical thinking
  • Discussion techniques – agreeing and disagreeing, justifying, expressing choice, suggestions

The summer course will include:

  • Grammar practice verb patterns, used to, question tags, conditionals
  • Vocabulary associated with science, work and industry, global affairs, environment, sport
  • Study & writing skills – research, writing a paragraph, critical thinking, summary
  • Discussion techniques – developing an argument, discussing preferences, collaborating

The course is conducted exclusively in English and therefore a competence level of at least B2 is a requirement. This is a 6 Credit Point course.

Assessment is in the form of a Portfolio: There are four pieces of assessed work required, each worth 25%.

  1. Exam based essay (45 minutes) linked to a required reading book
  2. Listening exam (45 minutes)
  3. Use of English exam based on vocabulary and grammar in course book (45 minutes)
  4. Individual presentation in class on theme related to the course book (10 minutes)

The required course book for both winter and semester break courses is:

  1. New Language Leader-Pre Intermediate by I.Lebeau, G.Rees. Publisher: Pearson
    ISBN: 9781447961529


  1. Winter semester: Stories of Survival by F.Beddall
    ISBN: 9781408221068
  2. Summer semester: Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by A. Conan-Doyle
    ISBN: 97881405862424

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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