
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät III - Sprachenzentrum
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Coordination English courses

Tim Dittmann

Success at Work

Success at Work

The Success at Work module is composed of 2 work-related modules (Application Skills and Communication Skills). It is necessary to complete both of these courses and together they are worth 6 Credit Points.

Success at Work: 5. Application Skills                                                                              

Success at Work: 5. Communication Skills  

Success at Work: Application Skills

The ability to write an application for a course or job is becoming an important skill in the international world of work. This course will equip you with the basics of the application process and will highlight the key differences between Germany and English speaking countries. It is a very practical course and all participants are expected to fully involve themselves with the work expectations. Peer review and feedback is necessary along with a willingness to take part in the filming of trial interviews.

The course will include:

- Where and how to find job advertisements

- How to write a CV(resumé), language and structure of letter of motivation

- Preparation for an interview – as interviewee

- Preparation for an interview – as interviewer

- Feedback techniques and writing

The course is conducted exclusively in English and therefore a competence level of at least Level 4 is a requirement. This is half of a 6 Credit Point course.

Assessment is in the form of a Portfolio: There are two pieces of assessed work required.

i) Applying for a job, conducting an interview (interviewee/interviewer) - 70%

ii) Reflective essay - 30%

Course material will be provided.

Success at Work: Communication Skills

Success in the business world relies on every facet of communication. The ability to write succinct and pertinent written communications; to be able to negotiate and discuss; to listen and respond and to present to an audience are some of the key components of this course.

This multifaceted course will include:

- Written communications – E-Mails, faxes, letters, memos

- Telephoning techniques and tips

- Networking and social communication

- Cultural differences and expectations

- Presenting – structure, delivery, body language, visual material, responding, analysis

The course is conducted exclusively in English and therefore a competence level of at least Level 4 is a requirement. This is half of a 6 Credit Point course.

Assessment is in the form of a Portfolio: There are two pieces of assessed work required.

i) Business presentation - 70%

ii) Reflective essay - 30%

Course material will be provided.

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