What is Erasmus?
The ERASMUS programme (ERASMUS: European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) of the European Union serves the exchange of students and teachers between European universities. The exchange programme requires a bilateral agreement with the partner university. The programme enables students to spend three to twelve months abroad. More detailed information can be found on the website of the International Office (IO).
Students from all subject areas who have completed at least the first year of a Bachelor's degree programme at the start of the semester abroad can apply. You can find more information about the application process on the Erasmus+ application process page of the International
Application documents, deadline and selection criteria
You will need the following documents for your application:
- A printout of the official ERASMUS online application to start the application process
- A current curriculum vitae
- High school diploma (possibly with informal information about language skills)
- Certificate of grades (Bachelor, Master, if available, electronic)
- A letter of motivation (in bullet points, maximum 1 page) addressing the following points, among others: Why are you interested in studying abroad? Indicate which phase of your studies you are currently in and how your planned stay abroad fits in with your current studies. Please also state what language skills you have. What particularly motivates you about the planned study location?
Submit these documents (preferably digitally as a pdf) to the ERASMUS representative of the Institute of Mathematics (Prof Dr Andreas Stein) by the following deadlines at the latest:
- Round: 16.12.2024, you will receive notification of the success of your application by 12.01.2024.
- Round: 31.01.2025, you will receive notification of the success of your application by 12.02.2024.
- Round: 28.04.2024 (remaining places for SoSe 2026), you will be notified by 19.05.2025.
The remaining places for the summer semester 2026 can still be applied for until 28 April 2025 and you will be notified of the success of your application by 19 May 2025.
Erasmus+ exchange places will be allocated after all applications received have been reviewed. The most important selection criteria are the subject-specific fit, your grades, your motivation and the required language skills.
Erasmus partner universities Mathematics
- University of Salamanca, Spain:
2 BA places for one semester per academic year, STA (Teaching Staff Mobility) additionally agreed; B1 level Spanish required
- Kingston University, London, United Kingdom:
1 BA place agreed for one semester per academic year; B1 level English required.
- Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands:
2 BA/MA places for one semester per academic year, STA additionally agreed; For Bachelor Science students we require a B2 level of English, for Master students a C1 level.
- Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal:
2 BA places for up to two semesters (but one semester is also possible) per academic year, STA additionally agreed; B1 knowledge of Portuguese required.
- Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey:
2 BA/MA places for one semester (or 1 place for two semesters) per academic year; STA additionally agreed; B2 knowledge of English required.
- Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, Italy:
2 MA/PHD places for one semester each per academic year; STA additionally agreed; B2 English proficiency required.
- Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Växjö, Sweden:
2 BA/MA places for one semester per academic year; STA additionally agreed; B2 knowledge of English required.