Computational Theoretical Physics

Computational Theoretical Physics

Welcome ! physics-computer-science-biology We are an interdisciplinary research group working on the interface of physics, computer science and molecular biology. We working at the cutting edge of computer simulations and our main area of expertise are sophisticated optimization algorithms applied in statistical physics. We work on spin glasses, random-field systems, the vertex-cover problem, the satisfiability problem, percolation problems, RNA secondary structures,  sequence alignment and large-deviation properties. An introduction to our work can be found in this recent talk
We are using the GOLEM cluster of the Faculty of Science of the University of Oldenburg (internal link). Bachlor and Master theses are always available, e.g., two-dimensional spin glasss on triangulated graphs (in cooperation with Prof. A. Peter Young, University of California Santa Cruz, USA) Events calendar: 


(26.03.24) Spin glass game can be ordered in the online shop of the University of Oldenburg

(6.10.2022) Paper Ordering behavior of two-dimensional Ising spin glass with lon range correlated order vby L. Münster, C. Norrenbrock, A.H. Hartmann and A.P. Young selected in Physical Review E Spotlist on Advances in the theory of spin glasses

(18.12.2019) PhD defense of Christoph Norrenbrock about "complex netzworks: stability and percolation"

(19.3.2019) PhD defense of Hendrik Schawe about "Large deviations of convex hulls of random walks and other stochastic Models"

(3.9.2018) Start of our summer school "Modern Computational Science 2018" in Oldenburg

(4.4.2018) Educational video about our work on network resilience, by Lukas Bohlken, Nils Rodenfeld und Birger Schütte.

(16.2.2018) PhD defense of Pascal Fieth about "Selected statistical mechanics approaches in sequence alignment, gene regulatory networks and mouse brain histology"

(31.7.2017) PhD defense of Markus Manssen about "Simulation of Spin Systems using GPUs and transformation algorithms"

(9.12.2016) PhD defense of Timo Dewenter about "Energy grids"

Strategic Board game "Spinglas oder Meine Party!" created by Alexander K. Hartmann, available via this page or locally at the P&S shop of the University Library.

Data base for summaries of scientific papers ("compression" ~ 1/10):

Latest book:

A.K. Hartmann, Big Practical Guide to Computer Simulations, (World-Scientific, 2015)

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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