
If you have any questions about the project or its services, please contact:

Website of the overall project

Tools for (digital) teaching

Here you will find a collection of digital tools that can be helpful in the creation of teaching materials or for collaborative work, as well as tools for networking and communication. Most of these are Souver@ne tips, i.e. tools that employees of the SOUVER@N joint project believe are particularly suitable for use in digitally supported teaching, digital collaboration and generally making everyday working life easier. 

Networking - opportunities to exchange ideas with like-minded people

Open Space Niedersachsen - Space for exchange

The digital ‘Open Space Niedersachsen’ is a free, low-threshold, monthly online format aimed at service staff at all universities in Lower Saxony. It offers the opportunity to network with employees from other universities and to discuss topics, experiences and ideas of interest to this target group. You are welcome to join us and take the opportunity to exchange ideas and network!

Dates in the 2nd half of 2024:

Every second Monday of the month from 2p.m. -3:15 p.m.:

  • 8.07.24: ‘Innovative teaching design with software from the Academic Cloud?’
    Sebastian Utermann, Dennis Riether (Co3Learn) and Ralüh Krimmel (GWDG)
  • 12.08.24: ‘How can we reach teachers and get them excited about digital teaching?’
    Sarah Blenk (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences)
  • 09.09.24: ‘OER - what is it, how does it work?’
    Aleksandra Bartkowiak (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover) and Susanne Schorer (UOL)
  • 14.10.24: ‘Checklist for the transfer of project results’
    Susanne Ziehten (University of Hildesheim)
  • 11.11.24: ‘How do I prompt correctly? Theory, evidence and practice’
    Lucas Jacobsen (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
  • 09.12.24: ‘Shaping the future of teaching and report on the student survey on the topic of future skills’
    Vera Gehrs (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences)

Contact and registration information:
Are you a service employee in Lower Saxony and would like to take part in the Open Space format and/or be added to the mailing list? Then contact the SOUVER@N team ‘Networked Cooperation’ with the subject ‘Open Space Lower Saxony’ at

HumHub - Social network in the Academic Cloud

Intended use and description
HumHub is software for a social network that is available in the Academic Cloud. It enables low-threshold cross-university exchange, goal-oriented networking, targeted collaborative cooperation and supports community building. In addition to classic functions such as likes and comments, modules such as calendars and tasks enable the optimisation of collaboration. A wide range of services are already available, e.g. for university didactics and AI in teaching. HumHub currently runs in the browser. A mobile app is being developed and is available in the beta module for Android.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Use HumHub to share your own offers, to network and exchange ideas with other experts, to learn from others or to advance common concerns in a group - become part of the university community in Lower Saxony.

Advantage for users
HumHub is an open source software that is available via the Academic Cloud. It enables data protection-compliant exchange and efficiently supports cross-university communication and networking.

How To
HumHub is provided by the Academic Cloud. You can log in using your UOL access data. Once logged in, you can use HumHub directly as a browser application and use the ‘Spaces’ tab to select the subject areas about which you would like to be kept up to date.

Communication and feedback with students

A selection of digital tools that can be used for communication and interaction, e.g. as part of a lecture.

LimeSurvey - An online survey tool

Purpose and description
LimeSurvey is an online application with which surveys can be created, managed and analysed quickly and easily. Both the free open source version and the paid extensions have numerous features that guide even inexperienced users through the user menu almost intuitively.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Recycling also works with LimeSurvey: Saved survey structures can be copied, supplemented and/or edited and reused if necessary - this eliminates the need to redesign questionnaires for recurring surveys.

Advantages for users
Customisable templates for different question formats, clear management of participants, simple data export options and the option of automatic analysis and graphical presentation of results simplify all the steps involved in conducting surveys and save time. Another practical feature is the automatically generated links and QR codes for each survey created, which, when sent to participants, offer them convenient, low-barrier access and thus potentially contribute to higher participation rates.

How To
You will receive the necessary access data for using the central LimeSurvey installation of the University of Oldenburg from the IT services. Please write to via your university e-mail address and briefly explain the purpose of the planned survey.

Particify - knowledge query and live feedback

Purpose and description
Particify is a free, browser-based open source audience response system (ARS) that is suitable for both knowledge enquiry and live feedback during online or face-to-face courses.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Particify is made available via the Academic Cloud, but is also free of charge independently of this and rooms can be created via a guest account without the need to register. There is no limit to the number of participants. Rooms with different functions can be created in advance and easily visited and edited by participants during the course using a (mobile) device and room code.

Benefits for teachers and students
Particify offers a wide range of functions with intuitive usability: Via ‘Live Q&A’, participants can ask questions that other participants can evaluate live. The ‘Live Feedback’ feature enables quick, uncomplicated polling of the mood. Quizzes & Surveys’ can be used to create series of questions with various question types. The presentation mode enables the results to be presented directly in the browser. Questions can be prepared and reused.

How To
Particify was provided by the Academic Cloud. Registration takes place using the UOL access data. Once the terms of use have been accepted, you can create your own rooms and use them immediately. Update Oct. 2024: Particify is currently no longer available via the Academic Cloud, so you must first register with Particify yourself. A verification code will be emailed to you during the process, which is required for the first login. Rooms (with surveys) can then be created directly.  

A very nice and practical guide to Particify is available from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg teaching service - duration approx. 8 min: 

Licensed under:

In the following YouTube video, Daniel Gerhardt (co-founder of the startup ‘Particify’) explains the possibilities of Particify as part of the University:Future Festival 2021: - A messenger for group communication

Purpose and description
Rocket.Chat is a web-based messenger service that is used for group communication as well as individual communication and provides the option of exchanging files, images and videos. The intuitive user interface makes it very easy to get started with Rocket.Chat. Services such as GitLab and API can also be integrated into Rocket.Chat. Privacy protection is guaranteed in both public and private channels and data transmission is secure thanks to end-to-end encryption.

How To
Until March 2025, Rocket.Chat is available (to try out) via the Academic Cloud. You can log in there with your UOL access data. After logging in, the messenger can be used directly in the browser and channels can be created/joined from the start page.

From around April, can then be used as a free starter version at, for example:

BBB (BigBlueButton) - Web conferencing system

Click here to go to BigBlueButton

Souver@ner tip

Purpose and description
BigBlueButton (BBB) is an open source web conferencing system that can be used on various end devices with internet access. It is suitable for seminars and lectures in online and hybrid mode. It is also a practical solution for employees who work on the move and want to take part in meetings flexibly.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Familiarise yourself with BBB before your event/meeting. Have a webcam and microphone ready - other technology may also be required (e.g. for hybrid settings). Also familiarise yourself with the functions of BBB and identify the possibilities that BBB offers you (create breakout rooms, participants can set statuses, multi-user mode for more interactivity, ...).

Benefits for teachers
BBB enables events to be held in different locations (online and hybrid), which leads to more flexibility. Sessions can also be optionally recorded. However, this is not limited to the event time - consultation hours can also be organised more independently in this way.

Benefits for students
With BBB, students can join courses regardless of time and place. The recording option can also help students prepare for exams.

How to

Instruction manual for BigBlueButton

Material production

A selection of digital tools for creating material, from editing a lecture video with Shotcut to collaboratively creating a presentation with CryptPad.

Data protection compliance checklist

Do you have a tool that you would like to check for data protection compliance? The checklist created by Dr Janine Horn for the SOUVER@N project will help you:

 Checklist of data protection-compliant tools for teaching

With this checklist, we provide teachers and other employees involved in digitally supported teaching with an overview of responsibilities and legal requirements that must be observed when using digital tools.

It should be noted that this checklist cannot replace advice on data protection law, but is merely intended to provide support in the selection of data protection-compliant tools. In principle, internal university requirements must be taken into account.

We would like to ask you for feedback on the checklist below so that we can adapt the information accordingly if necessary. Your answers will of course be processed anonymously:

Checklist last updated March 2024.

Diagrams - Diagrams, mind maps and more

Purpose and description is an easy-to-use tool for diagrams of all kinds (e.g. mind maps, concept maps, flowcharts). It is ideal for visualising and structuring complex relationships. A wide range of templates offers ideal starting conditions.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
No registration is required for the free open source tool. It can be used in the browser or installed locally. can be integrated into NextCloud and GitLab, among others.

Advantages for users can be used in preparation for projects and teaching as well as during them. If the tool is used in the browser, the diagrams can also be developed collaboratively.

How To
Once you have followed the link to the application, you can start creating your diagram straight away. You do not need to register or download the tool to use it.

OBS Studio - Create videos

Purpose and description
OBS Studio is an open source software that was developed for live streaming video games and can also record screen content. Recording scenarios can be defined using ‘Sources’ and ‘Scenes’, which can then be easily activated and recorded/transmitted.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
The initial setup of OBS Studio is somewhat more complex and requires familiarisation time. However, once the settings for a specific configuration have been defined, you can stream or create a video recording at the touch of a button. Helpful explanatory videos can be found on the Internet, even if they do not refer to the latest version.

Advantages for users
OBS Studio can be customised precisely to the existing hardware. The many setting options make it possible to create recordings of very good quality. A wide variety of settings (so-called ‘scenes’) can be created and activated as required. If required, these raw recordings can be edited with a separate editing programme (such as Shotcut).

How to
Firstly, the software must be installed on your own workstation. The website offers the corresponding downloads for this. Once installed, a number of settings must be made and the specific hardware integrated. If you are not a video professional yourself, you will need support! YouTube videos or experienced users can help. If in doubt, please contact with your questions. 

Shotcut - a video editor

Purpose and description
Shotcut is a video editor that can be used to merge, cut and edit existing video sequences. Editing can be carried out in various video and audio tracks and a selection of filters is available for editing.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Shotcut is easy to learn and delivers good results even for beginners. It is helpful to have a large monitor so that all controls and video/sound tracks are visible at a glance. There are numerous explanatory videos on the internet to help you get started.

Advantages for users
The free open-source programme is quick to install and use, it is relatively easy to use and good results can be achieved even without any significant prior knowledge of video editing.

How To
The first step is to install the programme on your computer - the files for this can be found on the website mentioned above. Videos are listed there under the menu item ‘Tutorials’ to help you get started. 
Once installed, you can start editing video and audio files straight away. 

Tip: save all the files you want to work with in a directory in advance and also save the shotcut file there. You can still move the files later, but then you will have to manually reassign them, which can lead to problems under certain circumstances. 
Once you have finished editing, you can export your product in a suitable format; a large selection of common file formats is offered. 

Collarboard - online whiteboard for digital collaboration

Intended use and description
Collaboard is an online whiteboard that enables digital collaboration. The advantage is that the board is ‘infinite’ - i.e. users can create their content in different areas of the board without space problems (e.g. sorted according to the respective seminar sessions), so that in the end everything relevant can be found in one place.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Try for yourself: You can use the collaboard to conduct brainstorming sessions or create mind maps and diagrams, for example. The collaboard allows you to work creatively, but can also be used for recording or structuring. A tip: If you have created content in different areas, you can provide them with quick links so that your students can quickly find the relevant area.

Benefits for teachers
The Collaboard is a whiteboard tool that can be accessed via the Academic Cloud, for example. However, it can also be self-hosted. Overall, this enables low-threshold access, which makes it easier to use in teaching.

Benefits for students
The board created for the course ensures that all relevant information and work can be found in one place, which in turn can be very useful for exam preparation. Students can also create their own boards and structure their learning materials in this way.

How To
Collaboard is provided by the Academic Cloud. You can log in using your UOL access data. After choosing a user name and confirming the Collaboard terms of use, you will be redirected to the main menu and can create a new whiteboard directly.

CryptPad - Open Source Collaboration Tool

Purpose and description
CryptPad is an open source collaboration tool from France. It enables collaborative work on various file formats - regardless of time and place. Various formats are offered: Table, Rich Text, Kanban, Code, Form, Diagram and Markdown slides. 

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Although the CryptPad is a seemingly rudimentary tool, this can be the strength of its ease of use: For example, the Rich Text format can be used for collaborative text editing or for logging. The advantage is that text passages can be commented on and developed further if necessary. Anchors can also be set, which makes it easier to find. There is also a chat in which messages can be saved permanently. 

Benefits for users
The CryptPad can be accessed via the web address and used directly as a guest without logging in. There are also two registration options, which come with more functions - e.g. files can be uploaded and shared there. No personal data is required for two options, while the third requires an email address to be entered and money to be paid - the options can be selected according to individual preferences. Another decisive advantage (e.g. for use with students) is that the data is encrypted throughout and stored in France.

How To
After following the link to Cryptpad, you can create your first document directly as a guest and choose from a range of formats, but all you need to create an account is a username and password. You can share the documents you have created for joint editing using a link that you can call up in the document view via the ‘Share’ button.

Actionbound - learning units taught in a playful way

Intended use and description
Actionbound is a media education application for creating and playing digital learning journeys in the form of interactive mobile phone rallies (so-called Bounds). Learning content is conveyed in a playful way using gamification. Actionbound is GDPR-compliant and offers a variety of content elements such as quizzes, tasks, finding locations, surveys, tournaments and much more.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Actionbound is intuitive and low-threshold to use. Students can play Bounds with their own smartphone and - if an EDU licence is available - can also be invited to work on Bounds via instant accounts.

Benefits for teachers

The use of Actionbound in courses can promote students' attention, creativity, media and social skills as well as independent work and motivation to learn.

Benefits for students
Actionbound promotes sustainable learning through better storage of information in the long-term memory and represents an attractive, interactive learning opportunity overall.

How To
Actionbound is provided by the Academic Cloud. You can log in using your UOL access data. After choosing a user name and confirming the terms of use of Actionbound, you will be redirected to the main menu and you can create a new Bound directly.


Courseware - Virtual learning environment within Stud.IP.

Intended use and description
Courseware is a virtual learning environment within the Stud.IP learning management system. With Courseware it is possible to create and organise interactive and multimedia learning units within Stud.IP courses. Learning content can consist of texts, images, audio content, video sequences and quizzes. Courseware is linked to various additional Stud.IP functions (e.g. forum or Vips), making it possible, for example, to integrate communication elements or assessable tasks.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Even if the creation of courseware units requires a little familiarisation time, it is possible to create interactive learning content relatively quickly. Not only teachers, but also students can use courseware if they are given ‘writing rights’ by the teacher. For example, student teachers can create virtual learning units themselves and develop their digital skills in the process.

Benefits for teachers and students
Courseware content can be offered as self-study units during the semester and thus accompany classroom teaching. Courseware can also be used as an organisational tool and help to support teaching and learning. Learning modules in courseware can not only support classroom teaching, but also enable the implementation of blended learning and collaborative learning. This means that learning is possible regardless of time and place. Students can learn at their own individual pace. Communication between students can also be strengthened during online phases.

How To
You can access the courseware for your course by calling up the desired course in Stud.IP. If the ‘Courseware’ tab is not yet displayed in your menu bar within the course, you must activate it in advance via the ‘Administration’ tab. 

You can get help with courseware from the university didactics department, for example. For a first impression, you can take a look here:  Presentation slides for the lunchtime meeting „Lehre gestalten mit Courseware (May 7th 2024) 

Academic Cloud - Secure cloud service

Intended use and description
The Academic Cloud is a non-commercial provider of secure and tried-and-tested services for all universities in Lower Saxony. Students and employees of universities in Lower Saxony have automatic and free access to the Academic Cloud. 

Tip/recommendation for implementation 
Login is via an AcademicID and Shibboleth via the university ID. Everything is handled in accordance with German and European data protection and data security guidelines. 

Benefits for lecturers and students
Among other things, the Academic Cloud offers a free, secure sync and share service, which can be used to share individual files or entire folders with other people and work on them collaboratively. It also provides a chat platform, a social network, a Mastodon instance, a video conferencing system, a digital whiteboard and survey and feedback tools. Networking, collaborative work and learning can thus take place in a low-threshold and bundled manner via the Academic Cloud.

How To
To register, select the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg or another academic institution to which you belong and use your usual login. You are then logged in and have access to the various applications offered by the Academic Cloud under the Services tab.

Improve teaching

The tools and materials in this area serve to optimise teaching practice.

Chat AI - the chatbot of the Academic Cloud

Intended use and description
Since February 2024, the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung (GWDG) has been offering Chat AI, a ChatGPT-like chatbot based on the Large Language Model Neural Chat from Intel, via the Academic Cloud. This means that commercial providers who store user data no longer have to be used to utilise voice AIs - the data entered into Chat AI is processed exclusively on the GWDG servers, where the service is operated. Various Large Language Models (LLM) are made available here and can be selected directly via the online user interface. Some of the models are processed locally at the GWDG. However, requests made to the chatbots based on OpenAI's ChatGPT are forwarded to OpenAI, so that data protection must be taken into account when formulating the prompts. 

Tip/recommendation for implementation
The simple option of selecting different language models for the same enquiry using the ‘Model’ option means that the answers from the models can be quickly compared with just a few clicks. Users can also quickly gain experience as to which model is particularly suitable for which type of enquiry. This makes it easy to get a good quality answer and also work on your own AI literacy! Because beware: AI systems can also ‘hallucinate’ and generate incorrect answers due to their probability-based processes, so their answers should never be blindly trusted. 

Advantages for users
Registration for Chat AI takes place via the existing Academic Cloud account, so no separate registration is necessary. As already mentioned, apart from the timestamp and the number of requests per user, no data is recorded and the requests themselves remain private, at least for some services(!). This is a huge advantage over commercial providers, as it means that it can also be used in your own teaching without any restrictions in terms of student data protection. In addition, the online interface is intuitively designed and clearly organised. However, due to the rapid changes, you should always check in advance whether/how the conditions have changed.

How To
Registration takes place via the Academic Cloud via ‘federated registration’ after selecting the university with the access data of the UOL. After logging in, Chat AI can be used immediately.

Please note that,
depending on the model selected, data from the prompt may be forwarded to third parties. Therefore, please always check whether the prompt may really be formulated in this way (keyword sensitive data/data protection/copyright).

Reflection portfolio ‘Future-oriented teaching - reflecting, shaping, inspiring’

Click here for the interactive PDF

Intended use and description
The reflection portfolio, which was developed by the community for the community, is a tool for teachers and support staff and supports the continuous optimisation of teaching practice. With the help of the portfolio, you can systematically reflect on your teaching methods, document progress, identify specific needs for further development and promote dialogue with colleagues and students.
The aim of the portfolio is to reflect on your own teaching. It encourages the documentation of developments and successes and the exchange of ideas with colleagues and students. It also provides support in identifying further training needs.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
‘The reflection portfolio is anchored in the foundation of a well thought-out teaching competence framework, which is divided into five essential areas: attitude, basis, knowledge and application in relation to teaching and learning, interaction and future skills. Each of these areas is enhanced by in-depth explanations and targeted reflection questions that invite you to engage in your own exploration and investigation of your teaching-related practices. This provides an interface that you can build on to scrutinise and develop your own personal and professional context’ (quote from the paper, p. 9).

Advantages for users
The reflection portfolio offers all teachers an opportunity to take their teaching to a new level in a self-determined and
individually to a new level. It is a tool for systematically analysing teaching experiences, exchanging ideas with other teachers and learning continuously. Use it to make your teaching more effective, lively and relevant and
to achieve more enjoyment and satisfaction with your own teaching’ (quote from the paper, p. 7).

Coming Soon!

Gitlab template for co-operative, cross-university needs assessment and tool development

A Souver@n Tipp

Announcement: A Gitlab template will be made available here in future, which will be used for the cross-university optimisation and new development of tools. With the help of the GitLab template, requirements and needs can be coordinated between the service facilities of other universities and submitted for development. As requirements and needs are often similar at different locations and are also time-consuming to record and concretise, we see great potential here to use human and financial resources more efficiently.

Element - a messenger alternative to WhatsApp & Co

Intended use and description
Element is a modern chat application that offers secure, fast and simple communication in structured chat rooms across server boundaries. It has integrated video conferencing functions, emoji reactions, discussion threads and voting. Element is available on mobile devices, as a desktop programme and in the browser. It helps to organise team communication more clearly.

Tip/recommendation for implementation
Experiment with the functions of Element! Use emoji reactions for quick opinion polls, store frequently used links and data in the room description or use certain rooms as a channel for announcements.

Advantage for users
Element is free software and uses the free ‘Matrix’ protocol. This makes it possible to connect your local server with others (‘federation’) and to choose freely from various Matrix clients, which makes Element a particularly recommendable client. You have the flexibility to switch between different clients depending on your needs.

WhatsApp & Co are to be avoided due to data protection concerns and the university's Mattermost channel is to be switched off in the near future (planned for September). From then on, Element can offer a very good and functional alternative.

As soon as there is access for the UOL, it will be linked here (status: 2.08.24). 

This list can be extended!

Please let us know which other tool you would like us to add to this page by sending an e-mail to: (contact: Susanne Schorer).

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