
Admission of international students (Admissions office)

Advisor for international students (International Office)

Katja Kaboth-Larsen

Office hours

Availability by phone
Mondays: 9 -12 a.m. and 14-15.30 p.m. 
Thursdays: 14 p.m.-15.30 p.m.

Online office hours
Tuesdays: 9.30 a.m.–10.30 a.m. in our virtual meeting room (BigBlueButton)

For enrolled students we offer a community forum in Stud.IP (IO.003 International Students)

Subject-specific preparation

International students have the opportunity to attend the following courses in preparation for their specialised studies:

Interdisciplinary offers

Online Bridge Course Mathematics (OMB+)

II. School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law

Department of Computer Science

Pre-course Math/ Unix

III. School of Linguistics and Cultural Studies

pb331 - Key competences in language and cultural studies and their professional fields.

Please contact the relevant lecturer first. Participation only possible with remaining places.


IV. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Institute of Sport Science

VI. School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Contacts in the departments

General questions regarding application, enrolment and admission should be addressed to the International Office or the Admissions Office.

Subject Advisory Service

For subject-specific questions, i.e. questions about planning the course of studies, the content of studies, the choice of modules, planning the course of studies in part-time studies as well as the thematic orientation before the final thesis, please contact the subject-specific student advisory service.

Student advisory service

Student representatives: Contact with students

Student representatives are students of a department. Many student representatives offer help and support especially for first-year students. In addition, many student representatives organise parties and trips for first-year students.

Student representatives

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