


IdeaJams are events for developing business ideas. We have developed two formats for this: The IdeaJam [Idea Sofa] is a regular, open event at which people interested in start-ups and ideas can give free rein to their creativity and develop impulses for new business ideas in a convivial atmosphere. The IdeaJam [ExpertLounge] takes place approximately once a year and is dedicated to the development of concrete business ideas for selected topics and/or industry focuses.

The first IdeaJam [ExpertLounge] took place in cooperation with the NWZ on 11-12 May and 01 June 2012. On the first weekend, those interested in founding a company had the opportunity to develop business ideas in the field of online business and to discuss them with experts at the Technology and Start-up Centre Oldenburg. The ideas were developed in teams until 01 June. The finalists could then present their business models to an expert jury at PKF ARBICON in Oldenburg.

Webmaster: Carolin Timm (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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