Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sergej Fatikow

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sergej Fatikow

University of Oldenburg
Department of Computing Science - AMiR
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany


+49 (0)441 798-4291

+49 (0)441 798-3141

Thursday, 02:00-03:00 p.m. and by arrangement

Sergej Fatikow studied electrical engineering and computer science at the Ufa Aviation Technical University in Russia, where he received his doctoral degree in 1988 with work on fuzzy control of complex nonlinear systems. During his work in Russia he published over 30 papers and received over 50 patents. In 1990 he moved to University of Karlsruhe in Germany, where he initiated the new research field of microrobotics. He became an assistant professor in 1996 and received his habilitation at University of Karlsruhe in 1999. In 2000 he accepted a professor position at the University of Kassel, Germany. A year later, he established a new Division for Microrobotics and Control Engineering (AMiR) at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Since 2001 he is a full professor in the Department of Computing Science and Head of AMiR. His research interests include micro/nanorobotics, industrial robotics and automation at nanoscale, nanohandling inside SEM, AFM-based nanohandling, sensor feedback at nanoscale, and robot control.

Professional activities

  • Three books on MST, microrobotics and microassembly, robot-based nanohandling, and automation at nanoscale; about 150 book chapters and journal papers and about 300 conference papers.
  • Founding Chair of Int. Conf. on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS, 2016−), Founding Chair of Int. Conf. on Manipulation, Manufacturing & Measurement at Nanoscale (3M-NANO, 2011−), Chair of IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Micro/Nano Robotics and Automation (2012−), Elected fellow of the Int. Society for Nanomanufacturing (2011−).
  • Editorial Board of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2015−), Int. J. of Adv. Robotic Systems (2015−), IEEE-ASME Trans. on Mechatronics (2010−), Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering (Springer, 2013−), J. of Micro-Bio Robotics (Springer, 2012−), IEEE Trans. on Automation Science & Engineering (2011−), Int. J. of Intelligent Mechatronics & Robotics (ICI-Global, 2010−), Int. J. of Optomechatronics (Taylor & Francis, 2009−).
  • Acquisition and coordination of numerous projects. The research fund since 2001 is over 15 million Euro.
  • Best Paper awards at 2014 IEEE-NEMS, 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Mechatr. & Automation, 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010 IEEE ECTI-CON, 2006 SPIE Optics East, 2005 Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics & Auton. Systems. Koh Young Best Paper award 2007 of Int. J. of Optomechatronics (Taylor & Francis). Various award nominations. Plenary speaker at many int. conferences.
  • Advisory Board member of Robotics Engineering Dept., DGIST, South Korea; Distinguished visiting fellow of Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie (Sorbonne), France, Distinguished visiting fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. Visiting fellow / Invited lecturer at numerous universities.
  • Reviewer/Evaluator for the EU, the German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), American National Science Foundation(NSF), National Research Foundation of Korea, French National Research Agency (ANR), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec, Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Academy of Finland, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), IEEE Robotic and Automation Society, Humboldt Foundation….
  • Member of a professor search committee at several international universities.
  • Member of IEEE (1998−), German Academia Association (DHV, 1996−). 
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