

In the area of teaching, we participate in the following degree programmes of School V - School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Oldenburg:

Research work as part of the medical degree programme

A longitudinal research curriculum (LFC) is anchored in the model degree programme in Human Medicine, which accompanies students throughout the various phases of their studies. The aim is to guide students in scientific thinking, to teach them techniques of scientific work, to give them insights into active research activities and to inspire them for research.

For the LFC Year 5 research work, we offer various projects that students can work on independently, but closely supervised, within 16 weeks. These projects focus on current topics related to our ongoing research projects. The questions range from literature research and data analyses to the examination of patient samples and experimental work with cell and tissue cultures.

Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral theses

We also offer projects for medical and life science students to complete a doctoral thesis in the field of experimental cardiac surgery.

Bachelor's and Master's theses can also be completed here. Here, too, the focus is on laboratory experiments with cell and tissue cultures.

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