
Aaron Reer

Applied Neurocognitive Psychology

W30 1-114 (» Adress and map)

Aaron Reer (M.Sc.)


My project is funded by a DFG device center grant for open and reproducible neuroscience. The main focus of my position is to standardize the data acquisition across labs for data that are acquired using the two main devices of our neuroimaging unit (MRI and MEG). Additionally, we aim to develop tools/software that helps researchers to produce science more open, transparent and importantly in a standardized manner. While analysis workflows should be standardized at every step of the research data lifecycle, we are rather focussed on early stages of processing, e.g. standardization of data acquisition or the development of a tool for quality assessments of MEG data. For more information about ongoing projects, see the TORS website.


Journal Papers:

Reer, A., Wiebe, A., Wang, X., & Rieger, J. W. (2023). FAIR human neuroscientific data sharing to advance AI driven research and applications: Legal frameworks and missing metadata standards. Frontiers in Genetics, 14.

Conference Abstracts:

Reer, A., Gapotsneva, E., MEEGqc - a quality control workflow for MEEG data, neuroinformatics assembly, 2022,

Reer, A., Gapotsneva, E., Rieger, J.W., MEGqc - an automated and standardized quality control workflow for MEG BIDS data, INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly, 2023,

Reer, A., Gapotsneva, E., Rieger, J.W., MEGqc - an automated and standardized quality control workflow for MEG BIDS data, MEG UKI conference 2023, (Poster 2.21)

Reer, A., Gapotsneva, E., Rieger, J.W., MEGqc - a Tool for automated and standardized Quality Control of MEG data, OHBM anual meeting 2023,


Niso, G., Botvinik-Nezer, R., Reer, A., Rieger, J.W., Open and reproducible neuroimaging: from study inception to publication, Half-day educational course at the OHBM anual meeting 2023,


Data Scientist in Applied NeuroCognitive Psychology Lab, 10.2021-now

M.Sc. Cognitive and Integrative Systems Neuroscience, Philipps University Marburg, 10.2018-08.2021, Thesis title: A neural mechanism for the analysis of faces by means of action units: a conceptual replication study

B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück 10.2014-07.2018, Thesis title: Collective Benefits in a collaboratively executed Multiple-Object-Tracking Task

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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