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hashtagCSRD and the conflict between hashtagassurance and pragmatic hashtagimplementation approaches for sustainability hashtagreporting
Finja Hoang, Sustainability Manager at the Zech Group, gives a guest in our Accounting for Sustainability course.
New course offering starting this winter term: “Accounting for Sustainability” for students in the Bachelor and Master programs.
“Social Media Analysts, Managerial Learning, and Corporate Innovation” at the renowned Analyst Research Conference at Bayes Business School.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Sextroh presents recent working paper “Social Media Analysts, Managerial Learning, and Corporate Innovation”.
A new study by Prof. Dr. Christoph Sextroh has just been published in the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting.
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Christoph Sextroh as the new holder of the Chair of Accounting and Corporate Governance as of February 1, 2024!
Gain practical experience with real business problems without fear of consequences: The business simulation "Mastering Business Operations" will be…