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Carl von Ossietzky University
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Acoustics Group
26111 Oldenburg


Carl von Ossietzky University
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Acoustics Group
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

Applied Psychoacoustics and Sound Quality

Applied Psychoacoustics and Sound Quality

In the area of applied psychoacoustics we see human perception as an integral part of acoustical design problems. We conduct psychoacoustic experiments that allow us to decode the perceivable information incorporated in a sound. This information encompasses different levels of perceptual representation; it starts from:

  • descriptions of the sound character, like loud-soft, high-low, sharp-dull, rough-smooth, tonal-noisy, sonorous-soundless, impulsive-not impulsive, etc.
  • over to evaluations of the sound, like pleasant-unpleasant, preferred-not preferred,  annoying-not annoying
  • to the point of sound quality features like active-calm, sincere-untrustworthy, expensive-cheap, colorful-colorless

and includes the criteria underlying the judgments and their context dependency.

In addition to the judgments of participants from listening tests, also physiological data (heart rate, skin conductance, pupillometry, etc.) is recorded as another form of human response to the presented stimuli.

Besides pure acoustic perception the group is also working in the field of multi-modal perception with vibro-acoustic (vehicle acoustics, singing bowls) and audio-visual stimuli (spatial perception) - factors which can also be relevant in sound design.

We develop algorithms that are able to predict the human description of sounds (e.g. roughness, tonality) which are inspired by human auditory perception. One goal is to optimize the algorithms in terms of their robustness especially for complex acoustic scenarios like environmental and vehicle noise.

The combination of judgments from psychoacoustic experiments, algorithms for basic auditory sensations and long lasting experience enables us to support sound engineering solutions that are optimized for the human listener.

Current Projects

Auditory models for the prediction and optimization of sound quality (BMWK Validierungsförderung VIP+) (Auditorische Modelle zur Vorhersage und Optimierung der Geräuschqualität – AudioOpt)

This project is aiming at a validation of perceptual models for the prediction of the tonality and dissonance sensation for complex sounds with multiple tonal components.

The characterization of the acoustic quality of fans with the preference equivalent level II – advancement of a psycho-acoustically motivated calculation method (AiF / iGF / BMWK Project) (Die Kennzeichnung der akustischen Güte von Ventilatoren mit dem güteäquivalenten Pegel II - Weiterentwicklung eines psychoakustisch motivierten Berechnungsverfahrens )

In this iGF/BMWK funded project, the perception of ventilator and fan noise is further investigated and an algorithm for the prediction of quality equivalent levels is refined, especially with respect to a description of tonal components.

UHBR2Noise - HAP3: VibCom (LuFo V-3, BMWK)

In this BMWK funded project, the perception of noise and vibration is investigated with respect to the comfort experience, building a basis to derive a comfort criterion.

Completed Projects

RegUlation and NorM for low sonic Boom LEvels (RUMBLE) - WP3 Human response to Sonic Boom

In this EU-funded H2020-project, the perception of new sonic boom signatures is investigated which can be used as a basis to derive guidelines for acceptable levels of sonic booms.


Perceptional NVH-Aspects of Downspeeding

(Empfindungsgrößen Niedertouriges Fahren)

This iGF/BMWK funded project, NVH-aspects of downspeeding in combustion engines are investigated with a focus on R-Roughness. This also includes the influence of simultaneous vibrations on the perceived sound quality.


The characterization of the acoustic quality of fans with the quality equivalent level – development of a psycho-acoustically motivated calculation method

(Die Kennzeichnung der akustische Güte von Ventilatoren mit dem guteäquivalenten Pegel – Entwicklung eines psychoakustisch motivierten Berechnungsverfahrens)

In this iGF/BMWK funded project, in cooperation with the German "Forschungsvereinigung für Luft- und Trocknungstechnik (FLT) e.V.", the perception of ventilator and fan noise is investigated and an algorithm for the prediction of preference equivalent levels is developed.



(Changed: 02 Oct 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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