- Mellert, V., and B. Schwarz-Röhr (1996)
Correlation and coherence measurements of a spherical wave travelling in the atmospheric boundary layer Seventh International Symposium on Long Range Sound propagation, Lyon, 1996. ISBN, pp. 391-405. Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique. - Schwarz-Röhr, B., and V. Mellert (1997)
Acoustic sounding the statistics of fluctuating fluid In Acoustical Imaging. Vol. 23 S. Lees and L. Ferrari, eds. pp. 543-554: Plenum Press. - Schwarz-Röhr, B., D. Englich, V. Mellert, and A. El Jarad (1997)
Akustische Bestimmung von Turbulenzparametern im Freien DAGA '97, Kiel, Deutschland, 1997. ISBN: (3-9804568-2-X), pp. 349/ 350. DEGA e.V, Oldenburg. - Ostashev, V. E., Brähler, B., Mellert, V., Goedecke, G. H.(1998). Coherence functions of plane and spherical waves in a turbulent medium with the von Karman spectrum of medium inhomogeneities. Journ. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 104, p. 727-737
- Ostashev, V., Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon, P. (1998). Derivation of a Wide-Angle Parabolic Equation for Sound-Waves in Inhomogeneous Moving-Media. Austica 97, 83(3), S. 455-460
- Dau, T., Wegner, O., Mellert, V., und Kollmeier, B. (1998). Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) with optimized chirp signals compensating spatial basilar membrane dispersion. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107, 1530-1540
- Mellert, V. and B. Schwarz-Roehr (1998). "Acoustic determination of scale and structure constants in fluctuating fluid." Proc. 16th Intern. Congr. on Acoust.; 135 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Amer.; p. 493-494.
- Harms, H., R. Matuschek, V. Mellert (1998). "Changes in acoustic impedance of marine sediment covered with liquid pollutants." Proc. 16th Intern. Congr. on Acoust.; 135 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Amer.; p. 1051-1052.
- S. Sato, Y. Ando, V. Mellert (2000). "Cues for localization in the median Plane as extracted from the auto- correlation function, Journal of Sound and Vibration", Vol.241
- Nocke, C., and V. Mellert (2001)
Application of a free-field transfer function method to measure the acoustic impedance 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 2001. ISBN: (88-88387-03-X). 17th International Congress on Acoustics (17th ICA), Rome. - Baumann, I., M. A. Bellmann, V. Mellert, and R. Weber (2001)
Wahrnehmungs- und Unterschiedsschwellen von Vibrationen auf einem Kraftfahrzeugsitz DAGA 2001, Hamburg-Harburg, Deutschland, 2001. ISBN: (3-9804568-9-7), 292/ 293. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg - Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, M. Meixner-Pendleton, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, M. Schöls, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
The assesment of load, strain and comfort of flight crew and cabin crew in a cabin simulator - test design Euronoise 2003, Neapel, 2003. ISBN: (88-88942-00-9). - Mellert, V., E. Groll-Knapp, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
Komfort im Flugzeug - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf der EU am Beispiel HEACE DAGA 2003, Aachen Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 248/ 249. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg. - Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Faulhaber, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, A. Röder, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
HEACE: Simulation von Schall, Vibrationen und anderer Umgebungsvariablen im Kabinensimulator DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 250/ 251. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg. - Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
HEACE: Versuchsdesign zur Erfassung der Belastung, der Beanspruchung und des Komforts von Passagieren und der Crew in einem Kabinensimulator DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 252/ 253. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg. - Matuschek, R., and V. Mellert (2003)
Vergleich von technischen Prognoseprogrammen für die Schallimmissionen mit physikalischen Berechnungen der Schallausbreitung im Freien DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 428/ 429. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg. - Bellmann, M., V. Mellert, H. Remmers, and R. Weber (2004)
Influence of frequency and magnitude on the perception of vertical whole-body vibration CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN. - Mellert, V., and B. Schwarz-Röhr (2004)
The origin of the audio signal in a beam of modulated ultrasound in air CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN. - Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, and R. Weber (2004)
Investigation of noise and vibration impact on aircraft crew, studied in an aircraft simulator Inter Noise 2004, Prag, Tschechien, 2004. ISBN. - Bellmann, M., H. Remmers, and V. Mellert (2004)
Grundlegende Experimente zur Wahrnehmung von vertikalen Ganzkörpervibrationen Basic Experiments on the Perception of vertical Whole-Body Vibrations In Humanschwingung (VDI - Bericht 1821). pp. 251-270. Darmstadt, Deutschland: VDI. - Mellert, V., and C. Nocke (2004)
Applications of in-situ measurement techniques of absorption ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN. - Oey, H., and V. Mellert (2004)
Vibration thresholds and equal vibration levels at the human fingertip and palm ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN. - Weber, R., I. Baumann, N. Freese, S. Buss, Ch. König, and V. Mellert (2004)
Effects of noise on the comfort of cabin crew studied in an aircraft cabin simulator ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN. - Mellert, V. (2004)
Development of human response models of comfort, health and performance Aircraft Interiors 2004, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2004. ISBN. <Summary> |