Mellert, Volker

Volker Mellert

Volker Mellert Volker Mellert
Dipl.Phys., Dr. rer.nat.
University Professor Applied Physics (retired)
Room: W2-1-165
fax: +49-441-7983698
curriculum vitae
Born 1943 in Germany.


Diploma thesis on a true two-channel sound-reproduction system, Drittes Physikalisches Institut, University of Göttingen (Erwin Meyer)


Doctoral thesis on wave diffraction at the human head and sound localization, Drittes Physikalisches Institut, University of Göttingen (M. R. Schroeder)

1974 Professor at Oldenburg University (Applied Physics)
1983, 1991, 2000 Dean of the Physics Department of Oldenburg University
1984 - 1986 Vice President of Oldenburg University
1992 - 1995 President of the German Acoustical Society DEGA
1995 - 1998 Vice President of the German Acoustical Society DEGA
1994 - 1995 Editor-in-Chief of ACUSTICA
1996 - 1998 Vice Editor-in-Chief of ACUSTICA united with ACTA ACUSTICA
since 1998 Executive Board Member of the International Commission on Acoustics ICA
since 2001 President of the European Acoustics Association EAA
1992 - 2001 Speaker of the Graduate School of Psychoacoustics at Oldenburg University (support by the German Science Foundation DFG)
Oct 2000 honored by the German "Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande" for developments in acoustics
Oct 2009 retired
research area
  • physic of the ear, applied psychoacoustics:
    • signal processing of the ear, in particular modelling basic psychoacoustic parameters like loudness, roughness, sharpness and other entities related to noise perception
    • development of ear-related quantities for measurement and evaluation of noise
    • analysis of acoustic evoked potentials (within SFB 517 "Neurocognition")
    • subjective localization of sound

  • psychophysics of vibration:
    • perception thresholds and jnds of human vibration
    • modelling the "effective" perception of vibrational input (human response model)

  • acoustic wave propagation:
    • propagation of sound through a turbulent medium (models and measurements), scattering of sound at structures of turbulence (SODAR), acoustic remote sensing of temperature-, wind-, and turbulence profiles in the atmospheric boudary layer
    • measurement of acoustic impedance, in particular at grazing incidence of sound: Application to room acoustics and detection of drowned chemicals under water (on sediment)

  • technical acoustics:
    • noise reduction
    • measurement and identification of noise sources, incl. flow noise
selected publications
  • Mellert, V., and B. Schwarz-Röhr (1996)
    Correlation and coherence measurements of a spherical wave travelling in the atmospheric boundary layer
    Seventh International Symposium on Long Range Sound propagation, Lyon, 1996. ISBN, pp. 391-405. Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique.
  • Schwarz-Röhr, B., and V. Mellert (1997)
    Acoustic sounding the statistics of fluctuating fluid
    In Acoustical Imaging. Vol. 23 S. Lees and L. Ferrari, eds. pp. 543-554: Plenum Press.
  • Schwarz-Röhr, B., D. Englich, V. Mellert, and A. El Jarad (1997)
    Akustische Bestimmung von Turbulenzparametern im Freien
    DAGA '97, Kiel, Deutschland, 1997. ISBN: (3-9804568-2-X), pp. 349/ 350. DEGA e.V, Oldenburg.
  • Ostashev, V. E., Brähler, B., Mellert, V., Goedecke, G. H.(1998). Coherence functions of plane and spherical waves in a turbulent medium with the von Karman spectrum of medium inhomogeneities. Journ. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 104, p. 727-737
  • Ostashev, V., Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon, P. (1998). Derivation of a Wide-Angle Parabolic Equation for Sound-Waves in Inhomogeneous Moving-Media. Austica 97, 83(3), S. 455-460
  • Dau, T., Wegner, O., Mellert, V., und Kollmeier, B. (1998). Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) with optimized chirp signals compensating spatial basilar membrane dispersion. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107, 1530-1540
  • Mellert, V. and B. Schwarz-Roehr (1998). "Acoustic determination of scale and structure constants in fluctuating fluid." Proc. 16th Intern. Congr. on Acoust.; 135 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Amer.; p. 493-494.
  • Harms, H., R. Matuschek, V. Mellert (1998). "Changes in acoustic impedance of marine sediment covered with liquid pollutants." Proc. 16th Intern. Congr. on Acoust.; 135 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Amer.; p. 1051-1052.
  • S. Sato, Y. Ando, V. Mellert (2000). "Cues for localization in the median Plane as extracted from the auto- correlation function, Journal of Sound and Vibration", Vol.241
  • Nocke, C., and V. Mellert (2001)
    Application of a free-field transfer function method to measure the acoustic impedance
    17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 2001. ISBN: (88-88387-03-X). 17th International Congress on Acoustics (17th ICA), Rome.
  • Baumann, I., M. A. Bellmann, V. Mellert, and R. Weber (2001)
    Wahrnehmungs- und Unterschiedsschwellen von Vibrationen auf einem Kraftfahrzeugsitz
    DAGA 2001, Hamburg-Harburg, Deutschland, 2001. ISBN: (3-9804568-9-7), 292/ 293. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg
  • Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, M. Meixner-Pendleton, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, M. Schöls, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
    The assesment of load, strain and comfort of flight crew and cabin crew in a cabin simulator - test design
    Euronoise 2003, Neapel, 2003. ISBN: (88-88942-00-9).
  • Mellert, V., E. Groll-Knapp, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
    Komfort im Flugzeug - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf der EU am Beispiel HEACE
    DAGA 2003, Aachen Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 248/ 249. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.
  • Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Faulhaber, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, A. Röder, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
    HEACE: Simulation von Schall, Vibrationen und anderer Umgebungsvariablen im Kabinensimulator
    DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 250/ 251. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.
  • Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003)
    HEACE: Versuchsdesign zur Erfassung der Belastung, der Beanspruchung und des Komforts von Passagieren und der Crew in einem Kabinensimulator
    DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 252/ 253. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.
  • Matuschek, R., and V. Mellert (2003)
    Vergleich von technischen Prognoseprogrammen für die Schallimmissionen mit physikalischen Berechnungen der Schallausbreitung im Freien
    DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 428/ 429. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.
  • Bellmann, M., V. Mellert, H. Remmers, and R. Weber (2004)
    Influence of frequency and magnitude on the perception of vertical whole-body vibration
    CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.
  • Mellert, V., and B. Schwarz-Röhr (2004)
    The origin of the audio signal in a beam of modulated ultrasound in air
    CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.
  • Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, and R. Weber (2004)
    Investigation of noise and vibration impact on aircraft crew, studied in an aircraft simulator
    Inter Noise 2004, Prag, Tschechien, 2004. ISBN.
  • Bellmann, M., H. Remmers, and V. Mellert (2004)
    Grundlegende Experimente zur Wahrnehmung von vertikalen Ganzkörpervibrationen
    Basic Experiments on the Perception of vertical Whole-Body Vibrations

    In Humanschwingung (VDI - Bericht 1821). pp. 251-270. Darmstadt, Deutschland: VDI.
  • Mellert, V., and C. Nocke (2004)
    Applications of in-situ measurement techniques of absorption
    ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN.
  • Oey, H., and V. Mellert (2004)
    Vibration thresholds and equal vibration levels at the human fingertip and palm
    ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN.
  • Weber, R., I. Baumann, N. Freese, S. Buss, Ch. König, and V. Mellert (2004)
    Effects of noise on the comfort of cabin crew studied in an aircraft cabin simulator
    ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN.
  • Mellert, V. (2004)
    Development of human response models of comfort, health and performance
    Aircraft Interiors 2004, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2004. ISBN.  
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