Weber, Reinhard

Reinhard Weber

Reinhard Weber
Dr. rer.nat., Dipl.-Phys.


Curriculum vitae

Born 1947 in Göttingen, Germany.


study in physics and since 1970 specialization in psychoacoustics


Diploma thesis on nonmonotonic behaviour of third order aural distortion products, Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Göttingen University (M. R. Schroeder)


Doctoral thesis on investigations of monaural phase effects in two- and three- component complex tones using the pulsation threshold method, Drittes Physikalisches Institut, University of Göttingen (M. R. Schroeder)

since 1976

Researcher at Oldenburg University (Applied Physics, Acoustics group)


Research Area

Psychophysics of sound and vibration

  • Psychoacoustics:
    • Categorical and ratio scaling of seperate hearing sensations - also known as 'psychoacoutic parameters' - related to sound perception: sharpness , fluctuation strength, roughness, tonality
    • Functional models of psychoacoustic parameters for the different hearing sensations related to noise and sound quality ratings
  • Physics of the ear, applied psychoacoustics:
    • signal processing of the ear, in particular modelling basic psychoacoustic parameters like loudness, roughness, sharpness and other entities related to noise perception
    • Development of ear-related quantities for measurement and evaluation of acoustic comfort
  • Psychophysics of vibration:
    • perception thresholds and just noticable differences of human vibration>
    • modelling the "effective" perception of vibrational input (human response model)



Baumann, I., and R. Weber (2010) Verteilungsfunktion zur Darstellung und Vorhersage von Skalenurteilen über Umgebungsfaktoren DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.

S. Töpken, J. Verhey, R. Weber (2010). Psychoacoustic evaluations of mixed complex tones. Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.

Töpken, S., J. Verhey, and R. Weber (2010) Psychoakustische Bewertung von superponierten Tonkomplexen, DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. 589/590. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.

Hoffmann, A., J. Verhey, and R. Weber (2010) Charakteristische Empfindungen bei sinusförmigen Ganzkörpervibrationen, DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. 617/618. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.

Hansen, H., and R. Weber (2010) Zum Verhältnis von Tonhaltigkeit und der partiellen Lautheit der tonalen Komponenten in Rauschen, DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. 597/598. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.

Hansen, H., and R. Weber (2010) Die Ausgeprägtheit der Tonhöhe, das Auflösungsvermögen des Gehörs & die Bildung auditorischer Objekte, DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. 591/592. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.

Frere, A., N Misdariis, P Susini, R. Weber, C. Peteul-Brouillet, and G. Guyader (2010) Which driving situations best represent “the characteristic sound” of diesel engines?: Comparison between Germany and France, DAGA 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, 2010. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-8-2), p./pp. 423/424. Dt. Ges. für Akustik.


Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2009) Semantic evaluations of noise with tonal components in Japan, France, and Germany - A cross-cultural comparison. J Acoust Soc Am, 125, 850-862.

Frere, A., C. Peteul-Brouillet, G. Guyader, N Misdariis, P Susini, and R. Weber (2009) Which driving situations best represent "the characteristic sound" of Diesel engines? Euronoise, Edinburgh, UK, 2009. ISBN: (1-901656-98-5), p./pp. 10 S. Inst. of Acoustics.

Hansen, H., and R. Weber (2009) Item bias in the cross-cultural evaluation of tonal content internoise 2009, Ottawa, Canada, 2009. ISBN, p./pp. 7 pages.

Hansen, H., and R. Weber (2009) Pitch strength, tone segregation, and frequency difference limen In 158TH MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. ISBN/ISSN: Vol. 126. pp. 2242. San Antonio, USA.

Poland, K., V. Mellert, and R. Weber (2009) Environmental noise directive – some comparisons of calculations with long-term measurements Euronoise, Edinburgh, UK, 2009. ISBN: (1-901656-98-5), p./pp. 10 S. Inst. of Acoustics.

Weber, R., S. Buss, J. Rausch, and T. Beitz (2009) Assessing central door locking noises with a semantic differential and a preference method. Euronoise, Edinburgh, UK, 2009. ISBN: (1-901656-98-5), p./pp. 4 S. nst. of Acoustics.


H. Hansen & R. Weber (2008). The influence of tone length and S/N-ratio on the perception of tonal content: An application of probabilistic choice models in car acoustics Acoust Sci & Tech, 29, 156-166.

Weber, R., and H. Hansen (2008) Sound character ratings by experienced and naive listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5):p./pp. 3244.

Töpken, S., M. Bellmann, and R. Weber (2008) Cross-modality matching of loudness and whole-body vibration strength.  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5):p./pp. 3667.

Töpken, S., M. Bellmann, and R. Weber  (2008) Cross-modality matching of loudness and whole-body vibration strength. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5):p./pp. 3667.

Liebing, R., and R. Weber (2008) Objektivierung der Türgeräusche von Kraftfahrzeugen. DAGA '08, Dresden, Deutschland, 2008. ISBN, p./pp.

Baumann, I., S. Buss, N. Freese, V. Mellert, and R. Weber  (2008) Acoustical aspects of travel comfort in the aircraft cabin.  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5):p./pp. 3161. 

Buss, S., J. Rausch, T. Beitz, and R. Weber (2008) Beurteilung von Betätigungsgeräuschen im PKW mit dem semantischen Differenzial und in einem Präferenzpaarvergleich. DAGA '08, Dresden, Deutschland, 2008. ISBN, p./pp.

Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2008) Fusion and masking threshold of a tone in narrowband noise (abstract). J Acoust Soc Am, 123, 3162.

Weber, R. & Hansen, H. Sound character ratings by experienced and naive listeners (abstract). J Acoust Soc Am, 2008, 123, 3244.


H. Hansen & R. Weber (2007). Comparison of Perceptual Dimension in Japan, France, and Germany (Poster). Proceedings 2nd International VDT Symposium - sound design

R. Weber  & H. Hansen (2007). Perception of noises with tonal components in Japan, France and Germany. Proc Internoise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.

Mellert, V., and R. Weber (2007). Application of vibro-acoustic and psychoacoustic protocols for the evaluation of interior noise in the aircraft cabin. 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spanien, 2007. ISBN: (84-87985-12-2), p./pp. 6 Seiten.

Weber, R., and R. Eilers (2007). Nonmonotonic behaviour of psychoacoustic unpleasantness as a function of sharpness. 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spanien, 2007. ISBN: (84-87985-12-2), p./pp. 5 Seiten.

Kruse, R., P. Rong, and R. Weber (2007) Messung der Bodenimpedanz im Freiland. DAGA '07, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2007. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-3-7), p./pp. 499/500. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.

Buss, S., and R. Weber (2007) Lärm in der Flugzeugkabine und seine Wirkung auf den Passagier. DAGA '07, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2007. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-3-7), p./pp. 757/758. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.

Kaufmann, A., M. Bellmann, and R. Weber (2007) Cross-modality matching' zwischen Schall- und Vibrationssignalen. DAGA '07, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2007. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-3-7), p./pp. 861/862. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, S. Buss, N. Freese, R. Kruse, R. Weber, and M. Bellmann (2007) Vibrocoustic impacts performance and well-being of cabin crew during long-haul flights. 1st international workshop on aircraft system technologies, Hamburg, Germany, 2007. ISBN: (978-3-8322-6046-0), p./pp. 113-122. Shaker Verlag.

Weber, R., and R. Eilers (2007). Combined contribution of roughness and sharpness to the unpleasantness of modulated band pass noise. DAGA '07, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2007. ISBN: (978-3-9808659-3-7), p./pp. 565/566. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.


H. Hansen, R. Weber & V. Mellert (2006). Pitch salience of weak tonal components with variable durations and levels in noise.  Proc Internoise 2006, Honolulu, USA.

Hansen, H., R. Weber, and V. Mellert (2006) Preference judgments on weak tonal components with variable durations and levels in noise. Internoise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2006. ISBN, p./pp. 8 Seiten. INCE, USA.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, R. Kruse, and R. Weber (2006) Vibroacoustic and other environmental influences on performance and well-being of cabin crew during long-haul flights. Internoise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2006. ISBN, p./pp. 12 Seiten. INCE, USA.

Bellmann, M., and R. Weber (2006) Psychophysikalische Untersuchungen zur Wahrnehmung von Sitzvibrationen im Labor. DAGA '06, Braunschweig, Deutschland, 2006. ISBN: (3-9808659-2-4), p./pp. 507/508. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, R. Kruse, and R. Weber (2006) Influence of cabin environment on well-being and performance of flight and cabin crew - results from the HEACE project. Aeronautic Days 2006, Wien, Österreich, 2006. ISBN, p./pp. 6 Seiten.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, R. Kruse, and R. Weber  (2006) Impact of workplace environment on health and comfort of flight attendants and pilots - results from the EU project HEACE. 25th International Congress on Aeronautical Science, ICAS 2006,, Hamburg (Germany), 2006. ISBN, p./pp.

Liebing, R., and R. Weber (2006) T-F-Verfahren für instationäre Geräusche. DAGA '06, Braunschweig, Deutschland, 2006. ISBN: (3-9808659-2-4), p./pp. 723/724. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.


Trimmel, M., E. Groll-Knapp, C. Goger, V. Mellert, I. Baumann, N. Freese, R. Weber, M. Bellmann, and H. Remmers  (2005) Impact of environmental conditions on comfort, motivation, task load, physiological activity, health and performance in flight attendants. UOEH - Comfort in the Workplace, Kitakyushu (Japan), 2005. ISBN, p./pp.

H. Hansen, R. Weber, U. Letens (2005). Quantifying tonal phenomena in interior car sounds.  Proc Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest, Ungarn.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, and R. Weber (2005) Impact of sound and vibration on work load of cabin and flight crew.Forum Acusticum, Budapest, Hungary, 2005. ISBN: (963-8241-68-3), p./pp. L37-L40. OPAKFI Tudományos Egyesület.

H. Hansen, R. Weber, U. Letens (2005).  Subjektive Bewertung der Tonhaltigkeit in der Fahrzeugakustik.  Daga 2005, München.

Kubo, N., V.  Mellert, R. Weber, and J. Meschke (2005) Anwendung der Musiktheorie auf Geräuschdesign. DAGA '05, München, Deustchland, 2005. ISBN: (3-9808659-1-6), p./pp. 399/400.

Liebing, R., and R. Weber (2005) Subjektive Bewertung von instationären Funktionsgeräuschen in der Fahrzeugakustik. DAGA '05, München, Deutschland, 2005. ISBN: (3-9808659-1-6), p./pp. 407/408.

Buss, S., R. Kruse, and R. Weber (2005) Einfluss des Schalls und anderer Umgebungsvariablen auf Komfortempfinden in der Flugzeugkabine. DAGA '05, München, Deutschland, 2005. ISBN: (3-9808659-1-6), p./pp. 565/566.

Bellmann, M., J. Bastian, and R. Weber  (2005) Passagierkomfort in der Flugzeugkabine(1/2) - physikalische Messung komfortrelevanter Umgebungsfaktoren. DAGA '05, München, Deutschland, 2005. ISBN: (3-9808659-1-6), p./pp. 559/560.

Buss, S., and R. Weber (2005) Subjektive Wahrnehmung des Profilgeräuschs, eines tonalen Anteils des Reifen/Fahrbahn-Geräuschs, und seine objektive Charakterisierung. In Subjektive Fahreindrücke sichtbar machen. ISBN: 3-8169-2531-6 pp. 17 pages. Expert Verlag, Renningen

Bellmann, M., and R. Weber (2005) Psycho-physikalische Untersuchungen zur Wahrnehmung von Sitzvibrationen auf einem realen Fahrzeugsitz im Labor. In Subjektive Fahreindrücke sichtbar machen. ISBN: 3-8169-2531-6 pp. 20 pages. Expert Verlag, Renningen

Weber, R., I. Baumann, N. Freese, S. Buss, Ch. König, and V. Mellert (2004) Investigation of comfort related aspects of noise in an aircraft cabin simulator. 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, America, 2004. ISBN: 115, p./pp. 2372. The Acoustical Society of America.


Mellert, V., R. Weber, and C. Nocke (2004) Assessment of impact of acoustic and non-acoustic parameters on performance and well-being. 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, America, 2004. ISBN: 115, p./pp. 2369. The Acoustical Society of America.

H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, and S. Namba (2004) Evaluation of sound quality affected by tonal components in Germany and Japan CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.

M. Morinaga, H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, S. Namba (2004) The effect of virtual pitch on sound quality.  The proceedings of the autumn meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 445-446.

Weber, R., I. Baumann, N. Freese, S. Buss, Ch. König, and V. Mellert (2004), Effects of noise on the comfort of cabin crew studied in an aircraft cabin simulator ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. ISBN.

Mellert, V., I. Baumann, N. Freese, and R. Weber (2004), Investigation of noise and vibration impact on aircraft crew, studied in an aircraft simulator, Inter Noise 2004, Prag, Tschechien, 2004. ISBN.

Kubo, N., V. Mellert, R. Weber, and J. Meschke (2004) Categorisation of Engine Sound. Inter Noise 2004, Prag, Tschechien, 2004. ISBN: (5-7325-0816-3), p./pp. 8 pages.

Buss, S., and R. Weber (2004) Perception of tonalness of tyre/road noise and objective correlates. Inter Noise 2004, Prag, Tschechien, 2004. ISBN: (5-7325-0816-3), p./pp. 8 pages.

Kubo, N., V. Mellert, R. Weber, and J. Meschke (2004) Engine sound perception - Apart from so-called order analysis. CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN: (2-9521105-2-2) II, p./pp. 867/868. Société Francaise d'Acoustique, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.

König, Ch., I. Baumann, S. Buss, N. Freese, S. Hallmann, R. Kruse, V. Mellert, and R. Weber     (2004) Flight Simulations: Influence of Environmental Factors on Passenger Comfort. CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN: (2-9521105-1-4), p./pp. 869. Société Francaise d'Acoustique, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.

Hansen, H., R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, and S. Namba (2004), Evaluation of sound quality a.ected by tonal components in Germany and Japan, CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.

Buss, S., and R. Weber (2004), Subjective and objective chracterisation of tonal components in tyre/ road noise, CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.

Bellmann, M., V. Mellert, H. Remmers, and R. Weber (2004), Influence of frequency and magnitude on the perception of vertical whole-body vibration, CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich, 2004. ISBN.


Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Faulhaber, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, A. Röder, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003) HEACE: Simulation von Schall, Vibrationen und anderer Umgebungsvariablen im Kabinensimulator. DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), p./pp. 250/ 251. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber  (2003) HEACE: Versuchsdesign zur Erfassung der Belastung, der Beanspruchung und des Komforts von Passagieren und der Crew in einem Kabinensimulator. DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), p./pp. 252/ 253. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Buss, Sandra, Reinhard Weber, and Werner Liederer (2003) Wahrnehmung des Profilgeräuschs in Reifen-Fahrbahn-Geräuschen. DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), p./pp. 244/ 245. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Weber, R., I. Baumann, N. Freese, R. Kruse, and V. Mellert (2003) Psychoacustic analysis of sound in the cabin of passenger aircrafts. Euronoise 2003, Neapel, 2003. ISBN: (88-88942-00-9), p./pp. 1-6; paper ID: 457-IP.

H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, S. Namba (2003) The effect of tonal components on sound quality. Acoustic Society of Japan, Research Council of Noise and Vibration, N-2003-08.

Mellert, V., E. Groll-Knapp, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003), Komfort im Flugzeug - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf der EU am Beispiel HEACE, DAGA 2003, Aachen Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 248/ 249. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Faulhaber, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, A. Röder, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003) HEACE: Simulation von Schall, Vibrationen und anderer Umgebungsvariablen im Kabinensimulator DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 250/ 251. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, B. Schulte- Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003), HEACE: Versuchsdesign zur Erfassung der Belastung, der Beanspruchung und des Komforts von Passagieren und der Crew in einem Kabinensimulator, DAGA 2003, Aachen, Deutschland, 2003. ISBN: (3-9808659-0-8), 252/ 253. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg.

Baumann, I., M. Bellmann, S. Buss, N. Freese, E. Groll-Knapp, S. Hallmann, Ch. König, R. Kruse, T. Leitmann, M. Meixner-Pendleton, V. Mellert, H. Remmers, M. Schöls, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, M. Trimmel, and R. Weber (2003) The assesment of load, strain and comfort of flight crew and cabin crew in a cabin simulator - test design Euronoise 2003, Neapel, 2003. ISBN: (88-88942-00-9).


Baumann, I., M. A. Bellmann, V. Mellert, and R. Weber (2001) Wahrnehmungs- und Unterschiedsschwellen von Vibrationen auf einem Kraftfahrzeugsitz, DAGA 2001, Hamburg-Harburg, Deutschland, 2001. ISBN: (3-9804568-9-7), 292/ 293. DEGA e.V., Oldenburg

Bellmann, M. A., Baumann, I., Hillebrand, P., Mellert, V. and Weber, R. (2001). "Comfort inside cars: Effects of seat and steering-wheel vibrations." Presented at the 36th United Kingdom Group Conference on Human Response to Vibration, held at Centre for Human Sciences, Farnborough, England, 12-14 September 2001, pp. 245-257.

Bellmann, M. A., Mellert, V., Remmers, H. and Weber, R. (2000). "Experiments on the perception of whole-body vibration." Presented at the 35th UK Group Meeting on Human Response To Vibration, Southampton, pp. 355-364.

Walter, C. and Weber, R. (1999). "Envelope filtering of signals in the modulation frequency domain and evaluation of fluctuation strengh." Journ.of the Acoust.Society of America, 105 (2), S. 1102, und ACUSTICA/acta acustica, 85, S. 176.

Ronnebaum, T., Schulte-Fortkamp., B. and Weber, R. (1997). Evaluation of combined noise sources. Contributions to Psychological Acoustics VII. Results of the Seventh Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics, Oldenburg, BIS: 171 - 189.

Weber, R. and Eichenlaub, E. (1997). Sound Quality of Wind Turbines. Proc. Fifth. Intern Congr. on Acoustics and Vibration, AUS-Adelaide: 1215-1222.

Weber, R. (1990). Acoustical parameters causing the annoyance of shrilling chalk. Proc. NOISE-CON 90, Austin: 275.

Weber, R. and Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (1989). Continuous categorical loudness evaluation of traffic noise loudness. Proceedings FASE '89, Zaragoza: 299.

Betke, K. and Weber, R. (1989). Re-examination of equal loudness contours and minimum audible field. 13th International Congress on Acoustics - ICA '89, Belgrad: 483.

Weber, R. (1991). Continuous loudness judgement of temporally variable sounds employing an `analog' categorization method. Contributions to Psychological Acoustics V. Results of the Fifth Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics. A. A. Schick, J. Hellbrück and R. Weber (Eds). Oldenburg, BIS: 267 - 294.

Mellert, V., Weber, R., Betke, K. and Remmers, H. (1988). Noise Source Identification and Machinery Diagnosis by Ear-Related Acoustic Parameters. InterNoise 88 Proceedings: 79.

Weber, R. and Belau, H. (1984). Directional Hearing and the Acoustical Near-Field of a Human and an Artificial Head. Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering. D. Varjú, Schnitzler, H.U. (Hrsg.). Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

Weber, R. (1981). "The Role Of the Combination Tone f1+f2-f3 in the Perception of Three-Tone Complexes." Acustica 48: 23.

Weber, R. and Mellert, V. (1980). "Annoyance or Acceptance - The Influence of the Question on Choices among Traffic Noises." 10th International Congress on Acoustics, C1-3.3. Sydney.

Weber, R. and Mellert, V. (1975). "On the nonmonotonic behaviour of cubic distortion products in the human ear." J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 57: 207.

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