
Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel

+49 441 798-3641

+49 441 798-3848

Office: A7 0-059

Office hour: Thursday 11:00-12:00
Please write me an email before


Sandra Marienberg (maternity leave and parental leave)
Please use:

+49 (0)441 798-5523

 A7 0-035

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Bachelor-Master Theses

Bachelor/Master Thesis

Projects for Bachelor and Master theses are in the area of cognitive neuroscience (see our publication list for details). We would suggest that you contact us several months in advance before you intend to start your thesis. To get a glimpse on fMRI studies and the work of our group you are always welcome to volunteer for one of our experiments (see here).

Bachelor Candidates

If you are interested in a Bachelor's thesis we would strongly recommend to visit the Neurobiology module ("Grundlagen der Neurobiologie I und II). Of additional advantage is some knowledge of MATLAB. 

Master Candidates

Master students will perform an fMRI study in the area of attention, learning, audition or psychopharmacology under supervision of a lab member. Practical steps involve programming of an fMRI suitable experimental paradigm, scanning of volunteers in the fMRI scanner and statistical data analysis with the software package SPM. Prior experience in fMRI data analysis is necessary for fMRI studies! Note that we only take students who have completed one of our fMRI data analysis courses (offered currently in the winter and summer term) and have good MATLAB and statistic skills. Note that international students who cannot test volunteers in German need to have good statistics and MATLAB skills to focus on fMRI data analysis only.

Master students from other disciplines (physics, mathmatics, computer science) are also welcome. For those students we can provide data for modelling approaches.



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