
Person in Charge:

Martina Jäger

+49 441 798 3254

+49 441 798 193254

W04 1 159

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

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Are you looking for answers?

We want to help. If you think there is another question or topic that we should answer here, please write an email

Settings - Continuing employment of Scientific staff (WM) or administrative and technical staff (MTV)
Female promotion formts

In case of a new employment or prolongation of an existing working contract of scientific employees or administrative and technical employees, please fill in the required forms of the Human Resources Department (Dept. 1 – forms) and hand in at the IBU Office. Please note that personnel procedures take approx. 6 weeks to process and therefore we ask you to hand in the required documents in due time.

IMPORTANT: Please fill in the female promotion form accordingly and send a scanned copy together with a scan of the recruiting papers via email to .

Recruitment of student assistants

The contact person for our institute in the Human Resources Department is:

Tel.:  0441 798 2450

Please use only the current application form for attitudes. You find it on the Verwaltungsportal -
search: "Hilfskräfte". You need the follow applications:

Please note a 6-week lead time for processing!

MiLoG (minimum wage)

Also you find the corresponding forms for the documentation of working hours according to MiLoG (minimum wage). At the same time, you have to keep  a minimum-wage working time account. Please note that the minimum wage working time accounts are to be maintained on the last working day of the month in order to document a transfer of the hours to the following month if necessary. Please submit these documents to the .

What is the SECRETARY'S OFFICE actually responsible for?

The SECRETARY'S OFFICE of the Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences (IBU) is composed of all secretaries and administrative assistant of the institute.

The entire team sees itself as a point of contact for all members and employees also in the working groups, associated operating units and students of the institute in all administrative matters.

Who is responsible for which task and who is helping, if this person is absent, you can see in the following Overview:

Overview of responsibilities

How to get a postbox in the IBU?

You want your name written on a postbox of the IBU? Please contact Mrs. Martina Jäger. If you are a member of a working group so it is no Problem to get a postbox. We have to know what is your statusgroup too.

Where can I get a key for my office?

Please contact the janitors.

see also: What are the janitors responsible for?

What are the janitors/caretakers responsible for and where can I find them in Wechloy?

The janitors belong to the department 4 - building management.

Find further informations here!

  •     Issue of keys for your office / laboratory rooms
        Mon.-Fri. 13:30 - 14:00 and after appointment at Room W02 1-159 - Phone: -2123

        Please fill out the following form before:
        Key form
  •     Transport of furniture (write an email in advance)
  •     Equipment transport for your events (write an email in advance)


Where can I get a chip card for access to the university and for copying?

The chip card is issued to all EMPLOYEES from the scientific and administrative areas. You can apply for the card in Department 1 at Ms Christine Winter.

Please fill out the chip card application form in advance.

D7.03 Application form for Chip Cards

Further information you can find in the

Portal for the administration


Access authorizations for STUDENTS of Faculty V for the Campus Wechloy

Please apply with the following form:

Application for Faculty V Access Authorization (for Students).

Please complete this application and ask your workgroup leader to countersign the application. Please note, that a monetary deposit is required for the chip. To do so, please go to the HANDKASSE located in the storage area:

Goods Receipt
D-26111 Oldenburg
Mr. Schnittger/Mr. Sanders
Telephone: (441) 798-2536
Room: W03 0-139

Please note the opening hours:
Mon. - Fri. from 09:30 - 12:00 am.
Mon. - Thurs. from 14:00 - 15:00 pm.

Then go with the completed application for access authorization and the receipt for payment of the deposit amount to the

Office of Fakulty V
Mr. Peter Stief
Phone: 0441 798 3448

Where do I register or change my phone?

For all telephone-related questions, such as registration/change, telephone authorisation abroad, private telephone calls, new telephone devices, etc., please contact my colleague

Mr. Holger von Elm

Department 4 - Building Management


DEZ04, V01 03-302

Please fill in the FORM deposited here beforehand.

My phone does not work?

Troubleshooting-Phone: 91

If your telephone is not working, please dial this number from a colleague's telephone or from the telephone in a lift.

How do I appear in the telephone book of the University of Oldenburg?

Please be sure to log in to StudIP with your anonymised account (4 letters/4 numbers). There, please edit your profile and add the required data.

You can edit all this data yourself in Stud.IP if necessary: At you can find out more about the relevant input fields and from there you can also navigate directly to the appropriate place in Stud.IP!

The phone book will be generated from this information.

Can I use the copier, print and scan from my PC?

Yes you can! Please follow the link below to register your computer with the Ricoh system:

I would like to order something, what is the right way?

You can order general consumables at any time from your computer via

Electronic Decentralised Purchasing (EDE)

However, the prerequisite for this is that you are an employee of Oldenburg University and are allowed to debit a financial and cost centre. You can log in via the anonymous account.

Or you can go to the central warehouse here in Wechloy. There you can get office supplies and other consumables to take away immediately. However, you should also be able to name a financial and cost centre here for accounting purposes. You can find out whether the item you want is in stock in the

laboratory catalogue

Please note that in the case of an EDE order with a net value of more than 25,000 €, it makes more sense to first contact your administrator in Department 2 - Purchasing Department 2.4 - in order to clarify whether a public tender is obligatory.

Who is actually responsible for what at the university?

Please have a look at the Portal of the administration of the University of Oldenburg. Here you will find the administrative procedures, leaflets, clerks and the corresponding current forms for downloading.

What should I do in the event of an accident at work or on the way to work?

Precise rules of conduct in the event of an accident at work or on the way to work can be found on the Occupational Safety pages! In any case, you should fill out the appropriate form of the Human Resources Department. Please also inform the as soon as possible.

Notification of an accident at work or on the way to work

What should I do if I become ill?

Notification of illness have to be reported online on the intranet at

and is possible on any internet-enabled device (e.g. desktop PC, notebook, smartphone). You can also find the online form via the search function or on the pages of Department 1.

The dates of illness or return to work are entered in the online form. An e-mail with the specified data is automatically generated from the online form and sent to . The employee receives a confirmation of dispatch in the online form and by e-mail to the work e-mail address. The data provided will be deleted from the online form immediately after the e-mail has been sent.

The online form also offers the option of specifying up to three additional e-mail addresses to which the automatically generated e-mail Cc should be sent for information purposes (e.g. to the supervisor, office). This does not affect the obligation to immediately notify the supervisor or the Dean’s Office of an illness or official instructions in this regard (e.g. telephone notification). It is also possible to upload certificates, which are attached to the e-mail.

The procedure is described in the Portal of the Administration ( It reduces the workload for employees compared to the previous procedure using the PDF form "Notification of illness or resumption of work".

FAQs are also available for frequently asked questions on the subject of reporting an illness or return to work. The FAQ can be found on the page of the online form.

Who should I contact after a theft?

You have been stolen?

Then please immediately contact

Mr. Mathias Pätzold

Phone: (0441) 7 98 - 5396
Fax: (0441) 7 98 - 3500

He will file a corresponding theft report. Please note, that this is no substitute for a police report of theft.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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