Juniorprof. Dr. Maaike Bader

University of Marburg
Faculty of Geography
Ecological Plant Geography
Deutschhausstraße 10
35032 Marburg

Tel: +49-6421-2828952
Fax: +49-6421-2828950


Homepage Uni Marburg

Publications MB

Publications Maaike Bader

Bader M, Loranger H & Zotz G. 2014. A cool experimental approach to explain elevational treelines. But can it explain them? American Journal of Botany 101: 1403-1408.

Bader MY, Reich T, Wagner S, González González AS & Zotz G. 2013. Differences in desiccation tolerance do not explain altitudinal distribution patterns of tropical bryophytes. Journal of Bryology 35: 47-56.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2013. Physiological Ecology of Tropical Bryophytes. In: Hanson DT & Rice SK (Eds.). Photosynthesis of Bryophytes and Early Land Plants. Springer: 269-289.

Wagner S, Zotz G, Salazar Allen N & Bader M. 2013. Altitudinal changes in temperature responses of net photosynthesis and dark respiration in tropical bryophytes. Annals of Botany 111: 455–465.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2013. The temperature acclimation potential of tropical bryophytes. Plant Biology 16: 117-124. doi:10.1111/plb.12037.

Bader MY, Reich T, Wagner S, González González AS & Zotz G. 2013. Differences in desiccation tolerance do not explain altitudinal distribution patterns of tropical bryophytes. Journal of Bryology 35: 47-56.

Harsch MA & Bader MY. 2011. Treeline form - a potential key to understanding treeline dynamics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 582-596.

Malanson GP, Resler LM, Bader MY, Holtmeier F-K, Butler DR, Weiss DJ, Daniels LD & Fagre DB. 2011. Mountain treelines: a roadmap for research orientation. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 43: 167-177.

Zotz G & Bader MY. 2011. Sampling vascular epiphyte diversity - species richness and community structure. Ecotropica 17: 103-112.

Bader MY, Zotz G & Lange OL. 2010. How to minimize the sampling effort for obtaining reliable estimates of diel and annual CO2 budgets in lichens. The Lichenologist 42: 97-111. Download

Bader MY, Menke G & Zotz G., 2009. Pronounced drought tolerance characterizes the early life stages of the epiphytic bromeliad . Functional Ecology 23:472-479. 

Zotz G & Bader MY. 2009. Epiphytes in a changing world: Global change effects on vascular and non-vascular epiphytes. Progress in Botany 70: 47-70.

Bader MY, Rietkerk M & Bregt AK. 2008. A simple spatial model exploring positive feedbacks at tropical apine treelines. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40: 269-278. Download

Bader MY & Ruijten JJA. 2008. A topography-based model of forest cover at alpine treeline in the tropical Andes. Journal of Biogeography 35: 711-723. Download

Di Pasquale G, Marziano M, Impagliazzo S, Lubritto C, De Natale A & Bader MY. 2008. The Holocene treeline in the northern Andes (Ecuador): first evidence from soil charcoal. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259: 17-34. Download

Bader MY, van Geloof I & Rietkerk M. 2007. High solar radiation hinders tree establishment above the alpine treeline in northern Ecuador. Plant Ecology 191:33-45. Download

Bader MY, Rietkerk M & Bregt AK. 2007. Vegetation structure and temperature regimes of tropical alpine treelines. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 353-364. Download

Bader M, van Dunné HJF & Stuiver HJ. 2000. Epiphyte distribution in a secondary cloud forest vegetation; a case study of the application of GIS in epiphyte ecology. Ecotropica 6: 181-195. Download

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