

Publications HE

Publications Helena Einzmann


Einzmann HJR & Zotz G. (accepted) A grey-green band around BCI – the population structure of the inundation-tolerant tree Annona glabra. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute edited collection for 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado Island.

Pie M, …, Einzmann HJR, …, Batke S. (accepted) Phylogenetic diversity and the structure of host-epiphyte interactions across the Neotropics. PeerJ.

Rodríguez Quiel C, Einzmann HJR & Zotz G. 2023. Does a velamen radicum effectively protect epiphyte roots against excessive infrared radiation? Plants 12: 1695.

Tay JYL, Zotz G & Einzmann HJR. 2023. Smoothing out the misconceptions between bark roughness and its role in vascular epiphyte attachment. New Phytologist 238: 983-994.

Zotz G, Andrade JL & Einzmann HJR. 2023. CAM plants: their importance in epiphytes communities and prospects with global change. Annals of Botany mcac158.

Zotz G & Einzmann HJR. 2023. How epiphytic are filmy ferns? A semi-quantitative approach. Diversity 15: 270.

Zotz G & Einzmann HJR. (accepted) Werauhia sanguinolenta. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute edited collection for 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado Island.



Einzmann HJR, Weichgrebe L & Zotz G. 2022. The impact of a severe El Niño event on vascular epiphytes in lowland Panama. Diversity 14: 325.

Einzmann HJR, Zotz G & Tay JYL. 2022. What happens to epiphytic bromeliads in a windy spot? Journal of Tropical Ecology 38: 158 - 163.

Hietz P, Wagner K, …., Einzmann HJR, … & Zotz G. 2022. Putting vascular epiphytes on the traits map. Journal of Ecology 110: 340-358.

Reyes-García C, Pereira-Zaldívar NA, Espadas-Manrique C, Tamayo-Chim M, Chilpa-Galván N, Cach-Pérez MJ, Ramírez-Medina Marypaz, Benavides AM, Hietz P, Zotz G, Andrade JL, Cardelús C, de Paula Oliveira R, Einzmann HJR, Guzmán-Jacob V, Krömer T, Pinzón JP, Sarmento Cabral J, Wanek W & Woods C. 2022. New proposal of epiphytic Bromeliaceae functional groups to include nebulophytes and shallow tanks. Plants 11: 3151.

Tay J, Kovalev A, Zotz G, Einzmann HJR & Gorb SN. 2022. Holding on or falling off: the attachment mechanism of epiphytic Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum changes with substrate roughness. American Journal of Botany 109: 874-886.

Tay J, Zotz G & Einzmann HJR. 2022. Thigmomorphogenic responses of epiphytic bromeliads to mechanically-induced stress. Plant Ecology 223: 1-11.



Einzmann HJR, Weichgrebe L & Zotz G. 2021. Long‐term community dynamics in vascular epiphytes on Annona glabra along the shoreline of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Journal of Ecology, 109: 1931–1946.‐2745.13618

Tay J, Zotz G, Gorb SN & Einzmann HJR. 2021. Getting a grip on the adhesion mechanism of epiphytic orchids – evidence from histology and Cryo-SEM. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Forest Ecophysiology 4: 764357.

Tay JYL, Zotz G, Puczylowski J & Einzmann H. 2021. Go with the flow: The extent of drag reduction as epiphytic bromeliads reorient in wind. PLoS ONE 16: e0252790.

Zotz G, Hietz P & Einzmann HJR. 2021. Functional ecology of vascular epiphytes. Annual Plant Reviews Online 4: 869-905.



Einzmann HJR, Schickenberg N & Zotz G. 2020. Variation in root morphology of epiphytic orchids along small-scale and large-scale moisture gradients. Acta Botanica Brasilica 34: 66-73.

Mendieta Leiva G, Ramos FN, Elias JPC, Zotz G, Acuña-Tarazona M, Alvim FS, Barbosa DEF, Basílio GA, Batke SP, Benavides AM, Blum CT, Boelter CR, Carmona MJ, Carvalho LP, Rosa-Manzano Edl, Einzmann HJR, Fernández M, Furtado SG, Gasper ALd, Guzmán-Jacob V, Hietz P, Irume MV, Jiménez-López DA, Kessler M, Kreft H, Krömer T, Machado GMO, Martínez-Meléndez N, Martins PLSS, Mello RdM, Mendes AF, Neto LM, Mortara SR, Nardy C, Oliveira RdP, Pereira ACA, Pillaca L, Quaresma AC, Rodríguez Quiel C, Medina ES, Taylor A, Vega MS, Wagner K, Werneck MS, Werner FA, Wolf JHD, Zartman CE, Zuleta D & Jímenez-Alfaro B. 2020. EpIG-DB: A database of vascular epiphyte assemblages. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 518-528.

Zotz G, Leja M, Aguilar-Cruz Y & Einzmann HJR. 2020. How much water is in the tank? An allometric analysis with 205 bromeliad species. Flora 264: 151557.



Einzmann HJR & Zotz G. 2017. Dispersal and establishment of vascular epiphytes in human-modified landscapes. AoB Plants, 9: plx052. doi:

Einzmann HJR & Zotz G. 2017.  "No signs of saturation": long-term dynamics of vascular epiphyte communities in a human-modified landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 1393-1410. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1306-z.



Einzmann HJR, Döcke L & Zotz G. 2016. Epiphytes in human settlements in rural Panama. Plant Ecology & Diversity 9: 277–287.

Einzmann HJR & Zotz G. 2016. How diverse are epiphyte assemblages in plantations and secondary forests in tropical lowlands? Tropical Conservation Science 9: 629-647.

Zotz G, Weichgrebe T, Happatz H & Einzmann HJR. 2016. Measuring the terminal velocity of tiny diaspores. Seed Science Research 26: 222-230.



Einzmann HJR, Beyschlag J, Hofhansl F, Wanek W & Zotz G. 2015. Host tree phenology affects vascular epiphytes at the physiological, demographic and community level. AoB Plants 7: plu073. doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu073



Surina B, Pfanzelt S, Einzmann HJR & Albach DC. 2014. Bridging the Alps and the Middle East: Evolution, phylogeny and systematics of the genus Wulfenia (Plantaginaceae). Taxon 63: 843-858.



Publications without peer-review

Einzmann HJR, Döcke L & Zotz G. 2016. Epiphytes in human-modified landscapes. What's Up? 22: 6-7.

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