Learning unit: The differentiated atomic model


On the following pages you will find a digital learning unit to introduce the differentiated atom model.

There are two versions of the learning unit. One for use in lower secondary school and one for use as a revision unit in upper secondary school. The two versions differ only in a few places or in some building blocks in order to meet the expected performance level of the students of the corresponding grade.

The unit was created by Mark-Tilo Schmitt as part of his doctoral project and is based on the currently valid (01.08.2015) Lower Saxony core curriculum for the subjects of physics, chemistry and biology in grades 5-10 of the Gymnasium.


Dear users,

We would like to point out at this point that the learning unit is still in the development and testing phase.

If you find any errors or have any other suggestions, please let us know.

Chemie-Webmaster (Changed: 02 Aug 2024)  | 
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