Theory of Correct Systems

Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja


A03 202-a (» Adress and map)

Theory of Correct Systems

Welcome to the Theory of Correct Systems group, headed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja. Our webpage is still under construction. More content will appear soon!


  • 24.09.2024: The paper „LogPPL: A Tool for Probabilistic Process Mining” by Martin Kuhn, Joscha Grüger, Christoph Matheja and Andrey Rivkin has been accepted at ICPM 2024.
  • 10.09.2024: Our paper „A Game-Based Semantics for the Probabilistic Intermediate Verification Language HeyVL” has been accepted at AISoLA and will be presented in the track „Verification and Learning for Assured Autonomy”.
  • 09.09.2024: We have an open position for a PhD student, see


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