Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja

Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja


A03 202-a (» Adress and map)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja

Prof. Dr. Christoph Matheja

Department of Computing Science  (» Postal address)

A03 202-a (» Adress and map)

Curriculum vitae

Details are found on my personal webseite.

  • 09/2024: Professor, Theory of Correct Systems group, University of Oldenburg (DE)
  • 09/2023: Associate Professor, Section for Software Systems Engineering, Department for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
  • 08/2021 - 08/2023: Section for Software Systems Engineering, Department for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
  • 03/2020 - 11/2021: PostDoc, Programming Methodology Group, ETH Zürich (CH)
  • 01/2020: Doctorate in Computer Science (summa cum laude), RWTH Aachen (DE)
  • 12/2014 - 03/2020: Research assistant, Software Modeling and Verification Group, RWTH Aachen (DE)
  • 09/2014: Master of Science in Computer Science (with distinction), RWTH Aachen (DE)
  • 09/2012: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, RWTH Aachen (DE)
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