

Ongoing Projects

Process Modeling

This research area includes the development of process models for software development and software evolution, and the adaption of existing process models for specific needs of companies.

Graph Technologies
Graphs and algorithms using graphs as data structure allow the flexible creation, analysis, and storage of information. Main advantage is the high performance of searching within typed graphs which allows the usage of graphs conform to a graph schema in software engineering for lots of purposes. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, and store graphs, graph schemas, and graph algorithms.
Metamodeling and Model Based Engineering
Modeling and Metamodeling allow the graph-based creation, analysis, and storage of information. Model Based Engineering summerizes these and further techniques which use models as first-order objects. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, and store models conform to metamodels among the whole software life cycle.
Software Quality and Testing
The Quality is an important aspect of software and has high impact on the evolution of software and the possibilities of their modernization. Testing is an important technique to improve the quality of software. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to detect, measure, and improve the quality of software among the whole software life cycle.

Past Projects

Smart Modeling

Recent technological advancements have led to an increasingly interconnected world, leading to new, autonomous smart devices and services that permeate everyday life (Internet of Things) and industry (Industry 4.0). This opens up a wide array of opportunities for applications in diverse domains. At the same time, the systems supporting these applications are reaching new levels of complexity, necessitating appropriate engineering methodologies. Model-driven Engineering provides the required foundations for formally rigorous development of software-intensive systems, but is still a long way from realizing its full potential, and the adoption in industry remains limited.

The Smart Modeling project is aimed at providing a thematic framework to facilitate knowledge exchange between computing science research groups at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies in Uzbekistan, as well as industry partners. The project’s workshops act as student and doctoral symposium to promote young researchers, and as discussion forum to identify research and collaboration opportunities based on scientific challenges and concrete industry needs. Major outcomes will be a comprehensive report on the state of the art of model-driven engineering, jointly developed by participating young researchers, and concrete proposals for follow-up collaborative projects to advance Smart Modeling research, improve its coverage in education, and transfer results into practical application.

Logo NEMo: Sustainable Fulfillment of Mobility Needs in Rural Areas

With more than 60% of the german population living in rural areas, where public transport coverage is, in general, declining, diverse mobility needs arise. NEMo is an interdisciplinary, holistic approach towards fulfilling those needs by considering social, demographic, accessibility, legal, economic, and ecological conditions and objectives. IT is seen as key enabler to create a mobility platform software system for the provision and consumation of mobility services.

The software engineering group seeks to research, develop, and apply novel means to bridge the semantic gap between business processes and component-based implementations. The group's Sensei approach, originally conceived as service-oriented, model-driven framework for tool integration, provides the basis, and will be extended and generalized to meet the demands of the NEMo project in particular, and software development beyond tool integration, in general.


Building a Quality-Driven, Generic Tool-Chain for Software Migration | Aufbau einer qualitätsgetriebenen, generischen Werkzeugkette für die Software-Migration.

The Q-MIG project aims at enabling quality monitoring and comparison of a software system in a migration process. Quality comparison between legacy and migrated system enables strategically choosing between migration and redevelopment. Also, analysis of the quality of migrated software against the set of migration tools used helps in choosing an optimum migration toolchain.

Software Engineering for Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency has become more important in recent years. This is shown by the development of engery consumption of information and communication technology (10 % of the german energy consumption in 2007). Futhermore battery development cannot keep up with the ubiquitous and powerful mobile devices. Research on hardware and low level software optimizations has been comprehensively explored. But the research on optimizing energy consumption on application level is still in its infancy. So in this project should be improved Energy Efficiency of applications by using reengineering services, like static and dynamic program analysis, and systematic code transformations.

Logo Software Evolution
Software evolution research is a major focus of the software engineering group, and has been exercised through participation in software migration and software quality projects like SOAMIG and Q-MIG. Tools and techniques of software evolution have also been applied towards achieving energy efficiency in software. Modernizing legacy systems is, due to their size and complexity, only feasible with a high degree of automation. Thus, a major challenge of the field is the provision of integrated tool support. This is addressed by research on software evolution services, and the toolchain-building framework SENSEI.
Logo Software Evolution Services – The SENSEI Approach
Software evolution research is a major focus of the software engineering group, and has been exercised through participation in software migration and software quality projects like SOAMIG and Q-MIG. Tools and techniques of software evolution have also been applied towards achieving energy efficiency in software. Modernizing legacy systems is, due to their size and complexity, only feasible with a high degree of automation. Thus, a major challenge of the field is the provision of integrated tool support. This is addressed by research on software evolution services, and the toolchain-building framework SENSEI.

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