

Current Projects

Logo Data for All

Understanding, processing and utilising relevant data from a wide range of sources has become a central component of digital transformation in both the public and private sector. In this context, gaining insight and developing methodologies towards establishing data-driven services contributes to so-called “data sovereignty”. However, such potentials are far less exploited for municipal and regional authorities than for national and federal administrations or private businesses and industry.


Biologists at Oldenburg University's Botanical Garden are researching ways of cultivating potted plants while conserving resources. Among other things, they cover soil of potted plants with microclover to protect water in the soil from evaporation. Water consumption during the cultivation of potted plants is thus reduced. In order to confirm or disprove the positive water saving effect of microclover soil cover, it is necessary to evaluate effects of this type of soil cover. As it turns out, the evaluation is a great challenge that the Botanical Garden's Biologists, the Software Engineering Department and the Systems Software and Distributed Systems Department are facing with an adaption of the environmental information system Guerilla Sensing.

Agile Frameworks

Agile frameworks are a well-established methodology for software development and other activities. But the Agile Manifesto and frameworks like Scrum leave many tasks and options open for interpretation and implementation. For example, Scrum starts with a filled product backlog, but does not include a process for requirements engineering. The Agile Frameworks project deals with questions and open steps like this.

Multi-viewpoint IoT development

IoT is a multi-aspect domain that encompass heterogeneous technology stack applying hardware, software and network. Moreover, IoT development activities require the participation of various stakeholders that provide expertise in different domains and they have different concerns regarding the system. These concerns may cover different aspects of the IoT system, such as system requirements, interoperability between hardware and software, network aspects, etc. To effectively conduct development activities, stakeholders need a common infrastructure, where they can address their concerns regarding the system from their own viewpoint. Concerns may cover various aspects like requirements, “thing” components, services, etc. As stakeholders work on different aspects of the IoT system, there is a need to ensure the consistency of the elements within the system. Therefore, viewpoints need to be integrated to allow keeping elements synchronized in different views.

This project addresses challenges of describing IoT aspects in the form of viewpoints and integration of viewpoints.

Process Modeling

This research area includes the development of process models for software development and software evolution, and the adaption of existing process models for specific needs of companies.

Graph Technologies
Graphs and algorithms using graphs as data structure allow the flexible creation, analysis, and storage of information. Main advantage is the high performance of searching within typed graphs which allows the usage of graphs conform to a graph schema in software engineering for lots of purposes. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, and store graphs, graph schemas, and graph algorithms.
Requirements and Specification
Requirements are important while the complete lifecycle of a software and of a project. In the beginning, requirements help to concretise the goals of a software, which have to be fulfilled by design and implementation, and validated by test cases. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, check, and (re)use requirements and other specifications.
Metamodeling and Model Based Engineering
Modeling and Metamodeling allow the graph-based creation, analysis, and storage of information. Model Based Engineering summerizes these and further techniques which use models as first-order objects. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, and store models conform to metamodels among the whole software life cycle.
Software Quality and Testing
The Quality is an important aspect of software and has high impact on the evolution of software and the possibilities of their modernization. Testing is an important technique to improve the quality of software. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to detect, measure, and improve the quality of software among the whole software life cycle.


Past Projects

Logo Innovation plus

In der Programmier- und Softwaretechnikausbildung ist neben der Vermittlung theoretischer Grundlagen ein wichtiger Aspekt die praktische Anwendung und Umsetzung der gelernten Konzepte durch die Studierenden. Dabei geht es um Programmierung und Modellierung von einfachen bis zu komplexen Aufgaben als Aspekte der Softwareentwicklung. Primärziel des Projektes ist es, den Studierenden eine Plattform zum Selbststudium bereitzustellen, auf der sie zeitnah Rückmeldungen zu Fehlern und Problemen ihrer Programmier- und Modellierungslösungen erhalten, die aber gleichzeitig durch Automatisierung für bis zu 500 Studierende einer Veranstaltung skaliert. Die Plattform soll sowohl für Einzelarbeit als auch für Team-basierte Entwicklungsmethoden wie Pair-Programming oder kollaborative Modellierung ausgelegt sein.

Time is Fake

„Time is fake“ ist ein Kunstwerk des Oldenburger Künstlers und Kunsttechnikers Michael Olsen aus den Jahren 2016 – 2018, das mit softwaretechnischer Unterstützung der Abteilung Softwaretechnik realisiert wurde und dabei als Beispiel für verteilte und plattformübergreifende Entwicklung dient.

Logo SuMoCoS

The SuMoCoS project (Sustainability and Mobility in the Context of Smart cities) is a travelling conference with project partners in Germany, Uzbekistan and Mongolia.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between all project partners and to further deepen the understanding of the theoretical and practical challenges of Smart City projects in Central Asia. In addition, there will be an exchange of knowledge between the participants with the aim of deepening and promoting cooperation in research and in economic projects.

SuMoCoS Website


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) represent one of the most prominent trends in computer technology, creating a deep integration of hardware and software components. They have evolved in conjunction with Internet of Things (IoT) and various smart approaches, in manufacturing, transportation, health care, buildings, emergency response. As the world has become increasingly inter-related - due to services, mobile devices, Cloud Computing, and wireless networks - CPS have highly proliferated, facing challenges like scalability, composability, and heterogeneity. The aim is to elaborate integrated models that drive cyber-physical systems, and specific modeling languages, for dealing with the level of complexity required in real-world settings.

Smart Modeling

Recent technological advancements have led to an increasingly interconnected world, leading to new, autonomous smart devices and services that permeate everyday life (Internet of Things) and industry (Industry 4.0). This opens up a wide array of opportunities for applications in diverse domains. At the same time, the systems supporting these applications are reaching new levels of complexity, necessitating appropriate engineering methodologies. Model-driven Engineering provides the required foundations for formally rigorous development of software-intensive systems, but is still a long way from realizing its full potential, and the adoption in industry remains limited.

The Smart Modeling project is aimed at providing a thematic framework to facilitate knowledge exchange between computing science research groups at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies in Uzbekistan, as well as industry partners. The project’s workshops act as student and doctoral symposium to promote young researchers, and as discussion forum to identify research and collaboration opportunities based on scientific challenges and concrete industry needs. Major outcomes will be a comprehensive report on the state of the art of model-driven engineering, jointly developed by participating young researchers, and concrete proposals for follow-up collaborative projects to advance Smart Modeling research, improve its coverage in education, and transfer results into practical application.

Logo J@TA

In this cooperation project, TARGIS GmbH and the University of Oldenburg examine approaches to software development and maintenance, including tool support. These approaches are targeted to the concrete requirements of the TARGIS GmbH, and are tested and refined in an application environment.

Logo Harmonisation of the Training in Programming

Programming is one of the fundamental skills any aspiring computer scientist must possess. To assist students in their endeavor, the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg provides several courses on different levels that cover the relevant topics in the field of programming. Goal of the “Harmonisation of the Training in Programming” (HTP) project is to optimize the existing set of courses, to identify and eliminate overlap, to leverage synergies, to incorporate new findings from didactic research, and to re-organize where necessary.

Logo NEMo: Sustainable Fulfillment of Mobility Needs in Rural Areas

With more than 60% of the german population living in rural areas, where public transport coverage is, in general, declining, diverse mobility needs arise. NEMo is an interdisciplinary, holistic approach towards fulfilling those needs by considering social, demographic, accessibility, legal, economic, and ecological conditions and objectives. IT is seen as key enabler to create a mobility platform software system for the provision and consumation of mobility services.

The software engineering group seeks to research, develop, and apply novel means to bridge the semantic gap between business processes and component-based implementations. The group's Sensei approach, originally conceived as service-oriented, model-driven framework for tool integration, provides the basis, and will be extended and generalized to meet the demands of the NEMo project in particular, and software development beyond tool integration, in general.

Software Testing in Cloud Computing

Software Testing in Cloud Computing

Model Consistency ensured by Metamodel Integration (MoConseMI)

In multi-perspective software development, several perspectives exist presenting different views on the developed artefacts. Because some perspectives handle the same data and all the data have relationships between each other, there is a strong need for synchronization of the data between different perspectives. To solve this problem, this project aims at developing and validating a method for integrating the single metamodels of each perspective into one integrated single underlying metamodel (SUMM).

Reference Architecture for Smart Environmental Information Systems

Abstract of this topic

EMIS Subsahara: Software Engineering Workshop

In the EMIS Subsahara project, researchers from the University of Oldenburg collaborate with partner universities in africa in the field of environment information systems. In this context, the Software Engineering Group organizes a workshop containing lectures and exercises for basic software engineering techniques.


In the TOCSE project (Tashkent Oldenburg Cooperation in Software Engineering), researchers from Tashkent University of Information Technology, Uzbekistan are currently visiting researchers in the Software Engineering group at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. The research stay of the guests is funded by a grant according to the decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.


Building a Quality-Driven, Generic Tool-Chain for Software Migration | Aufbau einer qualitätsgetriebenen, generischen Werkzeugkette für die Software-Migration.
The Q-MIG project aims at enabling quality monitoring and comparison of a software system in a migration process. Quality comparison between legacy and migrated system enables strategically choosing between migration and redevelopment. Also, analysis of the quality of migrated software against the set of migration tools used helps in choosing an optimum migration toolchain.


The main goal of the DASIK-Project is to offer intensive courses on several topics of information and communication technologies both for students from academic institutions and for employees from industry.

Logo Exploit Dynamics

The research of ExploIT Dynamics focuses on utilizing and controlling of dynamic systems in which systems should be improved in each step. Thereby, software-intensive systems which have a high rate of changes should be considered. To achieve an improved system, a dynamic system must be observed, analyzed, decided, and actuated.


Fast and correct decisions are very important into the IT sector. To dominate the high number of information and to provide relevant information for members, the project Dynamic IT Supplier Management started as a part of the research project ExpoIT Dynamics . Partner of this project is Volkswagen AG.
The project objective is the evaluation of IT suppliers (hardware, software, services) wherein mobile devices and Business Intelligence are used.

Modeling Deltas

Since large scaled software models typically exist in many revisions, extraction and representation of differences between versions is a crucial issue of model versioning systems. While handling model differences is playing an essential role in evolution of models, there is a need for appropriate techniques to maintain model changes and analyse model histories. This PhD thesis intents to reveal appropriate approaches to versioning software models which is substantial challenge of current MVCS.

Plagiarism Detection
Software Engineering for Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency has become more important in recent years. This is shown by the development of engery consumption of information and communication technology (10 % of the german energy consumption in 2007). Futhermore battery development cannot keep up with the ubiquitous and powerful mobile devices. Research on hardware and low level software optimizations has been comprehensively explored. But the research on optimizing energy consumption on application level is still in its infancy. So in this project should be improved Energy Efficiency of applications by using reengineering services, like static and dynamic program analysis, and systematic code transformations.

Logo Software Evolution
Software evolution research is a major focus of the software engineering group, and has been exercised through participation in software migration and software quality projects like SOAMIG and Q-MIG. Tools and techniques of software evolution have also been applied towards achieving energy efficiency in software. Modernizing legacy systems is, due to their size and complexity, only feasible with a high degree of automation. Thus, a major challenge of the field is the provision of integrated tool support. This is addressed by research on software evolution services, and the toolchain-building framework SENSEI.
Logo Software Evolution Services – The SENSEI Approach
Software evolution research is a major focus of the software engineering group, and has been exercised through participation in software migration and software quality projects like SOAMIG and Q-MIG. Tools and techniques of software evolution have also been applied towards achieving energy efficiency in software. Modernizing legacy systems is, due to their size and complexity, only feasible with a high degree of automation. Thus, a major challenge of the field is the provision of integrated tool support. This is addressed by research on software evolution services, and the toolchain-building framework SENSEI.
Logo Erhöhung des Praxisbezuges in Informatikstudiengängen

funded by Carl von Ossietzky University, School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law by tuition fees (April 2011 - March 2012)

Logo Migration of Legacy Software to Service oriented Architectures (SOAMIG)

funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (April 2009 - March 2011)

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