Study guidance on "Digitalised Energy Systems

Jörg Bremer

Department of Computing Science  (» Postal address)

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9722 736

Study Organisation

Digitalised Energy Systems


The English-language Master's programme "Digitalised Energy Systems" has a standard period of study of four semesters. It comprises modules totalling 120 credit points (ECTS).

The programme is divided into the two areas of

  • Fundamental Competences and
  • Foundations of Digitised Energy Systems.

The Fundamental Competences teach basic competences from the areas of computer science, automation and electrical engineering. The compulsory Fundamental Competences thus form the basis for the modules offered in the Foundations of Digitised Energy Systems area for thematic consolidation in the diverse application areas of energy informatics systems.



Fundamental Competences

Structure of the area "Fundamental Competences"

The area of Fundamental Competences has two pillars:

  • Automation and Electrical Engineering and
  • Computer Science and Energy Informatics.

This division into two parts takes into account the interdisciplinary nature of the degree programme, with which the necessary aspects for the development and analysis of required system intelligence in the energy system are mapped. The courses from both areas are therefore also strongly interlinked in terms of content in order to bring together the practical skills from computer science, electrical engineering and the engineering development of cyber-physical energy systems right from the start.

The study contents in detail are:

Automation and Electrical Engineering


This sub-discipline provides the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the design, operation and management of electrical energy supply systems and their model- and data-based robust control. The focus is on the connection and control of decentralised, regenerative and forecast-uncertain energy plants and systems as well as existing governance structures and mechanisms (rules, institutions and stakeholders of liberalised energy systems). This rather theoretical knowledge is then to be deepened in practical application in an internship.

Modules offered:

  • Module "Power System Components, Networks, Operation" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Research Project Digitalised Energy Systems" (15 ECTS)
  • Module "Digital Technology on Energy Markets"(6 ECTS)

Computer Science and Energy Informatics


This informatics sub-discipline teaches theoretical knowledge and practical skills for modelling, organising and controlling distributed systems, with a focus on information modelling of power engineering systems as well as organising and controlling distributed, networked systems. In addition, in-depth fundamentals of distributed artificial intelligence and/or skills needed to conduct large co-simulation studies are taught. This informatics knowledge must also be deepened in a practical course.

The modules offered are:

  • Module "Fundamentals of Game Theory in Energy Systems" (6 ECTS).
  • Module "Simulation-based Smart Grid Engineering and Assessment" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Optimal and Model-Predictive Control" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Practical Course (Energy Informatics)" (15 ECTS)

Foundations of Digitalised Energy Systems

Structure of the area "Digitalised Energy Systems"

The Foundations of Digitalised Energy Systems area for in-depth study and specialisation according to individual technical or professional interests comprises the three pillars of

  • Digitalised Energy System Automation, Control and Optimisation,
  • Digitalised Energy System Design and Assessment and
  • Innovation Topics and Smart Grids.

The first two sub-areas reflect in particular the different technical system classes with their respective specific design and analysis methods. The sub-area Innovation Topics and Smart Grids reflects the different domain-specific application perspectives and offers students insights into current developments and research topics.

The contents of these three areas are:

Digitalised Energy System Automation, Control and Optimisation


This sub-discipline provides in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the systematic design, implementation and evaluation of information, automation and control systems of networked, large-scale energy systems. The focus is on integrated engineering processes for distributed software systems for operational optimisation (under real-time requirements) of electrical energy systems.

The following modules are offered:

  • Module "Digitalised Energy System Requirements Engineering" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Digitalised Energy System Modelling and Control" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Distributed Operation in Digitised Energy Systems" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Decentralised Nonlinear Model-Based Control in Digitised Energy Systems" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Robust Control and State Estimation in Digitised Energy Systems" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Special Topics in 'Energy Informatics'" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Special Topics in 'Digitalised Energy Systems'" (6 ECTS)


Digitalised Energy System Design and Assessment


This sub-discipline combines modules for the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge and skills for carrying out and evaluating energy system simulations and for teaching design methodologies. In addition to the basics for systematic modelling. Analysis and implementation of cooperation and market mechanisms for decentrally organised energy systems, competences for sustainability assessment of digitalised energy systems are also taught. Theoretical knowledge imparted in the Fundamental Competences, e.g. on statistical experimental design or the evaluation of simulation experiments, is deepened here in practice. The following modules are offered:

  • Module "Digitalised Energy System Co-Simulation" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Uncertainty Modelling for Control in Digitised Energy Systems" (6 ECTS)
  • Module "Learning-Based Control in Digitalised Energy Systems" (6 ECTS)


Innovation Topics and Smart Grids


The aim of this sub-area is to impart theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the use of innovative technologies in the energy industry on the basis of current research and demonstration projects - these include data-driven machine learning methods, multi-agent-based automation and optimisation, cyber-resilience, or the user-centred development of cyber-physical energy systems. This pillar also includes the presentation of results of current research projects as well as the integration of lectures by guest scientists. Through the provision of three module shells, the short-term integration of current research topics or current topics from practice is possible at any time.

In terms of specialisation, students choose two of the following modules (seminars):

  • Module "Digitalised Energy System Cyber-Resilience" (3 ECTS)
  • Module "AI in Energy Systems" (3 ECTS)
  • Module "Socio-technical Energy Systems" (3 ECTS)
  • Module "Current Topic in 'Energy Informatics I'" (3 ECTS)
  • Module "Current Topic in 'Energy Informatics II'" (3 ECTS)
  • Module "Current Topic in 'Digitalised Energy Systems'" (3 ECTS)


Master's thesis module

  • The Master’s thesis module is the final module of the degree programme and consists of the Master's thesis in and a colloquium in which students present their results and discuss them with other students and experts.
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