W. Damm, H. Peter, J. Rakow, and B. Westphal, "Can we build it: formal synthesis of control strategies for cooperative driver assistance systems" Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, vol. 23.
doi: 10.1017/S0960129512000230
@Article{DPW2013, Title = {Can we build it: formal synthesis of control strategies for cooperative driver assistance systems},
Author = {Damm, Werner and Peter, Hans-J\"org and Rakow, Jan and Westphal, Bernd},
Journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
Year = {2013},
Month = {8},
Pages = {676--725},
Volume = {23},
Doi = {10.1017/S0960129512000230},
ISSN = {1469-8072},
Issue = {Special Issue 04},
Numpages = {50},
Url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0960129512000230}
A. Diederich and H. Colonius, "The time window of multisensory integration: Relating reaction times and judgments of temporal order." Psychological review, vol. 122, iss. 2, p. 232.
@Article{DC2015, Title = {The time window of multisensory integration: Relating reaction times and judgments of temporal order.},
Author = {Diederich, Adele and Colonius, Hans},
Journal = {Psychological review},
Year = {2015},
Number = {2},
Pages = {232},
Volume = {122},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Publisher = {American Psychological Association},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
R. Droste, C. von Göns, C. Sobiech, and A. Hahn, "Fachkräfteausbildung für Offshore-Windparks – Sicherheit im Fokus" Technische Sicherheit.
@Article{DvGS+2012, Title = {Fachkräfteausbildung für Offshore-Windparks – Sicherheit im Fokus},
Author = {Droste, Rainer and von G\"ons, Christian and Sobiech, Cilli and Hahn, Axel},
Journal = {Technische Sicherheit},
Year = {2012},
Month = {10},
Note = {Technische Sicherheit Bd. 2 (2012) Nr. 10 Oktober, Seite 20-23},
Pages = {20-23},
__markedentry = {[Manu:1]},
Abstract = {Derzeit gibt es auf europ{\"a}ischer Ebene rund 340 Offshore-Windenergieprojekte mit einer anvisierten Leistung von 126 GW [1]. Davon werden nach Expertensch{\"a}tzungen bis zu 8 000 Anlagen oder 40 GW bis 2020 realisiert. Allerdings lassen sich diese ambitionierten Ziele von der noch recht jungen Offshore-Branche nur durch hochprofessionelles und durchgeplantes Handeln erreichen, da es sich um komplexe und risikoreiche Operationen mit hohen Anforderungen an Mensch und Technik handelt. Voraussichtlich werden 30 000 Fachkr{\"a}fte in den n{\"a}chsten zehn Jahren im Offshore-Sektor ben{\"o}tigt. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie für die Sicherheit von Mitarbeitern und Material ben{\"o}tigtes Prozesswissen über Offshore-Operationen gewonnen, beschrieben, analysiert und im Training zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. Der nieders{\"a}chsische Projektverbund SOOP – Sichere Offshore-Operationen entwickelt hierf{\"u}r simulationsgestützte Planungs- und Risikoans{\"a}tze, die in die Erstellung von Ausbildungsmaterial einfließen.},
ISSN = {2191-0073},
Owner = {rdroste},
Publisher = {Springer-VDI-Verlag},
Timesampt = {2012.12.18},
Timestamp = {2014.01.21}
C. Ellen, S. Gerwinn, and M. Fränzle, "Statistical model checking for stochastic hybrid systems involving nondeterminism over continuous domains" International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
doi: 10.1007/s10009-014-0329-y
@Article{EGF2014, Title = {Statistical model checking for stochastic hybrid systems involving nondeterminism over continuous domains},
Author = {Ellen, Christian and Gerwinn, Sebastian and Fr{\"a}nzle, Martin},
Journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer},
Year = {2014},
Pages = {1-20},
Doi = {10.1007/s10009-014-0329-y},
ISSN = {1433-2779},
Keywords = {Statistical model checking; Stochastic hybrid systems; Non-determinism; SSMT},
Language = {English},
Owner = {cellen},
Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
Timestamp = {2014.08.06},
Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10009-014-0329-y}
J. M. González--Calleros, J. P. Osterloh, R. Feil, and A. Lüdtke, "Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML" Science of Computer Programming Journal, vol. In Press.
doi: 10.1016/j.scico.2013.04.004
@Article{GCOF+2014, Title = {Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML},
Author = {Gonz{\'a}lez--Calleros, Juan Manuel and Osterloh, Jan Patrick and Feil, Rene and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas},
Journal = {Science of Computer Programming Journal},
Year = {2014},
Month = {06},
Volume = {In Press},
Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2013.04.004}
A. Gulberti, P. A. Arndt, and H. Colonius, "Stopping eyes and hands: evidence for non--independence of stop and go processes and for a separation of central and peripheral inhibition" Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 8, p. 61.
@Article{GAC2014, Title = {Stopping eyes and hands: evidence for non--independence of stop and go processes and for a separation of central and peripheral inhibition},
Author = {Gulberti, Alessandro and Arndt, Petra A. and Colonius, Hans},
Journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience},
Year = {2014},
Pages = {61},
Volume = {8},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
A. Hahn, "Test Bed for Safety Assessment of New e-Navigation Systems" International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, vol. 1C.
doi: 10.1016/j.enavi.2014.12.003
@Article{Hah2014, Title = {Test Bed for Safety Assessment of New e-Navigation Systems},
Author = {Hahn, Axel},
Journal = {International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy},
Year = {2014},
Pages = {14--28},
Volume = {1C},
Doi = {10.1016/j.enavi.2014.12.003},
Editor = {Gyei-Kark Park, Wayne Talley},
ISSN = {2405-5352},
Owner = {MWueste-PCWI},
Publisher = {Elsevier},
Timestamp = {2015.01.13}
A. Hahn, A. Lüdtke, and C. Sobiech, "Safe Human Machine Interaction in Bridge Design."
@Article{HLS2013, Title = {Safe Human Machine Interaction in Bridge Design},
Author = {Hahn, Axel and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas and Sobiech, Cilli},
Year = {2013}
F. I. Kandil, A. Diederich, and H. Colonius, "Parameter recovery for the time-window-of-integration (TWIN) model of multisensory integration in focused attention" Journal of vision, vol. 14, iss. 11.
@Article{KDC2014, Title = {Parameter recovery for the time-window-of-integration (TWIN) model of multisensory integration in focused attention},
Author = {Kandil, Farid I and Diederich, Adele and Colonius, Hans},
Journal = {Journal of vision},
Year = {2014},
Number = {11},
Pages = {1-20},
Volume = {14},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Publisher = {Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
J. C. Lenk, A. Lüdtke, A. Puchkovskiy, D. Javaux, G. Vroonen, S. Scotti G. A.and Sievi, C. Haddow, and F. Flentge, "Impact of Improved Ergonomics, Collaboration, and HCI in Ground Operations: The AERG Study at ESOC."
@Article{LLP+2014, Title = {Impact of Improved Ergonomics, Collaboration, and HCI in Ground Operations: The AERG Study at ESOC},
Author = {Lenk, J. C. and L\"udtke, A. and Puchkovskiy, A. and Javaux, D. and Vroonen, G. and Scotti, G. A.and Sievi, S. and Haddow, C. and Flentge, F.},
Year = {2014}
B. Löffler, S. Fudickar, C. S. Herrmann, and A. Hein, "Ein Blick in das Gehirn: Messung und Verbesserung der Fahrleistung älterer Autofahrender mit Hilfe von Neuroimaging und Elektrostimulation" 11. Berliner Werkstatt MMS 2015.
author = {L{\"o}ffler, Birte and Fudickar, Sebastian and Herrmann, Christoph S. and Hein, Andreas},
title = {Ein Blick in das Gehirn: Messung und Verbesserung der Fahrleistung {\"a}lterer Autofahrender mit Hilfe von Neuroimaging und Elektrostimulation},
year = {2015},
journal = {11. Berliner Werkstatt MMS 2015},
abstract = {In diesem Beitrag wird ein Forschungsansatz vorgestellt, der es {\"a}lteren Autofahrern erm{\"o}glichen soll, bis in ein sehr hohes Alter ihre Fahrleistung zu erhalten. Motivation ist die, aufgrund des demografischen Wandels zu erwartende zuk{\"u}nftige hohe Zahl {\"a}lterer Autofahrer. Trotz des erh{\"o}hten Unfallrisikos ist in Deutschland keine regelm{\"a}{\ss}ige {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Fahreignung dieser Gruppe vorgesehen - bem{\"a}ngelt werden von der Zielgruppe und Fachleuten vor allem die fehlende Objektivit{\"a}t der Beurteilung und die assoziierten hohen Kosten Neurotechnik wird auf Forschungsebene bereits im Auto und im Simulator eingesetzt und hat als Methode zur objektiven Fahrerzustandserkennung, auch von {\"A}lteren, Potential. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber Assessment-Strategien der Fahreignung, und beschreibt ein angestrebtes Studiendesign, bei dem die Gehirnaktivit{\"a}ten mit Hilfe von EEG w{\"a}hrend der Fahrt aufgezeichnet und die M{\"o}glichkeit der Verbesserung der Fahrleistung durch Feedback und transkranielle Wechselstromstimulation im Auto erforscht werden soll. Der erste Ansatz und Pilotversuch zu letzterem Aspekt wird kurz vorgestellt.},
A. Lüdtke, F. Tango, M. Hjälmdahl, and B. Peters, "Results on risk-based design and driver modelling from the two european projects: ISi-PADAS and ITERATE" Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, iss. 21.
@Article{LTH+2013, Title = {Results on risk-based design and driver modelling from the two european projects: ISi-PADAS and ITERATE},
Author = {L{\"u}dtke, Andreas and Tango, Fabio and Hj{\"a}lmdahl, Magnus and Peters, Bj{\"o}rn},
Journal = {Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour},
Year = {2013},
Number = {21},
Pages = {267-268}
J. M. Medina, W. Wong, J. A. Díaz, and H. Colonius, "Advances in modern mental chronometry" Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 9, p. 256.
@Article{MWD+2105, Title = {Advances in modern mental chronometry},
Author = {Medina, Jos{\'e} M and Wong, Willy and D{\'\i}az, Jos{\'e} Antonio and Colonius, Hans},
Journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience},
Year = {2015},
Pages = {256},
Volume = {9},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Publisher = {Frontiers},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
C. Mendonça, A. Escher, S. van de Par, and H. Colonius, "Predicting auditory space calibration from recent multisensory experience" Experimental Brain Research.
@Article{MEvdP+2015, Title = {Predicting auditory space calibration from recent multisensory experience},
Author = {Mendon{\c{c}}a, Catarina and Escher, Andreas and van de Par, Steven and Colonius, Hans},
Journal = {Experimental Brain Research},
Year = {2015},
Pages = {1-9},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Publisher = {Springer},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
C. Mendonça, S. van de Par, and H. Colonius, "On recent findings and clarifications regarding the ventriloquist aftereffect." Experimental Brain Research.
@article{MvdPC2015, title = {On recent findings and clarifications regarding the ventriloquist aftereffect.},
author = {Mendon{\c{c}}a, Catarina and van de Par, Steven and Colonius, Hans},
journal = {Experimental Brain Research},
year = {2015}
M. Reinelt, A. Hahn, S. große Austing, and G. J. "CMMI. requirements for analyzing integrated PLM data" Product Lifecycle Management Proceedings of the PLM10 Conference held at the University of Bremen 2010.
@Article{RHgA+2013, Title = {CMMI. requirements for analyzing integrated PLM data},
Author = {Reinelt, M. and Hahn, A. and gro{\ss}e Austing, S. and Geuter. J.},
Journal = {Product Lifecycle Management Proceedings of the PLM10 Conference held at the University of Bremen 2010},
Year = {2013},
Pages = {633-640},
Editor = {Klaus-Dieter Toben; Chris McMahon; Henk Jan Pels; Johannes Lützenberger},
ISBN = {0-907776-55-8},
Owner = {MWueste-PCWI},
Publisher = {Inderscience Enterprises Limited},
Timestamp = {2013.06.26}
R. Steenken, L. Weber, H. Colonius, and A. Diederich, "Designing driver assistance systems with crossmodal signals: multisensory integration rules for saccadic reaction times apply" PloS One, vol. 9, iss. 5, p. 92666.
@Article{SWC+2014, Title = {Designing driver assistance systems with crossmodal signals: multisensory integration rules for saccadic reaction times apply},
Author = {Steenken, Rike and Weber, Lars and Colonius, Hans and Diederich, Adele},
Journal = {PloS One},
Year = {2014},
Number = {5},
Pages = {e92666},
Volume = {9},
Owner = {hanscolonius},
Publisher = {Public Library of Science},
Timestamp = {2015.07.06}
N. Volkening, A. Unni, B. S. Löffler, S. Fudickar, J. W. Rieger, and A. Hein, "Characterizing the In uence of Muscle Characterizing the Influence of Muscle Activity in fNIRS Brain Activation Measurement" 8th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control - AAC 2016.
@article{VUL+2016, title = {Characterizing the In uence of Muscle Characterizing the Influence of Muscle Activity in fNIRS Brain Activation Measurement},
author = {Volkening, Nils and Unni, Anirudh and L{\"o}ffler, Birte Sofie and Fudickar, Sebastian and Rieger, Jochem W. and Hein, Andreas},
journal = {8th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control - AAC 2016},
abstract = {Driving is a complex and cognitively demanding task. It is essential to assess the cognitive state of the driver in order to design cognitive technical systems that can adapt to different driver cognitive states. Our research attempts to assess these states using fNIRS by measuring brain activity in a naturalistic driving scenario. However, the fNIRS brain activation measurements could be influenced by muscle activity and we wanted to investigate this phenomenon. For this, we designed a paradigm with two conditions (listen, teeth clench) which show a significant contrast in the influence of muscle activity. We observed that the muscle hemodynamic response can show a higher magnitude of signal change compared to brain hemodynamic response. The muscle hemodynamic response showed an increase in HBR whereas the brain hemodynamic response showed a decrease in HBR. Moreover, the dynamics of the brain and muscle hemodynamic response differed. The brain response showed the same latency for HBO and HBR while the muscle HBR response had a slower latency compared to HBO. We concluded that the fNIRSbrain activation measurements could indeed be influenced by muscle activity. We were also able to determine some characteristics of the muscle hemodynamic response.},
year = {2016},
B. Wortelen, M. Baumann, and A. Lüdtke, "Dynamic simulation and prediction of drivers’ attention distribution" Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, vol. 21.
@Article{WBL2013, Title = {Dynamic simulation and prediction of drivers’ attention distribution},
Author = {Wortelen, Bertram and Baumann, Martin and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas},
Journal = {Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour},
Year = {2013},
Pages = {278--294},
Volume = {21},
Publisher = {Elsevier}