

Tobias Kaper

 +49 441 798 3712

Nils Brinkmann

 + 49 441 798 3598

RTG 2226 coordination

Sonja Weiz

 +49 441 798 3726

3rd Oldenburg Symposium on Chemical Bond Activation

Welcome to the 3rd Oldenburg Symposium on Chemical Bond Activation!

March 8th, 2021
Opening at 8:50 a.m. CET

The activation of chemical bonds is a highly discussed research topic that carries large economic potential and provides sustainable access to chemical products. The topic connects different disciplines like organic, inorganic, physical and theoretical chemistry as well as industrial and biochemistry. To understand the behavior of such reactions, it is important to consider a wide range of aspects and exchange knowledge with experts on the relevant research fields.

In order to provide a platform for scientific communication and networking, the members of the Research Training Group 2226 invite you to participate in the 3rd Oldenburg Symposium on Chemical Bond Activation.


Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya
Director Department of Interface Science, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Ian Tonks
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (USA)

PD Dr. Andreas Vorholt
Head Multiphase Catalysis Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr (Germany)/Technical University, Dortmund (Germany)

Dr. Alexandr Shafir
Group Leader Synthetic Methodology and New Building Blocks Group, Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain)

Dr. Malte Fischer
Postdoc at Small Molecule Activation Research Group, Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock (Germany) 


Morning Sessions 

Welcome 8:50 Opening
Session 1 9:00 Dr. Alexandr Shafir
  9:45 Julia Strehl
  10:05 Lars Mohrhusen
  10:25 Break
Session 2 10:45 Dr. Andreas Vorholt
  11:30 Prof. Dr. Tim Stauch
  11:50 Jessica Kräuter
  12:10 Break


Afternoon Sessions 

Poster 12:30 Poster Session
Session 3 13:30 Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya
  14:15 Nils Frerichs
  14:35 Dr. Olaf Brummel
  14:55 Break
Session 4 15:15 Dr. Malte Fischer
  16:00 Tobias Kaper
  16:20 Prof. Dr. Ian Tonks


Guidelines for Contributions

Poster guidelines:

The poster session will take place online.

The posters will be presented on a platform by Posterlab, which includes a separate video conference room for each individual poster to enable discussion with the authors. Please upload your Poster until March 5th, 2021. You can find the instructions under Downloads.

Posters should be in English.

Presentation guidelines:

There will be talks by five invited speakers. Furthermore, participants can apply for oral contributions to the symposium.

Talks by invited speakers should be 30 minutes long, with an additional 15 minutes for discussion.
Oral contributions should be 15 minutes long, with an additional 5 minutes for discussion.

All presentations should be held in English.

Abstract guidelines:

Deadline for abstracts is February 26th, 2021.
The abstract deadline has been extended until March 5th, 2021. Please note that due to the high number of submissions, we can now only accept abstracts for posters.

Only Word documents will be accepted, please use the following template.

Participation Fees

Participation in the symposium is free of charge. 

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