
Research Assistant

Anna-Eva Nebowsky M.A.

­­­­­+49 (0)441 798-2812

Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Services
Department of Health Services Research
Division of Ethics in Medicine
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg


Visting address

Campus Haarentor, Building V04 (1-106)
Ammerländer Heerstraße 140 
26129 Oldenburg

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Anna-Eva Nebowsky M.A.

Anna-Eva Nebowsky studied Social Science (B.A.) and Culture and Person (M.A.) in Bochum and Helsinki (2010-2018). Meanwhile, as a student and research assistant at the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), she conducted research on the interaction of married couples in which one person has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (2013-2019). During a research semester at Aalborg Universitet (2016), she worked on individual and collective imagination from a (cultural) psychological perspective. From 2018 to 2021, she was a research assistant at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen (KWI) in the DFG project "Communication and Dementia". In 2020, she was at King's College London for a research stay. From 2021 to 2022, she was the managing director of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Seniorenbüros NRW. Since June 2022, she has been a researcher in the Division of Ethics in Medicine in Oldenburg. In April 2024, she has submitted her doctoral thesis titled "Kommunikative Ko-Konstruktion von Paarbeziehung bei Demenz. Eine ethnografische Studie von Paaren, bei denen eine*r die Diagnose Demenz erhalten hat" at the Institute of Sociology at the Technical University Berlin.

Her research interests lie in particular in critical perspectives on common care concepts, for example in questions of person-status in dementia, in the significance of bodily interaction in advanced illnesses and in ethical aspects of domestic, including triadic care arrangements.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 06/2022 Research assistant in the Division of Ethics in Medicine at the Department for Health Services Research of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in the project "MoDeCare" - Moralische Konflikte in der häuslichen Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz durch eine live-in Hilfe in Deutschland und Israel: Eine komparative-ethische Exploration und Analyse an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Seit 04/2020 Doctoral student at the Technische Universität Berlin
08/2021-07/2022 Managing director of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Seniorenbüros NRW
03/2018-10/2021 Research assistant in the DFG-funded project „Kommuniktion und Demenz” at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen
10/2013-04/2019 Research associate and research assistant at the Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE) Witten
04/2019 Master of Arts – Culture and Person, Ruhr-University of Bochum
05/2014 Bachelor of Arts – Sozial Sciences, Ruhr-University of Bochum

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Research Focus

- Couple relationships, triadic relationships, couple identity

- Dementia and home care and (micro-)interaction.

- Ethnography, participant observation, video interaction analysis


Nebowsky, Anna-Eva (2023). Ethnografie bei Demenz – ein Perspektivwechsel. Person-Sein durch Paar-Sein. In Sonja Teupen, Jonathan Serbser-Koal, Franziska Laporte Uribe, Claudia Dinand & Martina Roes (Eds.), Qualitative Forschung mit Demenz. Beiträge aus dem MethodenForum Witten 2021. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. S. 137-156.

Nebowsky, Anna-Eva & Spiekermann, Nils (2021). Kommunikativer Tod durch Demenz? Wie die Beziehungsidentität Kommunikationsmacht erhält. In Schröer, Norbert, Keysers, Verena, Roslon, Michael & Bidlo, Oliver (Eds.), Warum entfaltet kommunikatives Handeln auch ohne Gewalt und Herrschaft Macht? Die „Kommunikationsmacht“ von Jo Reichertz zur Diskussion. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Keysers, Verena & Nebowsky, Anna-Eva (2020). Über ‚Salutozentrismus‘ und Fallstricke der Deutung ethnographischer Situationen zum Thema Kommunikation und Demenz. In Angelika Poferl et al. (Eds.), Ethnographie der Situation (pp. 455-470). Essen: Oldib-Verlag.

Reichertz, Jo, Keysers, Verena & Nebowsky, Anna-Eva (2020). Einander ein Gerüst geben. Handlungsabstimmung an den Grenzen von Kommunikation. In Jo Reichertz (Eds.), Grenzen der Kommunikation–Kommunikation an den Grenzen (pp. 217-237). Velbrück Wissenschaft.

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