
Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda

+49 (0)441 798-4483

+49 (0)441 798-5824

Consultation Hours Students

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Postal Address

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Services
Department of Health Services Research
Medical Ethics Division
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Visiting Address

Campus Haarentor, Building V04
Ammerländer Heerstraße 140 
26129 Oldenburg

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Further Profiles

Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda

Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda

Mark Schweda heads the Department of Ethics in Medicine at the Department of Health Services Research of Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Sciences at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Prior to this, he was assistant professor at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine of the University Medical Center Göttingen, where he attained the venia legendi. Schweda was a Junior Research Fellow at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg / Göttingen School for Advanced Study (2014-2015) and spent research stays at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society of the University of California, Berkeley (2012), the Department of Philosophy of the San Francisco State University (2011), as well as at the Center for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics at the University of Lancaster (2009). His academic qualification at the Humboldt University at Berlin and the University of Nottingham (UK) included philosophy, German philology and journalism.

Mark Schweda’s research interests include the relevance of modern medicine and technology for individual self-conceptions and concepts of life. A special focus is on questions of aging, the life course, and human temporality in general. Thus, he investigates the influence of new possibilities of medical prediction and prevention on individual life planning, the role of medical treatment and the assistive (information) technologies for a good life in old age, as well as the importance of changing scientific concepts and cultural interpretations of dementia. In his work, he combines ethical reflections with approaches from social research, cultural studies, and political theory in order to include personal perceptions (experiences of affected people, public attitudes), symbolic interpretive patterns (images, metaphors, medial representations) and institutional contexts (legal conditions plus political forms of organization and potentials of participation).

Curriculum Vitae

Since 12/2018 Professor for Ethics in Medicine at the Department for Health Services Research at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
04/2015–11/2018 Research associate at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine of the University Medical Center Göttingen
11/2015 Habilitation at the School of Medicine of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Venia legendi „Ethics, Theory and History of Medicine“)
01/2014–03/2015 Junior Research Fellow for the Ethics of Living at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg Göttingen / Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study
02/2012 Promotion at the Philosophical Faculty I of the Humboldt-University Berlin
01/2006–12/2013 Research associate at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine of the University Medical Center Göttingen

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Research Focus


Editorships (selection)

  • Rimon-Zarfaty, N., & Schweda, M. (2023): Biomedicine and life sciences as a challenge to human temporality. Special Issue History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 45 (1).
  • Wiesemann, C., & Schweda, M. (2023): Medizin und die Zeitstruktur guten Lebens. Themenheft Ethik in der Medizin, 35(1), 1–5.
  • Jordan, W., & Schweda, M. (2021): Ethik in der Psychiatrie – Zur Künstlichen Intelligenz! Psychiatrische Praxis, 48(S 01), S1-S1.
  • Schweda, M., Coors, M., Bozzaro, C. (Hrsg.): Aging and Human Nature: Perspectives from Philosophical, Theological, and Historical Anthropology, Cham: Springer 2020.
  • Duttge, G., Sax, U., Schweda, M., Umbach, N. (Hrsg.): Next-Generation Medicine? Ethische, rechtliche und technologische Aspekte genomischer Hochdurchsatzdaten in der klinischen Praxis, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019.
  • Schweda, M., Pfaller, L., Brauer, K., Adloff, F., Schicktanz, S. (Hrsg.): Planning Later Life. Bioethics and Public Health in Ageing Societies, Abingdon: Routledge 2017.
  • Swinnen, A., Schweda, M. (Hrsg.): Popularizing Dementia: Public Expressions and Representations of Forgetfulness [= Aging Studies VI], Bielefeld: transcript 2015.

Articles (selection)

  • Gerhards, S., Schweda, M., Weßel, M., (2023): Medical students’ perspectives on racism in medicine and healthcare in Germany: Identified problems and learning needs for medical education, in: GMS Journal for Medical Education 40 (2): Doc22.
  • Stange, L., Schweda, M. (2022): Gesundheitliche Vorausverfügungen und die Zeitstruktur guten Lebens, in: Ethik in der Medizin 34, 239-255.
  • Schicktanz, S., Schweda, M. (2021): Aging 4.0? Rethinking the ethical framing of technology-assisted eldercare, in: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3), 1-19.
  • Ellerich-Groppe, N., Pfaller, L., Schweda, M. (2021): Young for old – old for young? Ethical perspectives on intergenerational solidarity and responsibility in public discourses on COVID-19, in: European Journal of Ageing 18 (2), 159-171.
  • Weßel, M., Ellerich-Groppe, N., Schweda, M. (2021): Gender stereotyping of robotic systems in eldercare: An exploratory analysis of ethical problems and possible solutions, in: International Journal of Social Robotics,
  • Beier, K., Schweda, M., Schicktanz, S. (2019): Taking patient involvement seriously: A critical ethical analysis of participatory approaches in data-intensive medical research, in: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 19 (1):90.
  • Pfaller, L., Schweda, M. (2019): Excluded from the good life? An ethical approach to conceptions of active aging, in: Social Inclusion 7 (3), 44-53.
  • Schweda, M., Jongsma, K. (2018): Return to childhood? Against the infantilisation of people with late-onset dementia, in: Bioethics 32 (7), 414-420.

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