Tobias Woldt


Tobias Woldt

Tobias Woldt

Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation Group
Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

Campus Wechloy, building W8

Tobias Woldt

Doctoral researcher


since 2/2020: PhD student at the Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation group (Doctoral supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen)

Project: Understanding magnetic information processing in the migratory bird’s retina with 2-Photon-Calcium-Imaging



10/2016–12/2019 M.Sc. Neuroscience, University of Bremen, Thesis: „Recording from macaque frontal eye fields and secondary visual cortex with single and multicontact electrodes during attention”

10/2012–9/2016  B.Sc. Biology, University of Bremen, Thesis: „Characterization of neural representation of different geometric shapes in macaque monkey primary visual cortex”

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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