Topic: Groundwater composition

Topic: Groundwater composition

Research topic 2: Groundwater composition

The subterranean estuary modulates the composition of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) constituents such as macronutrients (N, P, Si), micronutrients (Fe), and dissolved organic matter (DOM). Due to the mixing of recirculating seawater and fresh groundwater, precipitation/dissolution reactions can occur, and new electron donors (labile marine DOM) are introduced to electron acceptors (Fe oxides, nitrate). We study the biogeochemical reactions occurring at the recharge zone where seawater is introduced into the beach sediment and at discharge sites where groundwater is released to nearshore waters. The heart of the topic is a thorough assembly of physical (temperature, salinity) and chemical (redox-sensitive trace metals, nutrients, DOM) field data throughout the shallow subterranean estuary. These data are collected in unprecedented analytical detail (Fe isotope analyses and ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry analyses of DOM). Our results on SGD composition and modification are fed into research topic 1 (Groundwater flow pattern) to determine SGD constituent fluxes to the coastal water column, and research topic 3 (Groundwater microbiology) to assess the boundary conditions for biotic transformations of SGD constituents.

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