
Summer School completed (Aug 12, 2017)

News release (Aug 2, 2017, Univ. Oldenburg)

Latest update of programme: Aug 1, 2017

Decisions are made and applicants have been informed. Comfirmation from invited persons requested until April 30,2017. (Apr 21, 2017)

Applications are currently under review. (April 3,  2017)

Homepge is online - applications are welcome (Jan 15, 2017).

Important Dates

Deadline for application:
March 31, 2017

Invitations will be sent by mid of April 2017

Deadline for confirmation: April 30,2017

Start of summer school:
July 30, 2017

Fees and Application

Costs and services


The fee is 150 Euro and includes accommodation in multi-bedrooms at ICBM, local transport during the summer school, insurances, and course materials. Details for payment will be given with confirmations of participation.

Travel grants

Travel grants are NOT available. ICBM funds the summer school a.o. by low fees and free accommodation. There is no possibility to apply for additional individual financial support at ICBM, but support will be given for applications to other donors.


We will use a part of the fees to take out health, accident, and third-party liability insurances for participants travelling from abroad for the duration of the summer school (including arrival in Germany). The health insurance is valid for acute diseases only. Participants from Germany receive accident and third-party liability insurances only, and have to take care of heath insurance on their own.  

Catering costs

Catering costs have to be covered by the participants. We expect that breakfast and most dinners are prepared jointly by participants so that costs will be moderate (250-300€ estimated, all inclusive). The ICBM guest house provides a fully equipped kitchen for self-catering.

Lunches have to be organized corresponding to the summer school activities (e.g. self-catering, food delivery service, lunch package, university canteen in Oldenburg). Otherwise restaurants and snack bars are found in the neighbourhood.

We consider the social interaction among participants with different nationalities and diverse schientific and cultural background (also) by self-catering as an important aspect of the summer school


The summer school aims at early career scientists, i.e. advanced (master) students and early stage PhD students, with a background in marine or environmental natural sciences of all disciplines. We aim at a diverse mix of provenances, gender, and of different scientific disciplines, or specialisations.

We do not expect a specialisation in modeling, but a firm background of very basic math is required. Some experience in any programming environment is beneficial.

The application is informal and has to include

  • a CV (1 page) and
  • a motivation letter (1 page) describing the scientific background of the applicant and his/her personal motivation for and expectation from attending the summer school. A firm background of very basic math and good English knowledge must be appropriately addressed in the application.Some experience in any programming environment (e.g. Matlab or R) is beneficial.

The deadline for application is March 31, 2017.

Please, send your application as a single pdf file by e-mail to

The number of participants is limited to 15. A selection will be made by a committee of organisers and lecturers. The successful applicants will be contacted in late March/early April. We expect your confirmation within two weeks. Thereafter, we will invite applicants from a waiting list to fill the remaining places.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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