Evaluation coordinators

Zeichnung eines runden Tisches, um den herum das Team der Internen Evaluation und die Evaluationsbeauftragten der Fakultäten sitzen.

Here you will find an overview of the current evaluation officers of the faculties.

School I

Kay Uphoff

School II

Department for Computing Science

Dr. Dietrich Boles

Department for Business Administration, Economics and Law

Eva Maria Fix

School III

Nicole Griese

Antje Beckmann

School IV

Institute for Theology

Dr. Christian Wetz

Institute of History

Dr. Sarah Neumann

Institute of Philosophy

Dr. Sven Ellmers

Institute of Sport Science

Björn Staas

School V

Sharon Lohse

School VI

Department for Psychology

Dr. Kerstin Bleichner

Office of Academic Affairs - Human Medicine

Michael Ankele

Department for Human Medicine- Molecular Biomedicine

Stephanie Voß

Department for Health Services Research

Dr. Julia Gockel

Internetkoordinator (Changed: 21 Nov 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p38420en
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