UOL's ambassador for the Nelson Mandela University

Karsten Speck

+49 (0)441 798-2174

International Office contact


Jenka Schmidt

+49 (0)441 798-2479

Regional Coordinator NON-EU

Roman Behrens

+49 (0)441 798-4266


Successful writing workshop in Gqeberha with Oldenburg participation

In November, Prof Karsten Speck (Faculty I) and Dr Anne Clausen (R Research and Transfer) could visit Mandela University for a workshop on the topic "How to write successful research funding proposals". During the visit, many projects by young researchers at Mandela University were analysed and discussed. In particular, the workshop aimed to improve the application skills with regard to the precarious contractual situations of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the South African university context in order to enable researchers in early career phases to pursue more independent academic career paths.

DAAD Winter School "Empowering Teachers - Empowering Students"

The Winter School of the DAAD project "Lehramt.International" will also take place in 2024. From 18-22 November, interested students will have the opportunity to attend interactive seminars on the topic of "Empowering Teachers - Empowering Students".



Further Details and Registration

Project extension until 2029: Internationalising teacher education

Providing future teachers with intercultural training for current challenges in the classroom and making their education more international overall - the University of Oldenburg and foreign partners have been working towards this goal since 2019 with a joint project in the "Lehramt.International" programme. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is supporting the project until the end of 2029 with up to 620,000 euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In addition to the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands) and Nelson Mandela University (South Africa), the NHL Stenden Hogeschool in Leeuwarden has been another partner with a focus on teacher training since last year.

Visit in Oldenburg

Prof Judy Peter has been Senior Director of the International Office at Mandela University since July 2024. In September, she visited our campus for the first time with her colleague Dr John Mashayamombe. In addition to various meetings, both guests were welcomed by Prof Ralph Bruder and Prof Katharina Al-Shamery from the Presidential Board. The Head of the International Office, Jenka Schmidt, and Judy Peter were able to use the visit to advance further topics and projects on the roadmap until 2028.

UOL | NMU Boardmeeting 2024

The first (digital) board meeting with both university managements took place on 8 August. President Prof Bruder and his South African counterpart, Prof André Keet, began the meeting by providing information on current developments at both institutions. A comprehensive report on the joint activities illustrated the positive development of the partnership since the cooperation anniversary in 2023. The meeting concluded with an exchange on further funding opportunities and upcoming activities.

Project insight: CERM-ESA

University research that strengthens educational science as a subject and has a direct impact on the education system in East Africa – this is the aim of the CERM-ESA project. The University of Oldenburg conducted an interview with the project coordinator, Dr Malve von Möllendorff, in which Nelson Mandela University is also involved.

Internationalising Teacher Edcuation: Lunch Time Talks 2024

The new edition of the Lunch Time Talks starts on 22 May with an exciting lecture on the question of what makes internationally competent teachers.

It continues with impulses from the didactics of English, a comparative look at the role of self-confidence in teachers and diversity in the training of music teachers. 

Interested parties are cordially invited to log on to

More information on the Lunch Time Talks can be found on the ‚internationalising teacher edcuation’ – project pages.


Winter School for student teachers

This year's winter school of the DAAD project Lehramt.International will take place on three different days in three different countries. Thanks to its hybrid format, many student teachers will be able to participate.

The Winter School addresses diversity in teacher education through the concept of critical competencies, i.e. the ability to understand the dynamics of (re)production of e.g. linguistic, cultural, gender or socio-economic differences in the classroom and beyond. To participate, please register here.

Research Week 2023

From 11 to 15 September, Nelson Mandela University hosted its annual Research Week.  The university welcomed 457 participants and, in addition to 21 exhibition stands, offered an impressive programme with a variety of experts from different academic fields.

The University of Oldenburg was represented by Ilka Carstens and Dr Anne Clausen from the Department. for Research and Technology Transfer. The focus of their participation in Gqeberha was on talks with the different schools on research cooperation and research stays by South African academics, as well as the presentation of funding opportunities for a stay in Oldenburg.

25 Jahre Kooperation Nelson Mandela University / Universität Oldenburg

As Nelson Mandela University and the University of Oldenburg looked back on 25 years of successful collaboration from 26 to 30 June 2023, a delegation from South Africa led by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sibongile Muthwa came to Oldenburg to take part in the celebration.

Further information and impressions can be found here.

(Changed: 03 Dec 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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