

Participants receiving a DAAD grant will stay in the B&B Hotel, which is located near the City and a 10min-walk from the railway station and the central bus station (ZOB). The rooms for participants with a DAAD grant will be reserved by us and are usually shared between two persons.

The B&B Hotel also has a small contingent of rooms (single and double) reserved for the participants of the MCS Summer School. Please make your own reservation with the B&B Hotel until June 15 after you have been accepted as a participant for the Summer School (see Registration). 

Contact Information:

B&B Hotel
Alexanderstraße 1-5
26121 Oldenburg

phone:  +49 441 / 925110
fax: +49 441 / 92511444

Please see below for alternative options. If you have questions regarding your accommodation or you would like to share a room, please contact us.

Arrival and Registration Desk

You should arrive at the hotel until the evening of Sunday, September 2, 2018. Please plan your trip accordingly. Please inform us about your arrival time and, in case you arranged your own accommodation, the hotel where you are staying.
On Sunday evening, a registration desk will be open in the B&B Hotels which will allow the participants to check-in for the Summer School (pick up their course materials, bus ticket, etc.). The exact hours will be communicated to all participants in due time. Participants not staying in the B&B Hotel may go there to check in.

Alternative Hotels

Thank to the internet hotels can be easily found and booked in case you need an alternative to the B&B Hotel suggested above. We would recommend to find a hotel close to the city center of Oldenburg. In the past we have made good experiences with the hotels Hermes and Antares, feel free to check them out. The contacts are:

Hermes Hotel
Ankerstr. 19
26122 Oldenburg
Phone +49 - (0)441 - 77939 0
Fax +49 - (0)441 - 77939 99
Online Reservation

Antares Hotel
Staugraben 8
26122 Oldenburg
Phone +49 - (0)441 - 9225 0
Fax +49 - (0)441 - 9225 100
Online Reservation

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