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Carl von Ossietzky University
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Acoustics Group
26111 Oldenburg


Carl von Ossietzky University
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Acoustics Group
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

Event plan

Winter semester 2024/2025

Date / Place Speaker Theme Host
07.01.2025 Prof. Nils Strodthoff (UOL) AI4Health - Interpretable and explainable learning algorithms Simon Doclo

Speakers in previous semesters

Summer semester 2024

Date / Place Speaker Theme Host
4:15 p.m.
Nessy 33/34
Dr. Ning Ma (University of Sheffield) Unsupervised uncertainty measures of automatic speech recognition for non-intrusive speech intelligibility prediction Bernd Meyer
09.04.2024 Martin Berdau,
Julia Thomas
(UOL & Fraunhofer IDMT)

Measuring continuous listening effort (and speech intelligibiity) in dynamic acoustic scenes /
Fatigue, speech-on-speech masking and voice filtering/p>

Jan Rennies /
Thomas Brand
10:15 a.m.
Nessy 33/34
Judith Holler  (Donders Institute at Radboud University and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL) Using and comprehending language in face-to-face interaction Volker Hohmann
07.05.2024 David Ackermann (TU Berlin) Dynamische Schallquellen für die virtuelle akustische Realität: Beschreibung, Implementierung und Bewertung Kai Siedenburg
Nessy 33/34
Dr. Gal Itzhak (Technion, Israel) On the Design of Differential Kronecker Product Beamformers Simon Doclo
Nessy 33/34
Julien Richard (Institut franco-allemand de recherches de Saint-Louis) Improvement of bone conduction microphone quality and intelligibility Simon Doclo

Winter semester 2023-2024

Date / Place Speaker Theme Host


23.8.2023 Nessy 33/34 Prof. Peter Svensson (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces Stephan Ewert

29.09.2023 W15 1-146

Prof. Christian Lorenzi (Ecole normale supérieure, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres, Paris, France.) Extending human auditory ecology to the perception of natural soundscapes by humans

Stephan Ewert

28.11.2023 Prof. Romain Serizel (Université de Lorraine / INRIA, France) Deep-learning-based speech enhancement and acoustic event detection  Simon Doclo
29.11.2023 Dr. Antoine Deleforge (Université de Lorraine / INRIA, France) Sound source localization and acoustic room parameter estimation Simon Doclo
19.12.2023 Doz. Dr. Piotr Majdak (Östenreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Modeling auditory spatial processing for realistic binaural virtual acoustics Matthias Blau
16.1.2024 at 17:00 Jonathan Gößwein (Fraunhofer HSA) Optimisation of hearing devices (self-)adjustment utilizing model based and psychophysical experiments Birger Kollmeier
23.1.2024 Julius Richter / Bunlong Lay (Universität Hamburg) Diffusion models for speech enhancement Jörn Anemüller

Summer semester 2023

Date / Place Speaker Theme Host

W2 1-148

Erik Witte (Örebro University, Sweden) Fundamental Aspects of the Situated Phoneme (SiP) Test - Lexical Control, Masking Method, Test Score Modelling, and Significance Testing Thomas Brand
18.4.2023 W2-1-148 Ragini Sinha (Fraunhofer HSA Oldenburg) Alleviating speech-on-speech masking by informed speaker separation – Instrumental and experimental evaluations Jan Rennies-Hochmuth

25.4.2023 on-line

(starting at 15:15)

James Kates (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) tba Thomas Biberger
2.5.2023 W2-1-148 Jürgen Peissig (Leibniz Univ.,  Hannover) tba Michael Vorländer
16.5.2023 W2-1-148 Valeska Slomianka (DTU Denmark) Motion behavior in virtual reality Giso Grimm
23.5.2023 W2-1-148 Nori Jacobi (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt) Extending the possibilities of auditory psychophysics with massive online experiments Mathias Dietz

30.5.2023 Online

Jeremy Marozeau (DTU Denmark) Restoring Music Perception in Cochlear Implant Listeners with Good Vibrations Kai Siedenburg
6.6.2023 W2-1-148 Rezah Varzadeh (UOL) A Two-stage CNN with Feature Reduction for Speech-aware Binaural DOA Estimation Volker Hohmann
4.7.2023 W2-1-148 Abigail Anne Kressner (DTU Denmark) Translating spatial hearing assessments to the clinic Anna Warzybok-Oetjen

Winter semester 2022-2023

Date / Place Speaker Theme Host Status

W2 1-148

Lauren Hadley
(University of Nottingham)
Hearing in a social context  Giso Grimm Confirmed
W2 1-148
Volker Hohmann 
(University of Oldenburg)
Low-delay periodicity analysis and synthesis Steven van de Par Confirmed
W2 1-148
Peyman Goli 
(University of Oldenburg)

Joint speech detection and localization for hearing aids using deep-learning methods

Steven van de Par Confirmed



Michael Richter (Liverpool John Moores University) Psychophysiological correlates of listening effort: Markers, outcomes, or concomitants? Kirsten Wagener Confirmed
9.11.2022 Wednesday 10:15 W30-033/034 Lėo Varnet & Christian Lorenzi (Ecole normale supérieure, Université PSL) Using reverse correlation to study speech perception & Auditory perception of natural soundscapes Steven van de Par & Stephan Ewert Confirmed


W2 1-148

Jakob Drefs (University of Oldenburg) Evolutionary Variational Optimization for Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning Jörg Lücke Confirmed

15:00             W30-033/034

Antje Wulff
(University of Oldenburg)
Big Data in der Medizin Mathias Dietz Confirmed


W2 1-148

Nick Wulbusch (University of Oldenburg) Numerical parameter estimation in ear canal acoustics Matthias Blau Confirmed
10.1.2022 Annika Neidhardt (TU Ilmenau) Realization and evaluation of audio for Mixed Reality environments - An overview of the current activities in Ilmenau Manan Lamba Confirmed



Lauri Savioja (Aalto University) Room acoustic modeling and where is it going? Stephan Ewert Confirmed
23.1.2023 monday 14:15
Nicola Prodi
(Universita degli studi di Ferrara)
tba Bernhard Seeber Confirmed


W2 1-148

Bernd Meyer & Jana Roßbach (UOL) Prediction of speech intelligibility in binaural scenes based on deep learning Steven van de Par Confirmed

Summer semester 2022

Date Speaker Theme Host Status


Virginia Best (Boston University) Speech-on-speech masking  Jan Rennies Confirmed
10.5.2022 Alejandro Osses (ENS Paris) Perceptual similarity between piano notes: Simulations with a template-based perception model Stephan Ewert Confirmed
17.5.2022 Birger Kollemeier (Uni Oldenburg)

Speech intelligibility prediction with hybrid auditory model- and ML-based methods: The best of two worlds?

Mathias Dietz Confirmed


Janina Fels (RWTH Aachen) Bringing the real life into the lab: Experiments on auditory selective attention using virtual environments Volker Hohmann Confirmed
12.07.2022 Kai Siedenburg (Uni Oldenburg) A unitary model of auditory frequency change detection Mathias Dietz Confirmed
19.07.20200 Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda (University of Salamanca) Modeling temporal information encoding in the healthy and synaptopathic auditory nerve Birger Kollmeier Confirmed


Summer semester 2021

Date Speaker Theme Host Status


Tobias Goehring (Cambridge University)

tba Mathias Dietz Confirmed


Monday! Starting at 16:00

Sebastian Stober,  Andreas Krug (Uni Magdeburg) Visualizing deep neural networks for speech recognition  Jörn Anemüller Confirmed
4.5.2021 Ilia A. Solov'yov (UOL) Computational microscope for biophysical applications Birger Kollmeier Confirmed


starting at 12:15

Woon-Seng Gan (NTU, Singapore) Augmented Reality for Headphones/Hearables Simon Doclo Confirmed
18.5.2021 Fabian Brinkmann & Stefan Weinzierl (TU Berling) HRTF individualization based on anthropometric features Matthias Blau Confirmed
25.05.2021 Jens Kreitewolf (McGill University) How listeners use acoustic voice features in cocktail-party listening and person-identity perception Kai Siedenburg Confirmed
1.06.2021 Ali Fallah (UOL) Audio reproduction in non-optimal acoustical environments Steven van de Par Confirmed
15.6.2021 Lorenzo Picinali (Imperial College London) System-to-user and user-to-system adaptation in binaural spatialisation Volker Hohmann Confirmed
7.7.2021 Peter Svensson (NTNU) tba Stephan Ewert / Bernhard Seeber Confirmed


Winter semester 2020-2021

Date Speaker Theme Host Status


Thomas Brand & Jan Rennies & Co (UOL & Fraunhofer HSA) Data and models about binaural aspects of intelligibility and listening effort Mathias Dietz Confirmed


Mathieu Lavandier (ENTPE, Univ. Lyon) About hearing impairment and individual variability in modelling binaural speech intelligibility (preliminary) Thomas Brand Confirmed


Christian Lorenzi (ENS Paris)

Internal noise in auditory modulation detection Stephan Ewert Confirmed
24.11.2020 Marc-Rene Schädler (UOL) Development and applications of a virtual listener in (virtual) complex acoustic scenes Marc-Rene Schädler Confirmed
8.12.2020 Stefan Stenfelt (Linköping University, Sweden) Modelling of bone conduction hearing Birger Kollemeier Confirmed
15.12.2020 Christian Keine (UOL) Presynaptic Cytoskeleton Dynamics Impact Signal Transmission at an Central Auditory Synapse Birger Kollemeier  
22.12.2020   t.b.a. Project A5  
12.1.2020 Leslie Bernstein (University of Connecticut) Binaural processing deficits among listeners with no more than "slight" hearing loss: Empirical data and modeling Dietz & van de Par Confirmed
19.1.2021 Jon Barker (University of Sheffield) Clarity Challenge - Machine learning Challenges for Hearing Devices Hohmann Confirmed
26.1.2021 Reza Varzandeh (UOL) Speech-Aware DOA Estimation Using CNNs Hohmann Confirmed
  Steven van de Par (UOL) Glimpse Formation Based on Local Feature Contrasts and Spectro-temporal Context Hohmann Confirmed
2.2.2021 Ning Ma (University of Sheffield) Binaural sound localisation algorithms Simon Doclo Confirmed


Wintersemester 2019-2020

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status

23.10.2019 (14:30 in Nessy)

Uwe Letens  (Daimler AG) Practical  experience with psychoacoustics in automotive engineering Arne Oetjen Confirmed


Neil Mansfield (Nottingham Trent University) Dynamics of vehicles for the vulnerable Steven van de Par Confirmed


(In Nessy)

Marcos Cantu (UOL) Sound source segregation of multiple concurrent talkes via Short-Time Target Cancellation (STTC) Volker Hohmann Confirmed


(12:00 in Nessy)

Dorte Hammershoj (University of Aalborg) The significance of individual vs. non-individual binaural recording and reproduction in the age of smartphones and wearables Birger Kollmeier Confirmed
10.12.2019 Norman Sieroka (Uni Bremen) Philosophie der Zeit Stefan Uppenkamp Confirmed
17.12.2019 Werner Hemmert (TU München) Electric stimulation of auditory nerve fibers: Modelling and Measurements Mathias Dietz Confirmed
14.1.2020 (17:30 in Nessy) Björn Schuller (Imperial College London) Companion Health Intelligence Birger Kollmeier Confirmed
21.01.2020 Tahereh Afghah (UC San Diego & Max Planck Inst. for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt)  The evaluation of rhythm and pitch perception correlation with the sound source location in horizontal plane in a cocktail party scenario Volker Hohmann Confirmed
28.01.2020 Volker Hohmann (UOL) Open Solutions for the (pre-)development and evaluation of hearing devices Steven van de Par Confirmed


Sommersemester 2019

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status


Lukas Drude  (Uni Paderborn) DNN-based source separation Simon Doclo Confirmed



Michael Vorländer (RWTH Aachen) t.b.a. Birger Kollmeier Confirmed



Stefan Zirn (Hochschule Offenburg) Lokalisationsfähigkeit bimodaler CI-/HG-Träger Volker Hohmann Confirmed


Wintersemester 2018-2019

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status


Andrea Schenk (Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS, Bremen) Medical image computing for liver interventions Birger Kollmeier Confirmed



Laura Hartog (Uni Oldenburg)

W30 0-003

Spectral and binaural loudness summation of equally loud narrowband signals in
unilateral and bilateral CI users
Birger Kollmeier Confirmed
23.10.2018       Open
30.10.2018 Adriana Fernandez Lopez (UPF Barcelona)

Optimizing Phoneme-to-Viseme Mapping for Continuous Lip-Reading in Spanish

Volker Hohmann Confirmed
4.12.2018 Sebastian Ausili (Donders Institute Nijmegen) Binaural Hearing with Electrical Stimulation Mathias Dietz Confirmed
29.1.2019 Martha Shiell (Maastricht University) Investigation of spatial stream segregation with 7T fMRI Mathias Dietz Confirmed
25.2.2019 Elisabetta Chicca (Bielefeld University) Physical models for neuromorphic computing Jörg Lücke Confirmed


Sommersemester 2018

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status




Arne Leijon (KTH Stockholm)

Estimation of Mutual Information for Intelligibility and Confusion-Matrix Analysis Tim Jürgens Confirmed




Deborah Vickers (UCL Ear Institute) W30-1-122 Assessing brain plasticity post cochlear implant activation using the Auditory Change Complex Hongmei Hu Confirmed




Andrew R. Dykstra (Western University, London, Ontario) Electrophysiological markers of auditory conscious perception under informational masking Volker Hohmann Confirmed




Tobias Overath (Duke University) Acoustic and linguistic processing of speech-specific temporal structure Birger Kollmeier Confirmed


Wintersemester 2017/2018

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status      
21.11.2017 Marc Rene Schädler (Uni Oldenburg) Speech processing and perception modelling Marc Rene Schädler confirmed      
28.11.2017 Andrew Dykstra (Department of Neurology Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) Identifying physiological markers of conscious audition: Progress, problems, and potential applications Volker Hohmann confirmed      
5.12.2017 Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku University) Auditory space perception as multimodal information processing - the effect of listener's motion on sound localization Volker Hohmann confirmed      
23.1.2018 Johannes Zaar (DTU) Predicting effects of noise and hearing-instrument processing on consonant perception Bernd Meyer confirmed      

Sommersemester 2017

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status            
9.5.2017       Reserved      
16.5.2017 Christine Evers
(Imperial College)
Simultaneous source localisation and mapping Simon Doclo Confirmed      
30.5.2017 Marcel van der Heijden
(Erasmus University Rotterdam
Cochlear micromechanics: new results from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Steven van de Par Confirmed      
6.6.2017 Volker Hohmann
(Universität Oldenburg)
Periodicity processing revisited Steven van de Par Confirmed      
13.6.2017 Tim Jürgens
(Universität Oldenburg)
Speech intelligibility in SSD and bimodal cochlear implant users – Measurements and Modelling Steven van de Par Confirmed      
4.7.2017 Ernst Dalhoff
(Universität Tübingen)
Gepulste Distorsionsprodukt-otoakustische Emissionen. Generation, Genauigkeit, Einfluss der olivocochleären Efferenzen. Manfred Mauermann Confirmed      
7.9.2017 (16:00, Nessy) Hartmut Meister
(Universität Köln)
Assessment of audiovisual speech recognition in cochlear implant recipients- why and how? Thomas Brand Confirmed      

Wintersemester 2016/2017

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status      
1.11.2016 Owen Brimijoin
The perception of moving signals by moving listeners Volker Hohmann confirmed      
8.11.2016 Ulrich Eysholdt
(Uni Oldenburg)
Environmental noise and its effects on humans Steven van de Par confirmed      
15.11.2016 Andreas Radeloff
(Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oldenburg)
Schnittstellen zwischen Hörforschung und HNO-Klinik: Wie klinische Anwendung von der Forschung profitiert Birger Kollmeier confirmed      
22.11.2016 Kai Siedenburg
(Uni Oldenburg)
Perspectives on short-term memory for musical timbre Simon Doclo confirmed      
29.11.2016       free      
6.12.2016 Matthias Blau
(Jade Hochschule)
Active sound field control for sound reproduction in open ear canals Steven van de Par confirmed      
13.12.2016 Jörn Anemüller
(Uni Oldenburg)
Scalable individual binaural hearing aid Matthias Blau confirmed      
22.12.2016 Niko Moritz
PhD Defense
Thursday 10:00 in KAS!!!
  Birger Kollmeier Confirmed      
10.1.2017       free      
17.1.2017 Stephan Ewert
(Uni Oldenburg)
Models for auditory perception, audio quality and speech intelligibility Jörn Anemüller confirmed      
24.1.2017 Volker Hohmann
(Uni Oldenburg)
Individualized hearing systems Stephan Ewert confirmed      
31.1.2017 Birger Kollmeier
(Uni Oldenburg)
Hearing4all^2 Volker Hohmann confirmed      

Sommersemester 2016

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status      
05.04.2016 Mathias Dietz
(London, CAN)
Binaural hearing with Cochlear Implants   bestätigt      
26.04.2016 Leontien Geven
(Groningen, NL)
Tinitus: from cortex to cochlea Ulrich Eysholdt bestätigt      
03.05.2016 Viacheslav Vasilkov
(Uni Oldenburg
- Team Verhulst)
Auditory Brainstem modeling:
From the single unit ITD sensitivity
to the population responses
Sarah Verhulst bestätigt      
17.05.2016 Anna Warzybok and Melanie Zokoll-van der Laan
(Uni Oldenburg)
Speech Intelligibility tests - multicenter studies, models,
and technical evaluation of dereverberation algorithms
Thomas Brand bestätigt      
24.05.2016 Volker Hohmann
(Uni Oldenburg)
Acoustics research at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan   bestätigt      
07.06.2016 Ryan Chungeun Kim
(TU Eindhoven, NL)
Investigation into head movements in various listening activities and its application to a binaural signal capture system Volker Hohmann bestätigt      
14.06.2016 Travis Monk
(Uni Oldenburg
Machine Learning)
Bayes rule and neural membrane potentials Jörg Lücke bestätigt      
21.06.2016 Jaques Grange
(Univ. of Cardiff, UK)
Realising head-shadow benefits
to cochlear implant users and
reliable electrical-hearing simulations
Tim Jürgens bestätigt      
28.06.2016       canceled      
05.07.2016 Bernard Seeber
(TU München, D)
Surviving in an acoustic world with reflections Birger Kollmeier bestätigt      

Wintersemester 2015/2016

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status      
27.10.2015 Inga Holube
(Jade Hochschule)
From epidemiology to audiology and other senses Tom Brandt bestätigt      
24.11.2015 Tim Jürgens,
Ben Williges

(Uni Oldenburg)
Virtual bimodal CI listener Department bestätigt      
08.12.2015     Thomas Brand angefragt      
12.01.2015 Volker Hohmann
(Uni Oldenburg)
Auditory Scene Analysis of spatial speech-noise conditions Department bestätigt      
19.01.2015 Organisational Meeting of PIs Planning the next summer term of the Department Colloquium Steven van de Par        
26.01.2015 Stefan Uppenkamp
(Uni Oldenburg)
Two new big machines in NeSSy Department bestätigt      

Sommersemester 2015

Datum ReferentIn Thema EinladendeR Status      
28.04.2015 Simon King
(Edinburgh, UK)
HMM and DNN based speech synthesis Volker Hohmann bestätigt      
12.05.2015 Kang-Hun Ahn
(Chungnam, South Korea)
Information theoretical approach to hearing aids Sarah Verhulst bestätigt      
19.05.2015 Jon Barker
(University of Sheffield)
Understanding speech in noise: The CHiME and INSPIRE challenges Bernd Meyer bestätigt      
02.06.2015 Huy Phan
(Uni Lübeck)
Acoustic Event Detection with Random Regression Forests Jörn Anemüller bestätigt      
09.06.2015 Dirk Lorenz   Timo Gerkmann bestätigt      
30.06.2015 Zhenwen Dai
(University of Sheffield)
Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning with Latent Variable Models Jörk Lücke bestätigt      
07.07.2015 Achim Müller-Deile
(Uni Kiel)
Elektrisch evozierte Summenaktionspotentiale in der CI-Versorgung Tim Jürgens bestätigt      
14.07.2015 Rainer Röhrig   Volker Hohmann bestätigt

Frühere Semester


 WiSe 2014-2015


  Datum     ReferentIn   Thema Einladender   Status

Jens Haueisen   (TU Ilmenau)

MEG Birger Kollmeier bestätigt
25.11.2014 Axel Plinge

(TU Dortmund)

Multi-Speaker Tracking by using a

Microphone Array and CASA Processing

Simon Doclo bestätigt


Do, 14:15


Travis Monk

(Otago, New Zealand)

The Origin of Inference Jörg Lücke bestätigt
02.12.2014 Sebastian Gergen (RU Bochum) Classification of reverberant audio signals using clustered ad hoc distributed microphones Simon Doclo reserviert
27.01.2015 Amy Beeston (Sheffield) Compensation for reverberation using auditory models Tim Jürgens bestätigt




SoSe 2014

  Datum   ReferentIn   Thema  Einladender    Status
13.05.2014 Heiner von Boetticher Beschreibung, Erfassung und Analyse der Dosisdeposition von Röntgenstrahlung in der Medizin zur Optimierung und zur Risikoabschätzung Björn Poppe Bestätigt
27.05.2014 Timo Gerkmann Overview Speech Processing group   Bestätigt
17.06.2014 Noam Shabtai (RWTH Aachen) Applications of Spherical Microphone Arrays: Binaural Beamforming and Acoustic Radiation Patterns Simon Doclo Bestätigt
01.07.2014 Jos Eggermont Effects of noise trauma and environmental noise on the auditory cortex: just a matter of time? Georg Klump Bestätigt
08.07.2014 Ben Williges Spatial Release from Masking using bimodal hearing configurations Master Thesis  
22.07.2014   Spatial Release from Masking using bimodal hearing configurations    


 WiSe 2013-2014


  Datum     ReferentIn   Thema Einladender   Status
29.10.2013 Peter Derleth (Phonak)   Birger Kollmeier Bestätigt
05.11.2013 Steven van de Par Overview Acoustics Group   Bestätigt
12.11.2013 Künzel  Automatische forensische Sprecher-Erkennung Jörg Bitzer Bestätigt
26.11.2013 Meng Guo (Oticon) Feedback cancellation in hearing aids Simon Doclo Bestätigt
03.12.2013 M. Costa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) Signal processing for hearing aids Volker Hohmann Bestätigt
10.12.2013 Tim Jürgens Group overview   Bestätigt
17.12.2013 Sarah Verhulst Group overview   Bestätigt
14.01.2014 Volker Hohmann Group overview   Bestätigt
21.01.2014 Tim Jürgens     Angefragt
28.01.2014 R. Koning (KU Leuven) Speech enhancement for cochlear implants Simon Doclo Bestätigt



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