Travel Grant for Interspeech 2016

Travel grants to Interspeech 2016 awarded to members of Medical Physics

The International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) has awarded 61 travel grants to students and young scientists to attend this year’s Interspeech in San Francisco on September 8-12, 2016.

Among the awardees are two members of the Medical physics group:

  • Angel Castro Martinez, for his paper “Why do ASR systems despite neural nets still depend on robust features” (co-authored with Marc-René Schädler)
  • Anja Eichenauer, for her paper “Introduction temporal rate coding for speech in cochlear implants: A microscopic evaluation in humans and models” (co-authored with Mathias Dietz, Bernd Meyer and Tim Jürgens)

Interspeech is a prestigious annual conference organized by the ISCA, resulting from a fusion of two previous biennial international conferences, the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH) and the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP). Since 2000, both conferences have been under the common label Interspeech.

This year’s Interspeech, held in the Hyatt Regency San Francisco hotel in San Francisco, California, focuses on the understanding of speech processing in humans and machines and emphasises an interdisciplinary approach covering all aspects of speech science and technology. In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, the conference also features plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, special sessions, show & tell sessions, and exhibits, including a number of satellite events taking place immediately before and after the conference.


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