Lothar Cremer Prize for Anna Warzybok

Lothar Cremer Prize for Anna Warzybok

This year's Lothar Cremer Prize of the German Society for Acoustics (DEGA) goes to Dr. rer. nat. Anna Warzybok. She receives the prize for young scientists for her innovative and groundbreaking work on audiological acoustics and international language test development.

Anna Warzybok is a member of the cluster of excellence "Hearing4All" and has been running her own junior group since 2017. Her group deals with multilingual model-based rehabilitative audiology and is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) with 500,000 euros in project funds.

The awarding of the Lothar Cremer Prize takes place at the annual conference of the German Society for Acoustics (DAGA). This year's award ceremony took place on 20 March at the TU Munich.

The prize, endowed with 2,000 euros, is named after Lothar Cremer (1905-1990), one of the leading scientists in the field of technical acoustics.


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