Promotionsprogramm „Migrationsgesellschaftliche Grenzformationen“


Application Deadline June 15, 2018

Acceptance notification via E-mail: until June 30, 2018

Deadline for application for a travel allowance (if the application for the summer school was accepted): July 07, 2018

Acceptance notification (travel allowance): July 15, 2018


Please send your application (pdf) to:



PhD-students are invited to apply with the following documents:

  • A letter of motivation indicating the following aspects:
    • Why would you like to participate in the Summer School? Please include both academic and personal considerations.
    • How is the Summer School’s topic relevant to your current research projects?
  • Abstract on doctoral thesis

Travel funding

On condition that the conference organizers are successful in securing sufficient funding, PhD students whose proposals have been accepted may apply for a travel allowance up to 300,00 Euro per person to cover parts of their travel costs. The travel allowance is supposed to allow PhD students who do not have appropriate funding opportunities by their home institutions or other third parties to participate in the summer school. A written confirmation that no other (or only very limited) funding for travel is available has to be included in the application.

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