CCU Members Björn Koch and Master student Sebastian Tiemann win international research grant

November 6th, 2018
The International Round Table on Critical Materials (IRTC) has awarded two research grants for papers on criticality, with focus on topics such as the definition of criticality, its application and broader implications for the economy and global development, as well as technical aspects of criticality measurement.
Congratulations to Joana Kotnis (TU Delft/University of Leiden) for winning with a research project on the Recycling opportunities of Cobalt in De Hague, and Björn Koch and Sebastian Tiemann (University of Oldenburg) with a proposal on Raw Materials Indices! Björn Koch had the possibilty to present the research proposal live in Tokyo at the IRTC just prior to the Ecobalance Conference.
Matthias presents at the PLM2018 and the ISL2018: PLM-contribution among the TOP3!

August 7th, 2018
In July, Matthias presented excerpts from his dissertation at the International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM2018) in Turin (Italy) and at the International Symposium on Logistics 2017 (ISL2017) in Nusa Dua (Indonesia).
His contribution to PLM, entitled "Sustainability of Cascading Product Lifecycles: The Need for Adaptive Management to End-of-Life Supply Chains", addresses the complexity at the end of the product lifecycle and how product lifecycle management can respond to it. In this article, Matthias presented a new case study on global used car supply chains of independent actors. This paper, written with Alexandra Pehlken, Thorsten Wüst (WVU) and Steven B. Young (UWaterloo), was one of the TOP3 contributions to the conference!
With his contribution to the ISL entitled "Open-Loop Supply Chains: Overcoming Shortages and Sustainability Issues in Remanufacturing", he provided an overview of the methodology and the research results from his cumulative dissertation on "Open-Loop Supply Chains in Circular Marketing Systems ". The paper has been published in the proceedings of the conference.
Head of CCU Alexandra Pehlken honored by FONA as "Head of the Future"
June 18th, 2018
The BMBF program FONA "Research for Sustainable Development" honors some researchers as "Head of the Future" and Head of Cascade Alexandra Pehlken is part of it. We are very happy to have our work recognized.
More information on the FONA website:
www.fona.de/de/aktuelles/koepfe-der-zukunft/aus-alt-mach-neu.php (German only)
Cascade Use and Premiere of RAUPE at IARC 2018
May 3rd, 2018
Vienna, March 22, 2018: The topic of electric mobility is having a major impact –not only on the automotive industry, but on the automotive recycling industry, too. This fact was made abundantly clear at the International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2018 in Vienna last week. During excellent networking Cascade Use leader presented the CCU product RAUPE (Recycling of Automotive Units and Parts Evaluator) for the first time ever to public audience. RAUPE delivers decision support for used car parts. It supports car owners with finding cheap AND reliable car parts on the one hand and on the other hand car dismantlers directly to decide whether the part is further reused or rather recycled. RAUPE is still in development but will be launched officially in the end of 2018.
Press media of the IARC can be found on the ICM official website:
Alexandra Pehlken's prensentation can be downloaded here:
Decision Making in Car Dismantling and Recycling (PDF, 2.0MB)
Fotos are provided by the ICM AG.FurtherFotos are available on the ICM website:
Fernando Peñaherrera presented at the SusCriMat Winter School

January 29th, 2018
The SusCriMat Winter School took place 15 to 19 of January 2018 in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Experts from private companies and research centers discussed aspects of sustainable critical raw materials with participants of different European universities. Fernando Peñaherrera, research scientist at CCU and doctoral candidate at the University, participated in this Winter School. He performed a presentation on the content of Indium on the LCD of a Mobile Phone, with further discussions on the material content, and models were developed for strategy analysis.
The SusCriMat Winter School was organized by EIT Raw materials.
CCU presented results in WRF workshop on Strategic Raw Materials and Sustainable Development in Geneve 2017
January 2nd, 2018
At the World Resource Forum 2017, ESM hosted in collaboration with EIT Raw Materials and the Sustainable Energy Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) a workshop on Critical Raw Materials, Resource Classification, and Sustainable Development Goals.
The session took place on October 24 and covered crucial aspects of Strategic Raw Materials management, their integration into classification frameworks, their potential for a circular economy, and their role in Sustainable Development. Speakers included experts in criticality assessment, resource classification, resource recovery, and sustainable management of Strategic Raw Materials.
Please see full information on the ESM website for access to all presentations.
See also the official press release including a summary of the workshop and further acitivities.