
Research Group
"Cascade Use"

Dr. Alexandra Pehlken (group leader)

+49 (0)441 798-4796

A5-1-114 (campus plan)


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Research Group Cascade Use
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg


New open access article of CCU

Our former colleague Rikka Wittstock published her recent paper with CCU leader Alexandra Pehlken and Prof. Michael Wark in the mdpi Journal " Recycling. The articles discusses challenges in automotive fuel cells recycling.

An abstract and the full open access article can be found here:

Fernando Penaherrera as new member in CCU

We are pleased to welcome our new staff member in CCU: Fernando Penaherrera. Fernando is going to coordinate the new project TEMPRO - Total Energy Management for professional data centers. More infos will follow according the project.

Fernando has his master degree of the PPRE study program at Oldenburg University and was born in Ecuador. He received his bachelor in mechancial engineering in Quito.  More information on Fernando's CV here.

Welcome to CCU , Fernando.

Study programme PPRE "Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energies" was awarded with the prestigious price "Ars Legendi"

The prize is one of the most prestigious prizes for education in Germany. It is awarded by the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) and the Stifterverband. This year the best approach to diversity related teaching and learning was awarded.

Three teams proposed PPRE to the HRK for this prize:

  1. Current PPRE students, represented by Mónica and Luis
  2. External PPRE students, represented by Annika (current architecture student at Jade Hochschule) and Eseoghene (current EUREC student)
  3. PPRE Alumni, represented by Bertha (PPRE batch 1992/1993) and by Indradip (PPRE batch 2003/2004).

Prof. Carsten Agert and Dr. Tanja Behrendt submitted an explanatory statement as representatives of the PPRE team, Prof. Andreas Engel supported the application in his capacity as the dean of study affairs of the School of Mathematics and Science. Hans Holtorf coordinated all the inputs and finally on July 13th 2016 a set of documents was submitted to HRK by Prof. Engel. On Monday, September 26th 2016 Prof. Agert was informed that we were selected to be the winners of this prize.

Thanks to all persons who contributed to this application and special thanks to all the people involved to make this programme such a top level project – the alumni, the staff, the students, the teachers (in alphabetical order!) and many others such as DAAD!

CCU leader Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Pehlken and Prof. Dr. Michael Wark (Technical Chemistry, Oldenburg University) are lecturing the courses Biomass Energy I and II in the PPRE Curriculum.

Further information:

General Information on PPRE:

Matthias presents at CYCLE2016

Matthias attended CYCLE2016 in Montreal last week where he had an oral presentation on the relevance of Open Loop Supply Chains for more sustainable Life Cycle Management. In addition, he presented a poster on the importance of End-Of-Life Stakeholders for improved Life Cycle Management and barriers such as copyright. Both contributions were co-authored by Steven B. Young from the Universtiy of Waterloo, Ontario. Matthias collaborates with Steven through an IPID4all scholarship.

The department “WiRe” financially supported the conference participation.

CCU in Serbia

Besides hosting the ISWA World Congress 2016 (International Solid Waste Association, in Novi Sad the Serbian Recreew Partner invited all ReCreew members for the next project meeting in Novi Sad.

Therefore, CCU member Clayton Burger had the possibility to present his work on "Adapting ERP requirements to identify and classify waste-related software from software listings" to the ISWA participants. The link to the poster can be found here.

In addition Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Pehlken and Clayton Burger were involved in a recreew workshop including a world cafe open for all ISWA participants. Finally there was a closed session for Recreew members to discuss further working progress.

Matthias was granted scholarship of IPID4ALL

Group member Matthias Kalverkamp was granted a scholarship through the IPID4ALL Program (funded by DAAD) to work closer with our Canadian partner at the University of Waterloo, namely Prof. Steven Young. Both are going to present their common research interests at the “CYCLE 2016” (5th edition of the International Forum on the Life Cycle Management of Products and Services) conference.
The platform presentation “Why LCM should consider Open-Loop Supply Chains for better resource conservation: The case of Cambio Volante in Chile” discusses the supply chains on the basis of the used car market. Case study investigates retrofitting from right to left steering.
The poster presentation “CSR and digital copyright: Why life cycle management should embrace stakeholders at the EOL” highlights the copyright within waste management in context of corporate social responsibility.
The cooperation with Steven Young (University of Waterloo) is an ongoing cooperation since the early beginning of the Cascade Use research group. We are grateful for the additional funding from IPID4ALL and the Faculty II of Oldenburg University.

CCU participates in summer networking of OLEC

The energy cluster of Oldenburg (OLEC) has invited his members for a summer networking with the topic "E-mobility north west". Besides some short lectures around mobility concepts everyone was invited to testdrive an electirc car and a pedelec. CCU group leader Alexandra Pehlken was one of the first to test drive the STROMER pedelec.

Further information (in German only) can be accessed here.

New CCU Publication available on Scrap tire Re-use

Matthias Kalverkamp and Alexandra Pehlken published an uptodate Paper on "Support for Improved Scrap Tire Re-use and Recycling Decisions".

This paper explores the challenges of decisions which must be made in waste management regarding their complexity in terms of factors influencing them from different domains. These include the economic, ecological, legal and social domains. The objective of this paper is to develop improved decision-making about the treatment of end-of-life of tires (scrap tires) by taking into account a multi-dimensional perspective instead of one single focus, e.g. only environmental indicators. It is argued that such decisions are too complex to be fully understood by a single decision maker since no-one knows all the facts. The paper proposes to develop a new software tool to support a decision making process, which will lower transaction costs and find a better balance between economic and ecological drivers for decisions to be made about waste management in general and for scrap tires in particular. This paper contributes to the debate on Life Cycle Assessment and on market drivers. The focus of this paper is the cascade use of scrap tires and their conversion into new products.

Available on Springer as book chapter:

2nd Meeting EU project ReCreew in Porto

The location for the second ReCreew project meeting of all country representatives was Porto in April 2016 and was hosted by FEUP, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. During two days all working groups presented their deliverables and young researchers were invited to present their short term missions. Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Pehlken, as German delegate in ReCreew is leading the WG 1. Further information on ReCreew can be found here:

Heinz Neumüller Stiftung awards scholarship to Matthias Kalverkamp

The Heinz Neumüller Foundation regularly awards scholarships to PhD Students from the University of Oldenburg. The foundation awarded Matthias with one of their four scholarships of 2016. We are pleased about the recognition of his achievements and the appreciation of his doctoral research topic.

For the according newspaper article of the scholarship award ceremony (in German), please click here.


Prof. Jinsheng Xiao visits Cascade Use

Prof. Jinsheng Xiao was giving a guest lecture on "Potential Market and Strategies for part reuse and material recovery of new energy vehicles in China" at Oldenburg University.

Prof. Jinsheng Xiao is a Professor at the School of Automotive Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology in China.

This visit was made possible through the IPID4ALL program, The IPID4all programme is promoted by the DAAD and funded by the BMBF, coordinated by PRRE at Oldenburg University:

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