Modellstudiengang Humanmedizin
Modellstudiengang Humanmedizin

The model degree programme in Human Medicine pursues innovative approaches in the training of medical students and already realises many important goals of the Master Plan 2020 and the National Competence-Based Catalogue of Learning Objectives 2.0, such as competence-oriented training, patient-centredness, doctor-patient communication, vertical and horizontal integration, teaching scientific practice, strengthening general medicine and interprofessional teaching. At the same time, the aim is to promote European co-operation in medical education through the co-operation with Groningen.
Contact persons & contact points for students
Contact persons and contact points for students, as of 20 November 2023
Dean of Studies | |
Prof Dr Karsten Witt | |
Dr Kirsten Gehlhar | |
Miriam Krenke | |
Dr Kirsten Gehlhar Carolin König Anne Dehlfing | |
BAföG representative | Prof. Dr Karsten Witt (please enquire via the examination coordinator) |
PD Dr Veysel Ödemis | |
Study programme | |
Anne Dehlfing (Head of Teaching Coordination) Sonja Gellermann Vincent Hoeber Sonja Weiz Aline Behr | |
Jana Deppermann | |
Examinations | |
Carolin König (Head of Examination Coordination) Dr Markus Jerominek Anna Thümler (currently not on duty) Andreas Satzke Debbie Bunjes | |
Melanie Peters Anne Johannes | |
Clinical Training Centre | |
Dr Katrin Wüstenbecker (Medical Coordination) Vivien Laukat Ulf Goerges (simulation person programme) | |
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General medicine | |
Renate Kettmann | |
Astrid Megnet Dr Berenike Thomalla | |
Specialist coordination | |
Dr Cornelia Hinz | |
Sebastian Spanknebel | |
Dr Nader El-Sourani | |
Contact persons at the hospitals | |
Sabine Gronewold | |
Sebastian Spanknebel | |
Oldenburg Clinic | Anne Depping |
Evaluation | |
Evaluation and quality assurance in the | Michael Ankele |
Further contacts School VI | |
n.n. | |
Website of the student body medicine | |
Further counselling services of the university | |
Student Service Centre (SSC), among others:
| |
conTakt advice centre for questions about sexualised discrimination and violence | |