
NWLK 2020/2021 – Organising committee

Marina Frank

(0441) 798-3346

Andreas Hiemstra

(0441) 798-2045

Marina Rohloff

(0441) 798-4109

NWLK 2020/2021

The 13. Northwestern German Linguistic Colloquium (NWLK) will be held on 12 November 2021.

Welcome to the Website of the 13th Northwestern German Linguistic Colloquium!

The Northwestern German Linguistic Colloquium (NWLK) is the public forum of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der sprachwissenschaftlichen Forschung im Nordwesten (GFsFNW) and is organised annually by either the University of Bremen or the University of Oldenburg.

The aim of this colloquium is to present and to discuss the linguistic research that takes place in northwestern Germany, specifically in the Oldenburg/Bremen area, and to make this research accessible to a wider scientific public – also in the form of corresponding publications.


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