Bachelor and Master theses
Dept. of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Signal Processing Division
D-26111 Oldenburg
Tel: +49-441-798 5470
Fax: +49-441-798 3902
Bachelor and Master theses
Possible topics
Hörtechnik und Audiologie - Engineering Physics - Physik, Technik und Medizin
- Speech enhancement and source separation based on deep neural networks
- Multi-microphone noise reduction and dereverberation in acoustic sensor networks
- Speech enhancement in hearables using in-ear and bone conduction microphones
- Binaural noise reduction and cue preservation in hearing aids
- Binaural source localization and mapping (SLAM)
- Active noise control in headphones and hearables
- Wind noise reduction
- Near-end listening enhancement
In addition to the listed topics, also other topics in the area of acoustical or biomedical signal processing are possible. In case you're interested in a BSc/MSc thesis or a student research (HiWi) job, please contact Prof. Simon Doclo.
Current Bachelor/Master theses
Year | Students | Topic |
Finished Master theses
Year | Students | Topic |
2023 | Tammo Sander (H&A) | Entwicklung und Evaluation von Lokalisationsalgorithmen für Sirenensignale in realen Anwendungsszenarien |
2023 | Mitul Gopani (EP) | Autonomous AirTaxi Ground Station Tool in Virtual Reality (VR) Integrating 3D Radar Simulation and Visualization |
2023 | Martin Berdau (H&A) | Entwicklung und Evaluation neuronaler Netze mit geringer Komplexität zur personenbezogenen Sprachaktivitätsdetektion |
2023 | Veranika Boukun (EP) | Extension and Evaluation of a Semi-supervised Variational Autoencoder for Binaural Direction of Arrival Estimation |
2023 | Johannes Rüsing (H&A) | Blind MIMO Dereverberation using Switching Filters for Dynamic Acoustic Scenarios |
2022 | Lina Kramer (EP) | Development of an algorithm for real-time acoustic stimulation of slow neuronal oscillations during deep sleep |
2021 | Mattes Ohlenbusch (H&A) | Informed single- and multi-microphone algorithms for speech communication exploiting an in-ear microphone |
2021 | Wiebke Middelberg (EP) | GSC-based Noise and Interference Reduction for binaural hearing aids exploiting external microphones |
2021 | Klaus Brümann (EP) | Blind Geometry Estimation of a Distributed Microphone Array Using Reverberant Speech |
2020 | Franz Kunze (Physik) | Combined feedback cancellation and acoustical transparency for a multi-microphone earpiece |
2020 | Robert Liebchen (H&A) | Grey-box modeling of loudspeaker nonlinearities to improve acoustic echo cancellation algorithms |
2020 | Henri Gode (EP) | MIMO Convolutional Beamforming for Joint Dereverberation and Denoising |
2020 | Marc Kreuzhage (H&A) | Active Noise Control for hearing devices using Delta-Sigma modulation and low-latency digital filter techniques |
2019 | Christian Dachmann (H&A) | Evaluation von Quellentrennungs-Algorithmen zur Sprachverständlichkeitsverbesserung von Rundfunk-Signalen |
2019 | Max Zimmermann (H&A) | Optimisation of single-channel DNN-based speech enhancement |
2019 | Daniel Fejgin (EP) | Semi-Automatic Magnetic Map Creation For Indoor Localization |
2018 | Arne Pusch (H&A) | Vorverarbeitung und Störgeräuschreduzierung von Sprache für die Wiedergabe in verhallter und geräuschhafter Umgebung |
2018 | Marie-Anne Lacroix | Binaural source localization for hearing aids incorporating an external microphone signal |
2018 | Marvin Tammen (EP) | Extension and Evaluation of Multichannel Diffuse Power Spectral Density Estimators |
2018 | Jonas Klug (H&A) | Development and Evaluation of Weighted Partial Noise Preservation Algorithms for Binaural Hearing Aids |
2018 | Javier Deza Sorribas (H&A) | Evaluating Feedback Cancellation using a Null-Steering Beamformer for Public Address Systems |
2017 | Sven Wilksen (H&A) | Analysis and evaluation of multichannel frequency-domain acoustic echo cancellation algorithms |
2015 | David Hülsmeier (EP) | Extension and Validation of Near-End Listening Enhancement Algorithms for Hearing-Impaired Listeners |
2014 | Andreas Volgenandt (H&A) | Analysis of multichannel noise reduction algorithms for spatially distributed microphones and sources |
2012 | Henning Schepker (H&A) | Development and evaluation of near-end listening enhancement algorithms |
2012 | Christian Geldmann (Physik) | Feinregistrierung von Aufnahmen aus Rasterkraft- und Rasterelektronenmikroskop |
2012 | Christian Bartsch (H&A) | Sensor Localization in Acoustic Sensor Networks |
2012 | Sven Franz (H&A) | Analysis of human and algorithmic ability to estimate relative speaker orientation |
2012 | Marco Ruhland (H&A) | Reduction of Gaussian, Supergaussian and Impulsive Noise by Processing of the Binary Masking Residual |
2011 | Stephan Gerlach (H&A) | Analysis of joint pitch and position estimation for simultaneous speakers |
2011 | Christian Huisinga (Physik) | Ein Modell zur Ausbreitung von Funkwellen in Gebäuden und die Integration in TOSSIM |
2010 | Ina Kodrasi | Sensor position optimization for superdirective beamforming |
2009 | Kenneth De Noel, Mathias Vercruysse | Active noise reduction for cars |
2007 | Bram Cornelis, Karen Vanderloock | Blind source separation and localisation of multiple speakers |
2006 | Salih Gunaydin, Stein Heselmans | Real-time implementation of multi-microphone noise reduction techniques in hearing aids |
2006 | Jann Beckers, Lode Vandevenne | Binaural signal processing for hearing aids: Compression |
2003 | Steven Van Hoef | Multi-Microphone Source Localisation and Noise Reduction Techniques for Speech Applications |
2001 | Patrick Vandewalle | Speech dereverberation techniques for voice-controlled systems |
2000 | Dimitri Warnez | Detection algorithms for echo and noise suppression applications |
1999 | Ann Spriet, Koen Vanbleu | Speech enhancement using iterative Wiener filtering techniques |
1999 | Ruben Geeroms | DSP implementation of spectral subtraction techniques for speech enhancement |
Finished Bachelor theses
Year | Students | Topic |
2021 | Arthur Menezes (EP) | Hierarchical Novelty Detection in Visual Object Recognition with Capsule Networks |
2021 | Veranika Boukun (EP) | DNN-based MVDR beamforming for multi-microphone speech enhancement |
2021 | Gustavo Machado Coelho (EP) | Performance comparison of a multilayer perceptron and a network based on gated recurrent units in the prediction of temperatures of wind turbine components during normal operation |
2021 | Malin Barg (PTM) | Auditory Adaptation of Brightness Perception using Morphed Impulse Responses from Hearables |
2020 | Haneul Lee (EP) | Content provider quality evaluation based on traffic incident data |
2019 | Lukas Driller (EP) | Movement detection on point cloud based data sets from LiDAR systems |
2019 | Wiebke Middelberg (EP) | Combination of RTF Vector Estimates in Acoustic Sensor Networks |
2019 | Marius Walz (EP) | Binaural source localization using feedforward neural networks |
2018 | Klaus Brümann (EP) | Single-Channel Noise Reduction using Speech-Distortion Weighted Inter-Frame Wiener Filters |
2018 | Kira Schlockermann (EP) | Betrachtung von magnetorheologischen Fluiden in robotischen Anwendungsfeldern |
2017 | Lukas Büsing (Physik) | Time-frequency sparsity in speech dereverberation |
2016 | Jannis Krumland (Physik) | Adaptive Rückkopplungsunterdrückung in Hörgeräten |
2015 | Markus Meister (EP) | Entwicklung einer Arduino-Plattform zur Ansteuerung eines mobilen Roboters |
2014 | Jakob Drefs (EP) | Weiterentwicklung und Evaluation eines Algorithmus zur SII-basierten Sprachverständlichkeitsverbesserung in störgeräuschbehafteter Umgebung |