Technical reports
W. Damm, M. Fränzle, W. Hagemann, P. Kröger, A. Rakow: Justification Based Reasoning in Dynamic Conflict Resolution, 2019
Supplementary material
W. Damm, M. Fränzle, W. Hagemann, P. Kröger, A. Rakow: Justification Based Reasoning in Dynamic Conflict Resolution, Technical Report, 2019
S. Puch: Statistisches Model Checking mittels geführter Simulation im Kontext modellbasierter Entwicklung sicherheitskritischer Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Dissertation, to be submitted
S. Puch, M. Fränzle, und S. Gerwinn: Quantitative Risk Assessment of Safety-critical Systems via Guided Simulation for Rare Events, ISoLA 2018
S. Puch, B. Wortelen, M. Fränzle, und T. Peikenkamp: Evaluation of Drivers Interaction with Assistant Systems using Criticality Driven Guided Simulation, HCII 2013
S. Puch, B. Wortelen, M. Fränzle, und T. Peikenkamp: Using Guided Simulation to Improve a Model-Based Design Process of Complex Human Machine Systems, ESM 2012
- hysat-0.8.6.gz (2009-12-20) - statically linked binary for Linux.
Please note that this version of HySAT is not based on Linear Programming, but on interval constraint propagation. - (2019-12-20) - statically linked binary for Windows.
- hysat-user-guide.pdf (2009-12-20)
Sample input files
Bounded Model Checking
- bouncing_ball_euler.hys
- henzinger_railroad_crossing.hys
- renault_clio.hys
- tomlin_aircraft_roundabout_maneuver.hys
- minigolf.hys
- freezer.hys
- etcs_train_system.hys
- water_level_monitor.hys
- temperature_control_system.hys
The successor tool of HySAT, iSAT, is available via the websites of the SFB/TR 14 AVACS project and can be downloaded here.
The tool iSAT3 is a reimplementation of the SMT-solver iSAT. iSAT3 is available via the websites of the SFB/TR 14 AVACS project and can be downloaded here.