Cloud Forward



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez


Secretary Julia Franke

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 78

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 72 

A4 - 3rd floor

All Contact Details

Cloud Forward

Call for Papers

The CF2015 conference is a scientific forum supported by the European Commission under the framework of the HOLA Cloud project, featuring a number of core research topics in the area of distributed computing (through the Distributed and CLOUD computing track), as well as new technologies beyond CLOUDs, requirements and future goals (through the COMPLETE computing track), while special emphasis will also be on open-source approaches (through the Open-source track).

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Track “Distributed and CLOUD computing

  • Modelling approaches and programming models
  • Model-based service engineering
  • Performance prediction and analysis
  • Data mobility and interoperability
  • Choreography and orchestration of services
  • Service management techniques
  • Big data management and analytics
  • Placement and scheduling approaches
  • Energy-efficient design and management
  • High availability in virtualized environments
  • Quality assurance and optimization
  • Data privacy and protection

Track “Towards COMPLETE computing

  • Experiences of utilising products from CLOUD computing research efforts
  • Problems encountered in utilising CLOUD computing
  • Requirements of ICT systems beyond CLOUD computing
  • Innovative solutions beyond CLOUD computing

Track “Open source in CLOUD and COMPLETE computing

  • Architecture and design of open source software
  • Open source software in cloud-based applications
  • Interoperability and portability of open source software
  • Scalability and performance of open source software
  • Metrics for open source software
  • Open source software quality, testing, verification and coding conventions
  • Open source practices and methods

Best Papers Awards

A “Best Paper Award” will be conferred to the author(s) of a paper presented at the conference, selected by the International Program Committee based on the best combined marks of paper reviewing and the paper presentation quality.

A “Best Joint Paper Award” will be conferred to the author(s) of a paper presented at the conference that focuses on evaluation / comparison / integration / interoperability of research approaches developed in the framework of different projects / efforts.


Conference proceedings will be published by Elsevier Science in the Open-access Procedia Computer Science series ( Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (, and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus ( The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. All accepted papers will also be indexed in DBLP (

Paper submissions should be formatted according to the Elsevier Procedia Computer Science series proceedings (guidelines are available at: and they should not exceed 10 pages including figures and references.

In addition the conference provides opportunities for posters and demonstrations. Proposals (including title, short abstract and contact information) should be submitted on the same schedule as the papers.

Each paper / poster must be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by at least three experts in the relevant field ensuring the publication of only top quality contributions. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors should register and present orally the paper in the conference. Failure to do so shall lead to exclusion of the paper for the current year proceedings.

For additional information / clarifications please contact the conference chairs:

Important Dates

Paper submission: 28.06.2015

Author notification: 02.08.2015

Camera ready: 23.08.2015

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