Guest Stay

Guest Stay

Guest Stay

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Universidad Católica Redemptoris Máter UNICA, Nicaragua


Francisco Herrera is working at Universidad Catolica UNICA en Nicaragua as Director of the International Relation Office, this office is in charge of all the process about internationalization. At this moment UNICA has different initiatives in order to promote the international programs and take advantage all the opportunities to study abroad.

Francisco Herrera will stay in Oldenburg for one month working as academic staff mobility in the Department of Computing Science Business Informatics (Very Large Business Applications) to learn about the international projects and make academic relations among Oldenburg University and Universidad Catolica.

This opportunity aims to enhance the quality of higher education and promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through mobility and academic cooperation based on Erasmus Mundus programe.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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