Brief description of subprojects

Brief description of subprojects

Brief description of subprojects

Selected Projects

"From Student to Founder - Investigating the Propensity of South African Students to Start Up"

The aim is to investigate the founding interest of students of different disciplines at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). A survey already conducted in Germany is to be transferred to South Africa and conducted locally.

"Identification of measures for CO2 reduction in townships"

The aim is to investigate CO2 emissions in townships and develop a catalogue of measures to reduce emissions. This does not involve infrastructure measures, but rather micro-projects that can be carried out with little effort, even by the inhabitants of the townships themselves or with the support of development aid organisations.

"Development of application scenarios for the use of mobile radio technologies to improve the educational situation in townships"

Mobile phone technology is surprisingly widespread in the townships of South Africa. The aim is to develop scenarios, with the involvement of the township inhabitants, that show how this technology can be used for education and training. To achieve this, surveys and innovation workshops are to be conducted.

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