Founding Members

Prof. Dr. Helga Brandes (Literary Studies)

Dr. Luise Berthe-Corti (Biology / Geo- and Environmental Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Ilse Dröge-Modelmog (Sociology)

Prof. Dr. Karen Ellwanger (Material Culture)

Prof. Dr. Heide von Felden (Educational Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Karin Flaake (Sociology)

Prof. Dr. Heike Fleßner (Educational Sciences) obituary

Prof. Dr. Freia Hoffmann (Music Educational Sciences)

Dr. Sylvia Jahnke-Klein (School Educational Sciences)

Research assistant Ute Jeß-Desaever (Sociology)

Prof. Dr. Astrid Kaiser (Educational Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Hanna Kiper (School Educational Sciences)

Dr. Karin Kurpjoweit (Educational Science)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nitsch (Philosophy of Science and Didactics of Science)

Dipl. Päd. Dipl. Soz. Detlef Pech (Primary Educational Sciences / primary level General Studies)

Dr. Ingo Scheller (Communications and Aesthetics)

Prof. Dr. Irene Pieper-Seier (Mathematics)

Dr. Lydia Potts (Political Sciences / Migration Research)

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Sobiech (Sociology)

Prof. Dr. Silke Wenk (Art and Visual Culture)

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